Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 225 An irresistible deal

"What on earth do you want to do?"



Xu Nian's plain voice echoed in the corridor.

Ever since he first came into contact with the people of the Goddess of Glory, he found that the people in this church were not as pure and simple as he imagined.

On the surface, they seem to be loyal believers of the Goddess of Glory, and everything they do is to maintain the authority and belief of the Goddess of Glory. But think about the terrifying research institute in Crystal City and the various chilling experiments. He suddenly felt that this sect bathed in light was much more dangerous than imagined.

This danger does not come from the opponent's strength, but from the opponent's purpose.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Xu Nian asked again seriously. This time he added "we" to express the meaning very clearly.

A faint smile appeared on Yu Zigeng's face: "Xu Nian, you are worthy of being selected by the sequence slate. Very good. I have higher expectations for you."

"I know that you didn't really leave the Sunset Mental Hospital. You were just carrying out the secret mission of the young lady, right?"

Xu Nian's mind tightened and he narrowed his eyes without saying anything.

"Haha, you don't have to look at me like this. In a way, you and I are not enemies."

"Oh? In other words, on the other hand, we are enemies?"

Xu Nian raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party with a half-smile.

Yu Zigeng touched the glass cabinet beside him in a funny way, and pointedly said: "Do you know what these statues are?"

Xu Nian didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

"Actually, you have already guessed that these are people, real people. It is just because this statue hall has independent laws that these people are so big."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, the law is a realm that can only be touched by demigods, that is, those who have reached the level of the fifth interpretation."

"In the entire human race, the only one who has reached this level is the great goddess of radiance."

Hearing Yu Zigeng's pointed words, Xu Nian frowned and said, "Are you trying to say that this statue hall is related to the goddess?"

"No, no, no!" Yu Zigeng shook his head and said, "A goddess would not do such a thing. In fact, this is an item left behind after the death of a demigod or even a being above demigod. We call it an artifact."

"The name of this artifact is called the Strange Statue House. It sounds difficult to understand, but from the outside, it is a porcelain bottle between reality and illusion, also called the Strange Bottle."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

The more Xu Nian listened, the more confused he became, and he became more and more confused about Yu Zigeng's purpose.

Yu Zigeng smiled and said normally: "I heard that you have encountered a walking coffin more than once?"

Xu Nian was shocked, but on the surface he said calmly: "I don't quite understand what you mean." "Haha, don't be nervous." Yu Zigeng looked at Xu Nian with a half-smile but said: "We have our own channels. Whether you were in the Corruption Swamp or traveling in the wilderness, we know very well that you encountered the walking coffin twice, and its name was Rofield."

Xu Nian no longer had any doubts in his mind and said in a deep voice: "Archbishop Yu, if you have anything to say, please speak directly."

"Okay." Yu Zigeng's expression became serious: "For what happened in Crystal City, I deeply apologize on behalf of our church. We have already negotiated the relevant explanation and compensation with the senior management of your hospital. I will come to you this time. Come, I just want you to introduce Mr. Rofield to us. We need his help for something."

"Of course, in return, we can provide you with all the help you need for what the young lady asked you to do. Even if you are going to the dragon lizard ruins? We can provide all the information about there."

Yu Zigeng had a strange look on his face at the end, and he hesitated to speak, but in the end he said nothing.

In fact, he was still very curious as to why Xu Nian went to the Dragon Lizard Ruins, but he also knew that everyone has secrets, and asking too many questions might arouse Xu Nian's bad feelings.

Xu Nian was silent for a while and said in a low voice: "If I refuse, I can't leave here, right?"

Yu Zigeng smiled and said nothing.

Xu Nian understood what the other party meant, took a deep breath and said: "In this case, I don't seem to have a reason to refuse, but to start with, I don't know Luo Feide's whereabouts. Since the last time, I have no idea about it at all. Where did he go, so I can only promise that I will bring him the words next time I see him.”

Yu Zigeng nodded and said with a mysterious smile: "That's enough."

After saying that, his figure gradually disappeared and merged into the darkness, leaving only a voice echoing in the increasingly illusory corridor:

"Xu Nian, if you are willing to join our cult one day, the cult will leave you a red archbishop position at any time."

Everything in the corridor gradually became illusory, and the world around him began to distort.

Xu Nian stood motionless, thinking about what the soul-inducing lamp said about the terrifying aura here, and thinking about what Yu Zigeng said about this being an artifact left behind by a powerful being after his death, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

Looking at the end of the corridor that was gradually sinking into darkness, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be a pair of strange eyes looking at him in the darkness.


Along with a sound like thunder, Xu Nian felt his brain buzzing, and then he fell into the ultimate darkness.

He didn't know how much time passed, but when he woke up and returned his sight, he saw Zuo Qiuyue's worried eyes, and saw a pair of plump girls close at hand.


Due to the hot weather, Zuo Qiuyue's upper body was very thin, so when Xu Nian found herself lying on Zuo Qiuyue's lap in the back of the car, she couldn't help but smell a tantalizing milk fragrance.

This milky fragrance seems to come from natural breast milk in the border areas, exuding a charming lamb-like smell.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath and said at a loss for words: "It smells so good!"


An uncontrollable laughter came from the front, but it was the woman named Rosie who was driving.

Zuo Qiuyue's pretty face turned red, she pushed Xu Nian away and said angrily: "You damn ghost, you finally woke up!"

Xu Nian was stunned, rubbed his swollen head, and asked doubtfully: "Am I asleep?"

"What else?"

Zuo Qiuyue rolled her eyes, the blush on her face still not fading away, "An hour ago, the car almost hit a hare. Fortunately, Rosie reacted quickly and dodged it, but you, such a big man, wouldn't have hit her. You shook your head, why did you faint immediately?"

As she said that, she shook her head speechlessly and said seriously: "I tell Xu Nian, you really need to take good care of your body. If you continue like this, your wife will dislike you for your fragile body."

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