Continuing to walk forward, the doubts in Xu Nian's heart did not decrease but increased, becoming more and more intense.

The cabinets on both sides seem to be infinitely high and infinitely long. The cabinets are one after another, and none of the statues inside are the same.

Moreover, the weirdest thing is that every statue looks like a villain, lifelike, like a shrunken living person.

These little people stayed motionless in the cabinet. Through the almost transparent glass door, Xu Nian could see their slightly moving eyes.

"What is going on with these statues? Are they given souls by someone, or are these just my hallucinations?"

Xu Nian stopped and muttered to himself.

Looking further ahead, the corridor seemed to have no end, and it seemed as if he had been standing still.

"I don't feel the breath of soul in these little people, these are not living people."

The wife seemed to notice Xu Nian's doubts and said firmly.

The son also nodded seriously.

"It's very strange, but this shouldn't be an illusion!"

Xu Nian nodded, then shook his head: "No, although this place is very real, it is too deliberate, especially these little masters, as if they want me to believe that they are shrunken living people. ”

"Yeah, there's something weird here!"

Xu Nian's eyes gradually became firm.

With that said, he turned around and started walking back, only to find that he couldn't reach the place he came in no matter what, and the corridor seemed to become infinitely far away in this direction.

Is it really fake?

Xu Nian knew very well that there could never be an endless road in this world. Every path must have a starting point and an end point. However, the current situation was either trapped in some kind of cycle, or it was a silent illusion that deceived him.

"It's very strange to say that it is obviously on the highway within the city wall, but there is suddenly a strange and uncoordinated statue here."

"Don't say it's now that the disaster has struck. Even before the disaster, this was a very unbelievable situation."

"Of course, if all this is fake and an illusion, then the explanation will be clear."

"Besides, I haven't seen any trace of Zuo Qiuyue and those two people yet."

Xu Nian thought to himself, and his eyes gradually became clear: "I am now at the level of Sanjie. With the strength in the courtyard, unless the eldest lady takes action, it is impossible to silently affect my perception."

"So, assuming that my perception is indeed affected by a force much stronger than me, then the whole person is definitely not an unknown person within the entire city wall."

"First of all, in the courtyard, the eldest lady said that there are only four sequencers in the branch. Apart from him, they are Yu Man, the seducer, Gu Shan, the executioner, and Fu Xingzhi. I don't know what the sequence is yet."

"First of all, exclude the executioner and the shadow of the lurking. They are not powerful in this area. The only one left is Yu Man, the seducer."

"However, Yu Man was killed by me once. Even if he encounters another adventure, he will not be able to surpass me in strength so quickly. Therefore, there is only one answer."

"He is the pioneer of the main hospital."

"No, it's the Sequencer!"

Xu Nian's eyes were as clear as water, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Since our friends from the main hospital are here, why don't you come out and meet us?"

No one answered.

Xu Nian was not surprised. He smiled, stretched out his hand to open a glass door, and took out a little man with moving eyes. He looked into the little man's gloomy eyes and said, "Actually, this is not difficult to guess. With my current mental strength, if someone can deceive me without a sound, it can only mean that they are at least a strong person of the fourth level, and there will be no such strong person within the wall except the main hospital. "

'As for how you did it, let me guess, maybe your ability does not act on me, but on the surrounding environment, so I fell into this place without realizing it, and even now I can't leave. "

"In a sense, what I saw is both an illusion and the truth, because the surrounding vision has been changed by you, right?"

As he spoke, he suddenly crushed the statue in his hand with force, and as scarlet blood overflowed from the gaps between his fingers, there was a snapping sound in the corridor.

The next moment, a dull voice slowly sounded.

"Then guess, why do I do this?"

Xu Nian chuckled and followed the sound to the darkness at the end of the corridor: "I think you encountered some difficulty."

"Yes, you want me to help you."

Xu Nian's tone was decisive at this moment, his eyes were firm, and he seemed to trust his own judgment.

Bang bang bang.

The applause resumed.

But this time, he was accompanied by an old man wearing a red divine robe.

"This is."

When Xu Nian clearly saw the dazzling goddess symbol on the red robe of the person who appeared, he suddenly took a breath of cold air: "The red archbishop of the Glory Goddess Sect?"

No matter which sect it is, red, white and black represent the rank of the clergy within the sect. Black is the lowest and is the most common priest, followed by white, such as the bishop who was killed before, and red is the core of each sect. , is the existence with the highest power and status besides the leader.

Xu Nian didn't know how many archbishops there were in the Goddess of Glory, but even if they were the worst, they were the ones he couldn't afford to offend.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I don't know the senior's surname yet."


Although the red archbishop is not young, judging from his deep blue eyes like the blue sky, he has Western blood and is a very standard mixed race.

"Yu Zigeng, but I prefer others to call me the goddess's hound."

Xu Nian's mind tightened, and he silently recited the name Yu Zigeng and the obviously nickname "Goddess' Hound" several times, and said in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

So far, he doesn't know the other party's specific purpose. Although it may be related to him killing the bishop, he doesn't believe that the other party dares to attack him inside the city wall.

Therefore, the archbishop must have had other purposes for putting so much thought into it.

"Tsk tsk, he is indeed the person that the eldest lady has taken a liking to, and he is worthy of being a serial nine detective. I'll make a long story short."

"I can let go of what happened before, and I can even help you deal with the aftermath and avoid all subsequent troubles, but you must promise me one thing."

As he spoke, Yu Zigeng slowly took off his hoodie, revealing a head of old white hair.

Xu Nian was silent for a while, then frowned and said, "Is it related to this strange statue house? Isn't this an illusion created by you?"

"Of course not, this is real." Yu Zigeng paused slightly, with a strange expression on his face, "Of course, in order to avoid being noticed by you in advance, I still made some preparations in advance and took advantage of the statue hall's Weird power."

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