Biquge, the latest update of the Cantonese silly concubine: the latest chapter of Miss Seven Doctors!

What words? Cultivation book!

The concubines read the book, but Ye Liuli personally manipulated it, and Magnolia wrote carefully.

These words are not the same as those read by the emperor. Although there are also Xiuxian talks, they are more about love stories trapped in Xiuxian. In other words, they are relatives of gods.

Do not look at the concubines are not young, but they are all 30 or 40 years old, not to mention the elderly in the modern age, many are still selling cute girls, in addition, these concubines have not really experienced the affairs of men and women. The novels flickered in spring.

Now talking about the storybook, the concubines have crimson faces.

When Ye Liuli saw everyone blushing, he was relieved.

To say that ancient times are ancient, even if the spring heart is moving, I am embarrassed to say them, one by one, very shy. What about modern? The fifteen-year-old girl is already skilled at driving.

Why did Ye Liuli customize these books? Why did Magnolia write it down? It was to ignite the passion of these poor women and reopen their new lives in their hearts.

But Ye Liuli also knew that it was absolutely impossible for them to marry out of the palace!

Even if these consorts are willing, their maids are unwilling to talk about it, and it is not to say that the woman's remarriage would be reviled, but only to say that the woman who reigns too is remarried. Who dares to? It would be even more terrifying if one knew that the woman who was too high was a virgin.

In addition, as long as these women stay in the palace, it is a guarantee of the future of her maiden family! In the past, I relied on the emperor, but now I rely on the emperor-leaving a person in the palace, and doing things outside the palace.

This was true in the past, and so is it today.

The Empress Dowager said, "I like it, and the Ai family likes reading these words very much, and thanks to these words, they can spend their time freely."

"Yeah, yeah," said a princess, "Chen Chen also likes it tightly, as long as he sends a new textbook, he will watch it without a meal."

"The emperor, Chen Ye especially likes the last words, Chen Ye repeatedly read at least ten times."

"Yes, the last words were especially good-looking."

A group of toffees still have elders, and started to talk about it. At this moment, everyone set aside their grievances, like a group of ordinary girls.

Ye Liuli winked at Magnolia Yuzhu.

Yuzhu dismissed the concubines next to her, and closed the door when she left.

In addition to Ye Liuli and Magnolia, the huge main hall has only the concubine and no outsider.

Ye Liuli unloaded the shelf-although she had no shelf for the emperor before, "Dear mothers and concubines, listen to me, I have a proposal."

Everyone knew that the emperor had a lot of ideas about ancient spirits and ghosts, and instantly became interested. "What is the proposal, emperor?"

"The emperor is in Xiong Penglai now, do you want to go? The scenery over Penglai is wonderful, the ocean climate is warm in winter and the summer is cool, and there are many elixir youths. Besides, there is also the emperor. Follow the emperor to practice. "

The queen mother was taken aback, "Cultivation? We?"

"Yeah, yeah, you can practice too much. Why ca n’t you practice? Cultivation is immortal regardless of men and women, but sincerity is spirit. As long as you have a good heart to practice, if you look back, you will be free from the dust. Yes. "Ye Liuli began to draw big cakes." Look, we mortals are influenced by the family and bound by the world, but the gods don't need to eat? The gods don't need to eat or drink. What they want is to change everything and make big moves. How good it is, humming? "

I have to say that everyone is moving.

These women are pitiful. They have not experienced love in their lives, but they are threatened by the family. They make money for the family, but spend the same age but stay alone for years.

Saying willingness is false, but what can I do?

Since the emperor's departure, they have not even looked forward to it.

In the past, when the emperor was there, although everyone knew the credibility of that rumor, as long as the emperor came to his palace, even if he talked a few words and accompanied the next game, it was considered a consolation, but now ...

Everyone was silent.

Ye Liuli didn't rush, she took the tea and drank slowly, and she waited patiently.

About a tea time, finally, a toffee in the crowd said, "The emperor, Chen Ye has a concern."

"Mother-in-law," Ye Liuli asked, laying down the tea bowl.

"Chen Chen thought that Penglai would accompany the emperor, but ... I'm afraid Chen Chen's family would not agree."

The other toffees also sighed sighingly.

They are in the palace, but they have a mission.

Ye Liuli's eyes flickered and he smiled, "What if it's the voice of the emperor?"

The princess was surprised, "What does the emperor mean? Let the emperor summon us to pass?" Then smiled bitterly, "the emperor ... you are still afraid of the emperor, but the emperor is not willing to call us, even think that we are disturbed in the past His purity. "

"Yeah, yeah." People reconsidered.

Ye Liuli smiled, "This, you don't have to think about it. If you want to go, tell me, the rest is my own arrangement. Even if you are in Penglai, you will not work with the emperor to arrange other Taoism and scenery for you. Pleasant and well-equipped. "The sound paused, Ye Liuli condensed the laughter on his face, changed to serious," Go to Penglai, you can let go of the **** and live the life you want. Silver, I provide; what's out I'll help you, you've already wasted too much youth and time. Couldn't you still have the remaining years? "

Everyone instantly understood the original intention of the emperor.

Whatever cultivation is not, the emperor is helping them escape this hopeless harem.

Ye Liuli chuckled, "Indeed, the news came too suddenly. Mothers and concubines must be contradictory and confused at this time. Don't worry, you can think slowly. Of course, if you are willing to go, I will find a way to let you go. When you arrive in Penglai, you will have a new life and live the life you want. If you do n’t want to go, you will continue to stay, and you will still be able to eat it. As long as I can do it, I will satisfy you. ”

The atmosphere was stiff and stagnant.

When Ye Liuli was ready to say that when everyone was thinking back, the queen mother spoke, "Jiner, what is your intention?"

The concubines also looked over.

Ye Liuli smiled, "I thought, you also have to doubt my motives, this is not to blame you. As for the intention, I just feel that you are very poor, I am also a woman, knowing what women want and want, of course you can not believe it. "

Reason tells the queen mother should stay and enjoy the prosperity and wealth of Jinyiyushi, but there is a voice in her heart, telling her that she hates this lifeless thing, and there is no hope for depression.

Are women afraid of suffering?

No, women are never afraid of suffering. The most feared thing is no hope.

Not to mention that in ancient times, even in modern marriages, women proposed divorce not because of family poverty, but because they saw no hope in their husbands.

A beacon, a big cake drawn, can make a woman give up silly, but sometimes men do n’t even give this big cake to a woman.

That's all for now, and it's useless to say more, Ye Liuli ran out on the pretense of being in need of treatment and let the concubines think for themselves.

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