Zhang Ximing did not ask Xu Nian to leave the security hall immediately. In the words of the disciplinary inspection committee member, there are reporters and media outside now. If he goes out now, he may be in trouble and danger.

Xu Nian understood what the Disciplinary Inspection Committee meant. He was just worried that he would "talk nonsense" to the media and reporters, so he hoped that he would stay for the time being until the superiors had investigated the issue of the Security Office and unified the tone before letting him go. He cooperated by holding a press conference to calm public opinion.

He knew that he would not be able to escape by cooperating with his superiors to quell public opinion, so he only had one request: he must wear a hood to keep his identity secret.

Zhang Ximing only hesitated for a moment before agreeing to Xu Nian's conditions, and even said that the city committee would compensate him for the damage caused by this incident, and the amount would definitely be full.

Xu Nian naturally accepted it happily.

Seeing that the task was completed, Zhang Ximing became more pleased with Xu Nian. He even left a business card for Xu Nian when he left, saying that he could contact him if anything happened in the future.

Then, he was treated like an ancestor by some petty police officers who had nothing to do with the case. Not only did they find him a comfortable room to rest, they also arranged fruits and a rich lunch.

Of course, Xu Nian's mobile phones, rattles and other personal belongings that were used as evidence in the case were also returned one by one.

Xu Nian was even lucky enough to meet the top leader of the Security Department, Director Lin Yuhai. Under the warm greetings from the other party, Xu Nian understood what the director meant and secretly said that he would tell Commissioner Zhang that this case had nothing to do with the director. relation.

Lin Yuhai was so elated that he repeatedly praised Xu Nian as a young talent in Rongcheng, and said that he would apply for Xu Nian to be awarded the title of "Five Good Youths" in Rongcheng. He even ordered a female police officer to be assigned full-time to take care of Xu Nian. As long as Xu Nian Any needs Nian has must be met.

Finally, after Xu Nian's efforts to persuade him to stay, Lin Yuhai left "reluctantly" and also left a business card for Xu Nian, so that Xu Nian could come to him if he had any trouble in the future.

After working for a long time, Xu Nian finally calmed down until a policewoman holding a folder walked into the room.

"It's you?!"

Xu Nian raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw the appearance of the policewoman arranged by Lin Yuhai to take care of him.

The visitor was none other than the beautiful policewoman who entered the interrogation room for the first time and was responsible for recording the interrogation content.

If she were just a beautiful policewoman, Xu Nian might not have such a deep memory, but the problem is that this policewoman has a bright red mole between her eyebrows. The red mole is in the shape of a drop, and it matches this woman's face. Her face was enough for Xu Nian to remember her in his heart at a glance.

"Hello, Mr. Xu, I was arranged by the Forestry Bureau to take care of you. If you need anything, please feel free to tell me."

The policewoman smiled slightly and behaved neither humble nor overbearing. As soon as she finished speaking, she sat opposite the sofa where Xu Nian was sitting and read the documents.

Xu Nian frowned, then relaxed.

He knew that the policewoman was here to take care of him on the surface, but perhaps also to monitor him to prevent him from doing anything detrimental to Director Lin.

After understanding this, he smiled and said: "This police officer, I still don't know your surname. How do you call me?"

"My surname is Zuo, just call me Officer Zuo."

The policewoman answered Xu Nian and turned to the next page of the document without raising her head.

When Xu Nian heard the relatively uncommon "Zuo" surname, the first thing he thought of was Zuo Qiuyue, one of the people who participated in the recording of the 7.15 case.

His eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself as if unintentionally: "What a coincidence. I seem to remember that Zhao Qiang asked me to read the 7.15 case file in order to trick me into taking the bait. It looks like..."

"I am Zuo Qiuyue."

The policewoman suddenly raised her head and looked at Xu Nian calmly.

Xu Nian was stunned and said in surprise: "Officer Zuo, what are you doing?"

Zuo Qiuyue put down the documents in her hands and looked at Xu Niandao with a calm face: "You may not believe it, but when I was molested by Link in the street, I didn't know that my job would be transferred to the Security Bureau afterwards."

Xu Nian was startled and said curiously: "Then you used to be?"

"Sunset Asylum."

"Uh" Xu Nian felt as if his throat was choking on the air, and he coughed dryly: "Congratulations to Officer Zuo. Compared to the mental hospital, this security hall is indeed a good unit."

"Haha." Zuo Qiuyue chuckled and continued to pick up the file and read it.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Although Xu Nian had many questions in his mind, considering the depth of the water in the Guard Hall and even the upper echelons of Rongcheng, he wisely closed his mouth and took out his red rattle.

After shaking it slightly, there was a "dong dong" sound in the room.

Zuo Qiuyue raised her head and glanced, surprised: "Mr. Xu is still playing this?"

Xu Nian shook it again and said with a smile, "It's just memories."

Zuo Qiuyue nodded thoughtfully and continued to read the documents in his hand.

At this time, a round head suddenly squeezed out of the rattle's drum with a "pop" sound.

Big eyes, small nose, and small mouth, they look very cute.

He turned in a circle on the drum head,


It came out with a "chirp" sound like a spinning top, landed on Xu Nian's shoulder and sat down.

"Dad, how can you thank me this time?"

Xu Nian smiled and looked at the beautiful Zuo Qiuyue opposite him. He calmly put his right hand on his shoulder and pinched his son's butt, signaling him not to talk to her.

The son curled his lips and glanced at Zuo Qiuyue opposite him. His eyes turned and landed on the top of Zuo Qiuyue's head.

Xu Nian's heart suddenly reached his throat.

Although Zuo Qiuyue, who kept her head down, was looking at the document, she never relaxed her observation of Xu Nian. Until she found that Xu Nian was staring at her without blinking, and even obviously breathing faster, a flash of light suddenly flashed in her eyes. disgust.

In her opinion, this Xu Nian was obviously just like those stinky men, who had a disgusting special interest in her.

Thinking of this, she felt even more annoyed, so she suddenly put down the document and raised her head with a charming smile: "Mr. Xu, am I beautiful?"

Xu Nian was stunned, glanced at Zuo Qiuyue, who was looking at his son sideways, and shook his head seriously: "It's not beautiful."

Zuo Qiuyue was stunned and even more furious. After secretly cursing the hypocrite, she walked up to Xu Nian with her sexy waist and slowly leaned towards him.

Eyes facing each other.

The distance between their noses is less than two fingers.

Xu Nian could almost inhale the fragrance coming out of Zuo Qiuyue's mouth.

Zuo Qiuyue's face was slightly red, but there was a faint sneer hidden deep in her charming eyes.

The son on top of his head seemed to have discovered a new world. He stepped on Zuo Qiuyue's head with one foot and the other on Xu Nian's head. He bent deeply and stared at the two with his big eyes. The gap between a person's lips.

"Come on, mom will beat you to death if you're just a little bit close."

Xu Nian broke into cold sweat.

At this time, Zuo Qiuyue had a weird smile on her lips, and the red mole between her eyebrows was beating like a flea.

The next moment, a strange fluctuation suddenly appeared. Under his son's surprised gaze, the red mole on Zuo Qiuyue's eyebrow suddenly jumped out and rushed into Xu Nian's eyebrow.

Xu Nian's body was shaken.

Zuo Qiuyue quickly took a step back, the charming smile on her face instantly faded, and loudly said: "Disgusting stinky man, get down on your knees!"

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