Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 191 Strange Researcher

Xu Nian did not obey Feng Kun's order, but he also took the members of the special operations team out of the community and handed them over to Zuo Qiuyue.

Zuo Qiuyue was already stunned by the incident in Crystal City. When she heard Xu Nian's brief explanation, her expression was extremely exciting.

At this point, she couldn't say anything, so she had to arrange for people to take these unconscious members of the special operations team away, leaving the affairs here completely to Xu Nian to handle.

After all, Xu Nian is a lone warrior, and he has to act alone.

After watching Xu Nian leave safely with his personnel, Xu Nian began to observe the entire city.

The continuous explosions had almost stopped, but the scary thing was that he didn't see any panic or shouting in the city.

The entire city seemed to be completely emptied out in a short period of time, and the silence was terrifying. He even began to feel the strange fluctuations in the community that began to pervade the entire city.

He felt a thump in his heart and said, "Damn Dream Emperor, does he control the entire Crystal City?"

Today's situation is very strange. Walking on the street, you can see with the naked eye many deep pits blown by large-yield bombs. He doesn't understand military weapons, but judging from Feng Kun's affirmative tone, it should indeed be the so-called thermobaric bomb.

And that's not the scariest thing!

The most terrifying thing was that in this crystallized city with a population of one million, such a big thing happened, and not even a single person could be seen, as if he was walking in a city that had been abandoned for a long time.

Such ruined cities can only be seen often in the wilderness, but this is within the city walls. After decades of development, it is impossible for ruins to exist.

And, what’s even more bizarre is that even if people are missing, not even a single wild cat or dog can be seen in the city today.

So quiet!

The silence is heart-stopping.

Gradually, a layer of faint black fog began to fill the city. This black fog had been seen in the community before, but now it appeared again, permeating the entire Crystal City.

You generally don’t walk too fast on the streets.

Although the road ahead had been determined to be smooth and some trivial obstacles had been cleared, Xu Nian still walked very carefully.

In the thin black mist, he walked slowly and shallowly, as if walking in a silent dark forest.

A cold wind blew through the city streets with a whistling sound, shaking the fragile glass windows.

Although it was broad daylight, this sense of empty and desolate silence still made him feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

"My dear, won't you go into these houses and take a look?"

"What if there are any clues in this?"

I don’t know when, but my wife, who had never shown up, suddenly came out of the soul-inducing lamp.

Xu Nian was shocked and said happily: "Honey, you finally spoke. That's great, that's great."

"Are you sure you don't want to go in?"

The wife's eyes flashed with a faint light.

Xu Nian was startled and hesitated: "It's better not to go in yet. Not to mention whether there is anyone inside, even if someone is afraid, they are still in a coma. And I just heard the singing and fell into a dream. In this situation, it is best to Proceed with caution."

The wife nodded silently.

"Help! Help!"

Suddenly, a sharp shout sounded from an intersection ahead, which seemed extremely harsh in this empty street.

Xu Nian's face turned aside and he said in a deep voice: "You're not trying to lure me into a dream again this time, are you?"

The wife squinted her eyes and sensed it for a while, then shook her head and said, "No, I sensed the energy fluctuations of an ordinary person."


While Xu Nian frowned, in his sight, a middle-aged man in a white coat was running towards this side in a panic with a baseball bat.

Behind him were dozens of people who walked crookedly and looked like zombies, screaming and running for their lives.

From a distance, he seemed to see Xu Nian, and he couldn't help but feel refreshed and ran towards this side even faster.

Xu Nian didn't care much about these zombies with weak mental fluctuations. Instead, his main focus was on the middle-aged man running towards him.

Who is this person?

Why was he being chased by a group of zombies, and why did he appear here?

With such doubts, Xu Nian raised the chaos sword in his hand and pointed it at the running middle-aged man, and shouted: "Stop, if you come here again, I will do it!"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, but instead he shouted in surprise: "Little brother, I am a human being, I am a human being! Help me, help me quickly!"

As he said that, he could not help but surpass Xu Nian's position and hid behind Xu Nian.

Xu Nian couldn't take action for a while, so he had to deal with the zombies first and then ask questions, and rushed towards the slowly walking zombies.

Undoubtedly easy!

These zombies are essentially worse than some ordinary humans. After their heads are chopped off, they are all dead and cannot die again.

Therefore, in less than a while, Xu Nian dealt with these zombies like chopping melons and vegetables.

The middle-aged man hiding aside breathed a huge sigh of relief when he saw this, then sat down on the ground and cried with joy: "I'm saved! I'm saved!"

Xu Nian felt even more strange, so he walked up to the middle-aged man and said coldly: "Who are you? What do you do? Why are you here?"

The middle-aged man was stunned and was hesitating when he suddenly saw Xu Nian putting the sword on his neck and said quickly: "Little brother, please forgive me. My name is Zhang Xi, a researcher. I am here because of my work." The research institute is nearby. After the accident, I have been hiding in the safe house. I just came out and was discovered by these alienated people. "

As he spoke, he beat his chest and said in annoyance: "If I had known, I would have stayed in the safe house and not come out. Anyway, there is food stored there, which is enough for me to survive for a year or two."

Xu Nian's eyes flickered and he said in a deep voice, "Did you just say alienated people?"


Zhang Xi hesitated for a moment, glanced at the chaos sword in Xu Nian's hand, swallowed, gritted his teeth and said: "Now that things have happened, I have nothing to hide. I am a researcher at the Transhuman Research Institute. Because To solve the problem of capability, I stepped down from the front-line research position and became responsible for the logistics supply of the entire institute. Just a few dozen minutes ago, the power system of our institute suddenly failed, and the genetic modification agent in the institute was accidentally leaked. The entire institute, except I have become an alienated person, still unfinished.”

As he spoke, he said with a face of joy: "Fortunately, I was checking the material reserves of the safe house at the time. After discovering that there was an accident in the institute, I immediately hid in the safe house to avoid contamination of the medicine. Otherwise, I would be here now." It’s the kind of person who is neither human nor ghost.”

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