Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

Early the next morning.

After breakfast, Ye Liuli was ready to send Dongfang Chen to the early court.

Unlike the harsh early dynasty system in ancient China, officials got up in the middle of the night, gathered at three in the morning, waited for two hours, and entered the Golden Palace at five in the morning. Under Ye Liuli's advocacy, Dongfang Li changed Hu's early dynasty system to be very humane.

You don't need to get up in the middle of the night, and you don't need to gather and wait.

The hour is seven o'clock in the morning. If the day is short and the night is long in winter, it will be delayed half an hour.

Although the change is humanized, some stubborn officials and scholars oppose it. After all, there is no rule to make a square, how can the royal magnificence be established? It is through these extremely demanding rituals that royal majesty can be established.

This is the root of people's inferiority. The more harsh they are, the more afraid they are for convenience; the more forgiving they are, they have no fear of convenience.

The East knows all the truth, but I really can't bear to see Ye Liuli get up and send him to the early morning, but he can only change his time with pain.

Establishing royal prestige, the East has a solution.

"It's windy today, so don't go out and send me away." Dongfang Yan said with a smile, holding Ye Liuli's hands.

Ye Liuli shook his head. "No, no, sending her husband to work is a sacred and inescapable responsibility of the housewife, and I must give it away."

The mouths of Magnolia and Yuzhu who waited around secretly pumped-if they remember correctly, Hu Guo is still surnamed Wu Luolan, the emperor is still Wu Luolan Shuozhen? Where's the housewife?

"But I'm afraid you're too hard." Dong Fang dangled his eyes and gently squeezed the small hand in his palm, as if there were only two people in the whole world.

People like Magnolia and Yuzhu are used to it. It's not strange to see it. After all, it happens every morning. Although it is not the original word, it is also a change of soup or a medicine.

Shen Yan entered and whispered to Magnolia, "Girl Magnolia, girl Chuchu is here."

Ye Liuli heard with the tip of his ear and smiled and broke the hand of Dongfang Yun, "Chu Chu must have come to force me to lecture. How could a girl's family learn so well? Didn't you ancient women have no talent or virtue? Trust her happiness , I'm going to relive what I learned. "

Tucao belongs to Tucao. In fact, Ye Liuli admires Nalanchu, who is easy to learn.

"It doesn't matter if she is here, just to accompany you." Dongfang Yan was very welcome, and stretched out his hand and squeezed her cheek. "It's windy today, so don't go out and entertain Nalanchu."

"Okay." Ye Liuli agreed.

After a long time, Ye Liuli started teaching for Nalan Chu after eating and drinking and visiting the children in the toilet.

She first painted various parasites on paper according to her own memory, and then explained one by one.

Another incense time passed.

Ye Liuli took out a piece of paper with a line of worms on it. "So, although human parasites are diverse, tapeworms are the most common. They spread by ingestion and pierce the eggs after they hatch. The visceral wall enters the blood, then enters the lungs through the bloodstream, is coughed and swallowed, returns to the viscera again, and the adult parasites in the small intestine ... "


Before Ye Liuli had finished speaking, the little girl who was strong to the last had already rushed out and vomited.

In the overcrowded small room, only Ye Liuli and Nalanchu remained.

Ye Liuli looked down at the various bugs on the paper, "Well? Are you sick?"

Nalanchu shook his head like a rattle, "No nausea, no nausea, and still cute, master, let's go on."

Ye Liuli's mouth twitched, "Although I don't feel disgusted, but this thing is eighteen thousand miles away from" cute "? Forget it, I will continue to tell you, after we talk, we will talk about the business affairs . "

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