Xu Nian watched as Yu Man's tall back disappeared into the night. The warm smile on his face gradually faded and turned into a slight solemnity.

Just before they parted, he asked casually: "Why did Zhao Qiang call you Sister Wang?"

Then came a chilling answer.

"Haha, who told the owner of my new face to be named Wang?"

The other person spoke very calmly and naturally, as if it was just a trivial matter.

But he felt goosebumps in his heart, and for the first time he was full of curiosity about this mysterious "courtyard".

He really wanted to know what kind of organization was within this safe and peaceful city wall that could actually have someone like Yu Man.


It was difficult for Xu Nian to use the word human to describe her, but the next moment, after thinking about the abnormalities in his body, he laughed at himself: "Xu Nian, Xu Nian, what qualifications do you have to say anything about others? If She is a monster, so who are you?”

"A monster that's not a monster?"

Shaking his head, Xu Nian cleared the distracting thoughts in his mind and strolled towards the guard hall.

Maybe it was because it was almost twelve o'clock in the morning, there was no one on the street, and all the street lights were out, but he was not afraid or in a hurry, he just walked leisurely.

On the way here just now, Zhao Qiang's phone call was made in a very low voice, but he heard it all.

Everything was as he expected. As long as Zhao Qiang, a cautious guy, came to the scene, he would definitely deal with the surveillance along the way, so the "rest" of the surveillance tonight helped him deal with some troubles without knowing it.

Speaking of which, he also wanted to thank Zhao Qiang!

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his whole person slowly disappeared into the night.

[Shocked, the insider trading recording of Zhao Qiang, deputy leader of the Major Crime Team of the Security Department, was exposed]

[Transactions under the shady curtain, on Rongcheng’s underground criminal industry chain]

[The person involved in the 7.15 disappearance case reappeared, but was tortured and dismembered at home by Zhao Qiang, deputy leader of the serious crime team of the Security Department]

[It is outrageous that Zhao Qiang, the deputy head of the serious crime team of the National Security Agency, actually used a law-abiding citizen as a scapegoat in order to solve the case]

The citizens of Rongcheng who had just woken up and had not yet recovered from their sleep were suddenly shocked by the overwhelming news on the Internet.

Then, they clicked on various videos, photos, and recordings with confused faces. Almost every citizen's emotions were aroused, and the voices of condemnation full of shock and anger almost completely paralyzed the entire online platform.

There is only one goal.

Rongcheng Security Bureau, and the key figures in this public opinion storm.

Zhao Qiang.

"What exactly is going on!?"

“Where the hell did these videos, photos, and this recording come from?”

"Damn it, damn Zhao Qiang, he is trying to kill us all!"

In a large conference room, both sides of the long conference table were filled with police officers who bowed their heads and said nothing. The person sitting at the front who was shouting curses was their top leader, Lin Yuhai, the director of the Security Department.

Lin Yuhai is a middle-aged man in his early fifties. Although he has a bit of a belly from years of dining, the sharpness and ruthlessness between his brows can still reveal some of the unique temperament of a soldier.

At this moment, his expression was extremely ugly, and he scanned the whole place with fierce eyes. He believed that if Zhao Qiang were present, he would be torn into pieces by him in anger.

"Forest Bureau, it has been investigated clearly."

At this time, a young policeman suddenly pushed open the conference room door and rushed in.

Lin Yuhai's anger condensed instantly, and he said with a gloomy face: "Tell me, who did it?"

The young policeman was frightened by his chief's gloomy expression and stammered: "Linlin Bureau, it was originally posted by a guy with the online name of 'Monster who is not a monster'."

"Speak nicely." Lin Yuhai took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Yes." The young policeman's body shook, and he stood up straight subconsciously and reported: "Lin Bureau, after analysis by our Technical Investigation Department, it has been confirmed that the video posted by this guy with the online name of 'Monster that is not a monster', The photos and recordings have no traces of photoshopping or forgery and can be confirmed to be authentic.”

"Moreover, colleagues from the task force just now raided and arrested Li Chengqian, the deputy director of the Transportation Bureau who illegally shut down city surveillance last night. He has admitted that Zhao Qiang did call him twice last night. The first time was to ask him He helped shut down the surveillance near the security hall for an hour. The second time was to shut down all the surveillance along the road from the security hall to the Aegean Community. He even arranged for a subordinate to shut down the surveillance in the Aegean Community. "

The scene suddenly fell into deathly silence.

The police officers at the conference table looked at each other in confusion, then lowered their heads again. Some even secretly took out their mobile phones and kept texting under the table.

Although Lin Yuhai was looking at the young policeman, how could he not see the actions of his subordinates? His anger became even stronger, and he couldn't help but slap the table with his hand.

There was a "bang" sound.

Some police officers who were sweating profusely and texting frantically with their heads lowered were so frightened that they couldn't hold their phones properly and dropped them to the ground.

Lin Yuhai's cold eyes scanned the entire audience. All the police officers present lowered their heads and did not dare to look at him.

"Haha, you guys who usually have their noses in the air, what are you doing now? Dealing with the aftermath? Don't you think it's too late?"

The police officers present stopped breathing and did not dare to take a breath.


Lin Yuhai's indifferent gaze returned to the young policeman standing at the door, looking uneasy: "Have you found out the identity of that netizen?"

"This" the young policeman hesitated for a moment, and then hurriedly said under Lin Yuhai's cold gaze: "We contacted Mr. Fang, the person in charge of the Rongcheng branch of the Shepherd Group, hoping that they would provide all the information about this netizen on the platform, but we were met with To the point of rejection.”

"What?!" Lin Yuhai frowned and said, "What did Mr. Fang say?"

"He said." The young policeman hesitated and gritted his teeth: "The city committee just sent him a notice and he is not allowed to provide any information to the Security Bureau."

Lin Yuhai's face turned pale, and he collapsed weakly on the chair.

"Mr. Xu Nian, I am Zhang Ximing, the disciplinary inspection committee member of the Rongcheng City Committee. I am sorry that you have been so wronged. The city committee has fully intervened in this matter. I believe it will not take long to give you a satisfactory answer!"

Xu Nian glanced at the policeman next to him who was untying his handcuffs. His eyes returned to the middle-aged man in expensive suits with a very polite attitude. He frowned and said, "What do you mean? Didn't the police insist that I was a criminal before?" ?”

Zhang Ximing said apologetically: "I'm sorry, the matter has been basically found out. It was Zhao Qiang who used you as a scapegoat for his own personal gain."

Xu Nian was stunned for a moment and then said angrily: "Asshole Zhao Qiang, I knew it was him. Where is this shameless guy now? I want to settle the score with him!"

Zhang Ximing said calmly: "I'm sorry, just last night, Zhao Qiang committed suicide by jumping off the building after mutilating an innocent victim."

Xu Nian opened his mouth and said blankly: "What on earth is going on?"

At this time, the police had already opened the handcuffs. Zhang Ximing stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture with a polite look, "Mr. Xu Nian, shall we go to the office to discuss in detail?"

Xu Nian touched the back of his head, whispered, "What's going on?", and then walked out of the interrogation room with a confused look on his face.

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