Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 190 The Four Emperors


The big spider seemed irritated.

Accompanied by a strange sound, its ferocious face squirmed, then five openings opened, and five pairs of blood-red eyes squeezed out of the openings.

Counting the original pair, there were six pairs of twelve eyes on this big spider's face.

"You ungrateful thing, since you died early, then I, the Dark Night Messenger, Emperor Huanmeng, one of the Four Emperors under the Queen, will personally send you to the boundless hell today."

It's too late, it's fast.

The moment his words fell to the ground.

The six pairs of eyes of the Dream Emperor flashed a black light at the same time, and then, there were waves of mental shocks, like waves after a high tide, coming one after another, and the spiders around Xu Nian who had not yet had their turn to fly into the flames. , all trembled for a while, and then turned into blood mist all over the sky.

This was a substantial impact, and even a large part directly attacked Xu Nian and Feng Kun. The ground also blew up pieces of dust, like a huge tornado rolling up from the ground.

Feng Kun remained motionless and even closed his eyes, not knowing what he was doing.

But Xu Nian was forced by this huge mental shock to take dozens of steps back before stopping, which shows the huge power of this mental shock.


At this time, a twisted and chaotic field appeared around Xu Nian. The surrounding gravel and trees rose from the ground and fell towards his body.

This was the first time that Xu Nian encountered such a terrifying attack. While dodging continuously, he waved the chaos sword in his hand and cut out a safe area.

But the next moment, behind the Fantasy Emperor, the tentacles that swallowed little spiders one by one and had mouths instantly wrapped around the tall buildings on both sides of Xu Nian.


It was like a terrifying giant python spiraling upwards, shrinking and tightening.

These high-rise buildings that still looked very new were grabbed tightly, and then with a sudden force, they were instantly pulled hundreds of meters into the air.

The ground was shaking violently, and dust and gravel fell from the sky.

Xu Nian looked at this apocalyptic scene with deep horror in his eyes.

"Die, you damn boy!"

The eerie voice of the Dream Emperor once again vibrated in the void.

next moment,

The tentacles suddenly swung towards Xu Nian, and the two buildings smashed towards Xu Nian's position like meteorites falling from the sky. The jagged glass sections and twisted and sharp steel stubbles fell at high speed with a terrifying whistling sound.

Xu Nian had no time to escape, so he could only roar and prepare to use all the strength in his body to cut the building hitting him in two.

However, that's it.

Feng Kun, who had been keeping his eyes closed, moved.

Like an atomic bomb that had just reached its detonation point, Feng Kun's body suddenly erupted with unimaginable power, and then the whole world turned into a black and red sword light.

"Splitting Sky Slash!"

Vaguely, Xu Nian seemed to hear the cold voice of Team Leader Feng Kun.

He wanted to speak, but his eyes were filled with black and red lights, and his brain was filled with buzzing vibrations, going blank.

Time seemed to have been paused at this moment.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a second, maybe ten thousand years. In short, when Xu Nian woke up from the daze, everything disappeared.

The building whizzing down disappeared!

The rubble that was as messy as a battlefield is gone!

The terrifying Dream Emperor is missing!


All gone!

"This is."

"That's your dream!"

Following a cold voice, the world around him seemed to be reflected in a huge mirror, and the dazzling light made him instinctively close his eyes.

When he opened it again, the building was still a building, the community was still a community, and the low house had not collapsed. Instead, there was a monster with six pairs of eyes on its face, no nose and no mouth, standing silently in front of the house.

Feng Kun was standing next to Xu Nian at some point. Next to them were three men and one woman, all motionless and seemed to be in a coma.

Xu Nian recognized one of the four people as Jing Lei, but he did not recognize the other three, but they estimated that they should be members of the special operations team.

"Tsk, tsk, you are worthy of being the executioner Feng Kun, your heart is still as cold as ice."

At this time, the monster in front of him laughed arrogantly, his tone was neither male nor female, and it sounded very uncomfortable.

However, Xu Nian's expression changed and he lost his voice: "Were you the one who pretended to be Yu Man just now?"

"Pretend?" The monster smiled weirdly, "I have never left here since I came here. Since when did I pretend to be Yu Man?"

Xu Nian was stunned.

Was it also a dream just now?

Feng Kun on the side said calmly: "Xu Nian, did you hear the singing just now?"

Xu Nian frowned: "You mean?"

"Well, according to the data, the Fantasy Emperor can lead people into dreams through singing. I'm afraid you have been led into the dream when you heard the singing."

Xu Nian took a breath of air and looked at the Dream Emperor who was smiling slyly in front of him in horror.

The Dream Emperor chuckled: "As expected of Feng Kun, he knows me quite well. It's a pity. I know that someone like you will not be willing to serve the queen, so..."

Speaking of this, its voice paused, and then became solemn and shrill.

"So, this time, our queen has prepared a generous gift for your great goddess of radiance!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire Crystal City suddenly shook like an earthquake.

Feng Kun's face changed, and just as he was about to say something, he saw the ground shaking more and more, and with the shaking, huge explosions appeared one after another in the four directions of the community.

"Hahahaha, Feng Kun, let your eldest lady tell your glorious goddess that our queen misses her very much!"

The figure of the Dream Emperor gradually turned into nothingness, but the deafening explosions became more and more intense, one after another, almost visible to the naked eye, and huge mushroom clouds began to appear in the distant sky.

Xu Nian was stunned and said, "Nuclear bomb?"


Feng Kun's face turned ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "It should be a thermobaric bomb. Damn, when did Crystal City place so many thermobaric bombs? Damn, how long have they been preparing!"

Xu Nian didn't know what to do at this time, especially listening to the explosions that have not stopped yet, he could almost imagine what the entire Crystal City would look like now.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the explosion of Crystal City will alarm the entire city wall and set off a huge wave inside the city wall.

Feng Kun also realized the seriousness of the problem at this moment. He looked at the unconscious team member on the ground, gritted his teeth, and said to Xu Nian: "Xu Nian, please take my team member back first and tell the young lady what happened here." As he said that, he rushed away like an arrow without waiting for Xu Nian's consent.

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