Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 189 The scary big spider

The excitement was a bit too much now.

It seemed as if all the comatose people in the entire community woke up and jumped out. These people looked crazy and could not feel pain at all. Until the breath of life disappeared, terrifying black and red spiders emerged from the corpses.

"Zhizhi. Zhizhi"

It was the disgusting friction sound made by the densely packed spiders squeezing together, like a bullfighting being attracted by the red cloth, hitting it hard.

Xu Nian stared at this scene dumbfounded, and clearly felt that the strange fluctuations in the entire community were surging like ocean waves, becoming more and more surging.

He was not sure how many people were still alive in the community until now, but it was obvious that anyone in the entire community who was injured and unconscious in his own building would have jumped out of the window by now.

And even though he was unconscious on the streets of the community, he was trampled to death by people who looked like madmen.

This is simply a human tragedy that is impossible to look at.

"It seems that if this ghost is not eliminated, more innocent humans will die in vain!"

When Xu Nian thought of this, he didn't dare to delay anymore and rushed directly towards the low flat house shrouded in black mist. All the black and red spiders he encountered along the way were cut in half by his sword.

Fortunately, these black and red spiders seemed to be summoned by something. They ignored Xu Nian who killed them and crawled towards the short house desperately one by one.

Seeing Xu Nian's attitude of risking his life to death made Xu Nian's heart even more heavy.

So, he ignored these crazy spiders and kicked them away and rushed towards the short house.

As soon as he rushed to the door, the short flat house in front of him suddenly burst out with a red sword light. The sword light was a hundred feet long and red as blood. Almost in the blink of an eye, the short flat house was divided into two and collapsed towards the surroundings.

The rumbling sound shook the surrounding area.

Xu Nian stopped in shock.

Then came an angry cry.

"Feng Kun, how dare you!?"

next moment,

Spider legs as thick as telegraph poles broke through the dust in the sky and stood up from the collapsed short house. The height of a small building and the blood-red eyes that were bigger than a human made Xu Nian look at them. My mouth felt dry for a while.

It wasn't because of the size of this monster. After all, he had already seen the size of the Demon Dragon Elephant that was larger than it. It was mainly because of the terrifying shadow in the void behind the spider.

If you change the angle of view to a bird's-eye view from the sky, you will find that countless tentacles extending from the butt of this huge spider extend out from the sky, and the most terrifying thing is that each of these tentacles extends for hundreds of meters. It's so long, and at the end is a terrifying mouth like a piranha.

When Xu Nian saw this terrifying scene, these terrifying, almost nihilistic tentacles fell one by one in the community. Wherever they went, those rushing little spiders rushed into the terrifying tentacles like moths rushing into the flame. mouth.

"Creak. Crack."

Terrifying chewing sounds came one after another, but these spiders still rushed towards the mouths at the ends of these tentacles, as if that was their warmest embrace.

Moreover, these seemingly illusory tentacles also had a real impact on the buildings on the earth. Every moment they danced, large areas of tall buildings collapsed, toppled, and raised countless dust.

The entire community turned into a hell on earth almost in a short time.


In other words, this place can no longer be regarded as the human world.

The spiders were being swallowed one by one. Xu Nian was sure that there would be no more living people here, but he did not act rashly.

Because his eyes were attracted by a figure coming out of the smoke.

It was a burly man, his upper body was wearing a vest made of unknown fur, and his lower body was a pair of black trousers that were wide at the top and tight at the bottom. He was holding a short knife with a ring on the handle.

This iconic outfit formed three words in Xu Nian's mind almost instantly.


An inexplicable light flashed in Xu Nian's eyes.


Serializer with serial number three.

Leader of the hospital's special operations team.

Among the four sequencers, including him, the executioner is recognized as the strongest!

He had never seen it before, but after feeling the dull spiritual power in the other party's body, which was as dull as a volcano, he immediately confirmed this judgment.

The other party must be the executioner team leader.

Inexplicably, he thought that Zuo Qiuyue said that the executioner team leader would arrive with three team members, so he squinted through the smoke and dust and looked around the low flat house to the ground.

Sure enough, he vaguely saw three trembling figures lying on the ground through the dust in the sky.

Thinking about it, these three people should also be members of the special operations team, but they seemed to have been seriously injured.

At this time, the scarlet eyes of the terrifying big spider standing on the ruins were locked on the executioner leader, and a high-pitched and angry voice vibrated in the void.

"Feng Kun, how dare you chop off my body, the queen will never let you go!"

Feng Kun?

The name of the executioner leader is Feng Kun?

Xu Nian from a distance looked thoughtfully at the confrontation scene in front of him.

At this moment, the executioner leader was holding a short knife with a ring on the handle. The knife was covered with black and red blood. It was obvious at a glance that it did not belong to humans.

The leader of the executioners, Feng Kun, looked at the big spider as tall as a building indifferently, with unspeakable terrifying murderous intent bursting out of his eyes.

"I have long heard that Queen Morgan of the Western Continent has four emperors under her command. One of them is a nightmare spider that can control dreams. When I see you today, you are one of the four emperors, right?"

Xu Nian was shocked when he heard Feng Kun's words, and he vaguely seemed to feel that the other party was deliberately reminding him.

Therefore, he did not dare to be careless and directly entered the fighting posture, and a huge angel shadow began to appear behind him.

The big spider that was staring at Feng Kun immediately noticed Xu Nian's actions. It shrank its pupils and said in a deep voice: "Xu Nian, you have to think clearly. As long as you are willing to serve the queen, your future will be endless. ”

Xu Nian smiled inexplicably: "Thank you for the kindness of the Fourth Emperor. No matter what, I am still a human being. Whether it is the Eastern Continent or the Western Continent, as long as it is a monster, I will not let go. Besides."

Having said this, he paused for a moment, and then his eyes flashed with strong murderous intent, and he raised the chaos sword in his hand high.

"Besides, for a deformed monster like you who kills innocent people indiscriminately, no matter what kind of Yonko you are, even if it's that bullshit queen you call me, I will still kill you!"

After saying that, he had already swung the chaos sword in his hand and slashed at the big spider. The shadow behind him also raised the sword in his hand and slashed out a huge black-gold sword light.

The sword light shot through the air and landed on the top of the big spider's head in the blink of an eye.

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