The statues in sight are all quiet, and the air in the modern and clean hall is unusually fresh. There are only simple lines on the surrounding walls, horizontal and vertical, full of mechanical beauty.

A square clock with Roman numerals hangs at the front of the exhibition hall. The hands are ticking, indicating the normal flow of time here.

The most noteworthy thing is the motionless statues in this modern exhibition hall, including men, women, old people and children.

The most important thing is that these statues seem to be famous people before the disaster struck.

Among them was an old white man with blond hair, a crooked mouth, and a red tie, which seemed even more familiar to him.

He seemed to have seen it in some leisurely novel.

"This is so weird..."

Xu Nian looked around, then looked back at the way he came in, and found that the way he came in was no longer there, but a wallpaper wall of the same style as the surroundings.

He obviously came in from here!

His face gradually became serious, and he glanced at his wife and son beside him. He did not dare to be careless, and carefully walked through every corner of the exhibition hall.

His mental power has been shrouding the entire exhibition hall. As long as there is a slight movement, he will react immediately. But unfortunately, there is no strange fluctuation here. He even doubts whether he is too worried. This It's just a strange statue house.

"Do you feel anything unusual here?"

Xu Nian turned around and found no problem. He slowly turned around and asked his wife and son beside him.

"Honey, we didn't feel anything either."

The wife's face was serious, her fingers gently brushed the clean wallpaper next to her, and she said softly: "But I am sure that this is not an illusion, this is real."

"Dad, the entrance is gone too. How about we try to destroy this place?"

The son rolled his eyes, chuckled, and even made gestures with his hands to condense the phantom gun.

Xu Nian shook his head, waved his hand to stop his son's impulse, looked around and said: "We entered here inexplicably. There must be some reason. It's not possible to scare the snake away."

As he spoke, he began to carefully look at the statues in the exhibition hall.

In his opinion, since it is a strange statue museum, the statue must be the key.

The overall style of these statues was realistic. If it weren't for the stiffness that could still be seen from the whole body, he would have thought that these statues were real people who were petrified.



Xu Nian seemed to have thought of something, and immediately looked at the statues one by one with wide eyes.

Sure enough, he discovered the subtleties.

Each of these statues is very lifelike, but the most important thing is that the movements of these statues are so natural.

Some were walking, some were looking at the walls, seemingly admiring the non-existent murals on the walls, and some were holding their children's hands and lowering their heads to say something to their children.

Even among the heavily armed soldiers, some were pulling the triggers, and some were raising their guns and aiming in one direction, as if there were enemies they couldn't see standing there.

In this way, Xu Nian looked at them one by one, and then walked in one direction. Finally, when he looked at the last statue, he strangely returned to the middle of the exhibition hall.

But what was strange was the change in the environment ahead. It was clear that there was a wall directly in front of him before, but now it turned into a somewhat dark corridor.


Xu Nian, his wife and son looked at each other, and then walked in expressionlessly.

Passing through the exhibition hall and entering this somewhat dark corridor, the wall lamps on the surrounding narrow walls lit up as if they had been induced.

With the help of this dark and strange light, Xu Nian finally saw clearly the environment on both sides. It was not the walls he imagined, but two rows of very tall locker-like grids with glass doors. , so you can clearly see what’s inside.

The locker was very tall. Looking up, Xu Nian could only see the locker thrust into the darkness like a sharp sword, and could not see the end of the locker.

Looking forward, the two rows of lockers look like walls, extending to who knows where.

In one cabinet after another, there are miniature statues one after another. They look about the same size as the figures seen on the market, but the statues here are too real. Just the fleshy skin and smart eyes. It gave him a creepy feeling for a moment, as if the statues inside were all living creatures. He had not entered a statue hall, but had come to Lilliput.

With shock and curiosity, Xu Nian walked to one of the lockers, moved his head forward, and his eyes suddenly filled with surprise.


It's shocking.

The little person inside is a little girl with blond hair. She is very cute and beautiful, but that is not the point. The point is that when his head is close to the glass, the eyes of the little person inside move, and then magically interact with him. Looking at each other.

Then, an illusion similar to a 3D scene appeared in front of his eyes. In a warm family of three, a pair of parents and a little blond girl were happily eating breakfast. Suddenly, a strange cry echoed throughout the world. The parents turned into two terrifying monsters right under the eyes of the blonde girl.

Xu Nian originally thought that there would be an ending in which the little girl was eaten by a monster or a hero came out to kill the monster, but he was completely wrong.

Next, time seemed to freeze.

Both the little girl and the parents who had turned into monsters stood motionless, and the ancient pendulum on the wall also hovered in mid-air.

Until the weird cry sounded again, the two monsters turned into a pile of rubble like collapsed rocks, and the little girl began to shrink infinitely, and then was grabbed by an outstretched palm in the picture and disappeared. .

The screen disappears.

Xu Nian was shocked. He blinked again and looked at the little girl in the glass, but he didn't see her eyes moving, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

What exactly is going on?

Xu Nian took a deep breath, turned around and asked his wife, "Did you see this little girl's eyes move?"

The wife shook her head.

He looked at his son again, and his son also shook his head.

Xu Nian was stunned immediately.

Was it really an illusion just now?

As he was really thinking about it, he suddenly felt a gloomy gaze staring at him. He felt a chill in his heart and quickly turned around, only to find the motionless little girl in the glass staring at him with her bright teeth bared, her eyes extremely gloomy. and terror.

It was clear that the other party had no spiritual power, but Xu Nian felt an inexplicable chill in his heart. He raised his hands and cupped his fists and said, "Excuse me!"

The next moment, he no longer looked at the locker, but walked straight to the corridor ahead.

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