Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Ye Liuli keenly noticed that the people around him were calculating, "What are you thinking?"

Dongfang Yan calmly closed his mind and smiled, "Thinking about the news reported by Diao Chan today, do you think Xia Yongling should be given a chance?"

Ye Liuli also calmly thought, "What do you think?"

"Listen to you." Throw the ball to Ye Liuli again.

Ye Liuli's eyes flickered as he thought about it, "Otherwise, give it a chance. I think Xia Yongling is also a good person. The whole family is corrupt and earning money, but he can be alone, and it is considered to be mud and not stained. . "

"Okay." Dongfang Qiang didn't say-Xia Yongling didn't stay in the mud because he wasn't alone, but he didn't know the elder's affairs at home. Ye Liuli didn't understand it, but he had seen many of them before. These corrupt officials had a dream with two sleeves and a long-standing reputation in their hearts. If they couldn't realize it, they would expect outstanding children and grandchildren to realize it. In other words, these corrupt officials trained their children to be honest.

But even if we try to conceal again, these unfortunate things can be concealed for a while but not for a lifetime, and the chilling thing is that these have been cultivated by the honesty, but more children follow the trend, and eventually become greedy.

Sometimes Dongfang Yu also thinks that the world says that man's original nature is good, but he doubts whether it is his original nature.

"Xia Yongling wanted to wear his crimes, and he seemed to be very talented. Otherwise, he would be given the opportunity to start from scratch and take an imperial examination?" Ye Liuli asked.

"it is good."

Ye Liuli sighed and prepared to spit again, "So I said, to popularize basic education, do you know? Since I came to this world, I was really shocked. I finally know what it means to be thirsty. In ours In the world, there are as many talents as possible, and the most important thing is talents, not to mention the nine-year compulsory education, that is, universities have become popular. But this is not the case here. People on the street are illiterate, even if some people are literate, they are pedantic. I don't have to, I'm so sad. "

Dongfang Li also sighed with Ye Liuli, "Yes, especially the Soka State harassed our country frequently last year. Seriously, I really want to beat it hard," said, gritted his teeth, "But in the end I sent someone to coordinate After learning about the domestic financial, military and civilian strengths, it was found that Hu Guodong, not to mention the rich country as Nan Zhao Guo, had a big gap with Soka, and if it was really hard, it would be a loss. "

"So talent is the key." Ye Liuli looked up.

"That's right," Dongfang Yan reached out and touched Ye Liuli's face. "The recent report from the Ministry of Households shows that your efforts in betting on the medical department have achieved results, and Hu's population has begun to rise."

"Really? That's great!" Ye Liuli breathed a sigh of relief. "If we have bad lives, we haven't settled in the fish and rice town like Nan Zhao and Soka. It's either Luzhou or Hu. Where? Barren, wherever it is bad, give us anywhere. "

Dongfang chuckled, "Is Luzhou barren? Why do you think of Luzhou, but only goodness?"

Ye Liuli rolled his eyes and said, "Is Luzhou poor or infertile? Do you have nothing in your heart? You forgot that you were so poor that you could n’t eat anymore. In the end, it was the salary that I gave to everyone when I sold the royal gifts?"

"I think, but it's still beautiful." Let Ye Liuli spit out, Dongfang Ling still smiled sweetly, "Not only Luzhou, but also Hu Guo is very beautiful, as long as you are beautiful."

Ye Liuli froze and glanced in the past with a blushing face. "My wife and wife, are you okay?"

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