Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

If you change to an old doctor, if you are questioning the content of the original medical book, not the emperor, but an ordinary person, the old scholar must jump up and fight with each other. After all, in the eyes of traditional doctors, the medical book records are the truth.

However, today is the question of the emperor today, nor is it an old scholar, a traditional doctor who is brainwashed by modern medicine, Nalanchu, the situation is different.

Not to mention the ridicule of the master, that Nalanchu himself felt ridiculous, but the master wanted to listen, she had to continue to talk.

"The New Compendium of Materia Medica said that when the famous doctor Chen Shiduo visited the river bank and saw the owner of the passenger ship coughing for a long time, he asked the cause. The passenger ship owner replied that he moored on the river bank, a hurricane rose at night, and a shower hit the hot back Since then, the cough has not stopped. Every cough, the more it coughs, the more itchy in the chest, until the cough is painful, and it spit out a burst of blood. Chen Shiduo thinks it is cold and rainy, and there are insects in the lungs. The owner of the passenger ship did not believe it and coughed again. Chen Shiduo asked him to drink Wumei Tang, and his symptoms were relieved. Chen Shiduo also said that Wumei Tang treats the symptoms but not the root cause, it is only used to check whether there is a worm. The worm will lurk when it is sour. If you drink wumei soup and analgesic, it will indicate a worm. Passenger ship The host believed that. "

"Hahahaha!" Ye Liuli smiled and closed her eyes together. "It's funny! It's funny, that bug is afraid of acid? Is it afraid of acid? Is it afraid of acid? Even if the bug is afraid of acid, what you drink goes down the esophagus to the stomach. Does n’t penetrate into the lungs? Is it possible that we can eat something to run into the lungs? If that ’s not the case, the lung stones will not run. Besides, there is stomach acid in the human stomach, and its composition is similar to hydrochloric acid. Others Digestive fluids are also acidic. If parasites are afraid of acid, how can they lay eggs from the human body? The future is worrying! "

Magnolia and other people twitched at the corners of their mouths-you are enough, master, what kind of bugs are not disgusting enough, are you worried about bugs?

Nalan Chu keenly sensed the knowledge and immediately asked with interest, "Master, do those bugs need to run out of the human body?"

Ye Liuli nodded, "Yes, the insects in the human body can be called parasites. Both plants and living things have a process of growth and reproduction. It is difficult for the parasites in the human body to reproduce in the human body. Leaving the human body through various ways. However, in order to leave the human body, in addition to directly breaking through the skin, you can only go down the digestive tract, enter the esophagus and sneeze, or excrete. The human digestive juices are acidic, which is very contradictory. "

"So, the master knows the human parasite?" Nalanchu became more and more excited, and finally ran to get a pen and paper, ready to take notes.

Ye Liuli laughed, "Okay, I'll tell you a while, but now you continue to tell me what wonderful stories in those medical books?"

Nalanchu was slightly disappointed, but continued to say, "I just said that the owner of the passenger ship believed it, and asked the famous doctor Chen Shiduo to diagnose the disease for himself. Chen Shiduo mashed the evergreen into juice and drank a bowl with wine. After taking the medicine, the owner of the passenger ship had worse chest pain and was very thirsty and wanted to drink tea. Chen Shiduo did not let him drink it and directly controlled the owner of the passenger ship to administer the evergreen. Then the owner of the passenger ship began to vomit blood and the insects With the blood pouring out. The worm is two and a half inches long, the size of a finger, a body like a cricket, long legs like a praying mantis, and the color is pure purple. It looks like a flame under the lamp, and there are two inches on the forehead. The wings are not yet full, and the abdomen is not growing well, with a large blood clot on the fingers. "

"Hey!" Magnolia ran and vomited, and Yuzhu and Xiaoxi shivered.

The appetite is as strong as a tadpole. At this time, there is no desire to eat at all, and it even feels that it is not a big deal to not eat dinner.

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