Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

After hearing this, Ye Liuli was silent for a long time. "Long song, your thoughts like this are negative and bad for your baby."

Dong Fang was startled, "Sorry, all blame me. You forgot just now, I will tell you again."

Ye Liuli smiled, "Just kidding, how can I not understand the truth?" Then, leaning comfortably in Dong Yang's arms, his eyes gradually became serious, "But Changge you promise me if you have time , We must find out clearly, and try not to have cases of unjust, false or wrongdoing. "

"Okay." Dongfang looked down and couldn't help but bow her head and kissed her on the cheek.

Ye Liuli's eyes flickered. "I have something to ask for you." Then, the star looked at it with an eye.

"what's up?"

"Can you find Yao Ming, let's have dinner together?"

"..." Dongfang Yao, "You want Yao Yao, just send someone to find him?"

"Don't mention it," Ye Liuli was angry when he mentioned this. "That guy doesn't have my mother in his eyes, Bai Blind mother has worked hard to conceive in October, and bears severe pain to give him birth, I looked for him, and he looked for a bunch of reasons to fool me. I was so angry! "

Dongfang sighed and said softly, "You know, Yao Yao hates being kissed and kissed by you in your arms. When he comes back next time, you talk well, don't you?"

"I can't help it," Ye Liuli had a desire to cry. "He was only two years old. When he was cute and cute, how could I hold back and kiss him?" Don't say it's my own son, even Honger, I can't help but kiss him. "

Dong Fang smiled, "Even Yao Yao isn't there. If you are pregnant, put your hope on this child."

Ye Liuli suddenly realized, "Yes, I have my daughter. When my daughter is born, I must hug her and kiss her. When she grows up in the future, I will wear her mother's dress and think of it. Are so happy. "

Leaving his annoying eldest son behind, Ye Liuli began to look forward to the new child.

Dongfang Li was in a good mood when she wanted to have both children and children, but she still had doubts, "Will the doctors' diagnosis be accurate? Is it really a daughter?"

"Yes, yes!" Ye Liuli smiled. "It must be a daughter. What's your name?"

Dongfang Li thought for a while, "Since it's a girl, you have to call a woman's name, what's your name? Li Xiang's Li."

"Well? Woolland? Orient? Good and good, I like it!" Ye Liuli cheered.

In fact, according to tradition, such a simple name should not be named, but Dongfang Li knew that Ye Liuli liked it, so he preferred it.


A flash, a month passed.

Ye Liuli was not idle this month, because she refused to go to the early days, so she complained inside and outside the court, and some officials even went to Yonghua Palace to protest.

Other ministers went to the Yushufang to protest, and only the poor Hu officials directly killed the emperor's dormitory for no reason—the emperor would not even go to the Yushufang.

The father-in-law was very busy. He had to entertain the ministers and comfort him. He had to try his best to persuade the emperor to go to the early dynasty, even if he wanted to go once every ten days.

In the end, Dongfang Li can't stand it any longer, and can only decide to replace Ye Liuli early.

In order to be justified, the two quickly held a big wedding. However, it was ugly for the empress to marry the emperor, not the emperor to marry the queen. They secretly proceeded in the palace without even asking the courtiers.

The people in the palace are naturally happy, because the empress and the emperor have no other hobbies, they love to loose money, and there is a wind and grass, and it is scattered. For example, the empress ate a bowl of rice one day, and the emperor immediately ran away. Go out and get rich, not to mention a marriage event?

Sure enough, the empress and the husband married, and the gifts were scattered, and the palace people were happy.

After the wedding, the emperor replaced the empress in the early dynasty.

It stands to reason that the courtiers should be unwilling, but the Hu courtiers are quite happy. On the one hand, they are better than none. Fortunately, there is one who came early, otherwise the work accumulated in their hands is getting more and more. Looking back, they are still burdened.

On the other hand, masculinity is embarrassing. Although everyone is convinced by the Queen, there is still some resistance when respecting a young woman, but the royal husband is not, after all, the royal husband is not a male?

Dong Fang refused to sit on the dragon chair, and set up a silver master chair next to the dragon chair. The silver chair was slightly smaller and lower-key than the dragon chair, and Dong Fang sat on the silver chair to discuss the national affairs with the ministers.

The topic returns to the wedding of the two.

The big wedding was held in the palace. The court officials were not invited, and only the consort of the harem was involved.

These queens are naturally not Ye Liuli's, but they are too princes. They go to Penglai to repair their immortals, pat their ass, and leave, leaving a bunch of queens to enjoy their old age in the harem, but is it really enjoyable? Really happy?



On this day, the imperial husband went to the early court, while Yonghua Palace came to the guests.

Yonghua Palace, main hall, main hall.

The queen queen and Ye Liuli were sitting in the upper position. A group of concubines were at their disposal. There were not many people, a dozen.

The queen mother is just in her early forties. Because she is still a virgin and properly maintained, she looks less than thirty, beautiful and dignified.

"A few days ago, another group of folk entertainers entered the palace. I wonder if the mother-in-law and mother-in-law have enjoyed it? Do they like the show?" Ye Liuli asked kindly.

"Returning to the emperor, the courtiers and enthusiasts all like it." The concubines responded attentively.

When Ye Liuli saw that the color was too bad, he asked, "Why are you frowning, mother?"

The back was stiff, and then shook his head. "No ... no, Zhener is so filial, why is Ai's family frowning? There is such a thing for Ai's family, and it's a fortunate thing for them to be happy, but too late."

"Yeah, yeah, the emperor sent the doctors to examine the pulse of the ministers, often rewarding Zhenwan, and also encouraged the ministers to return to their mother's house often to relax, how happy and joyful this day is." A group of concubines laughed. one slice.

Ye Liuli sighed secretly, in fact she was very distressed to these women.

Say they are unfortunate? But living with pride and no need for intrigue, is also very happy.

Say they are lucky? However, after marrying an "unable" husband, I never realized the love of husband and wife, and my youth was just a waste.

The princesses of other people's palaces are all dressed up, not only to compare each other's beauty, but also to attract the emperor's attention.

Look at the consorts of Hu Guo's harem, only to come to Yonghua Palace today to mention the spirit of dressing up, do not talk about it on weekdays, and do not touch the dress.

Ye Liuli's eyes flickered, and there was a weird lip around her lips. "Mother and daughter, concubines, do you like to read the textbooks sent by your sons and daughters before?"

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