Disaster Strikes

Chapter 229 The Four-Venerable Officials Contract

Open a room in the inn.

The scenery in front of Chen Mo was hazy, as if he fell into a whirlpool and came to this gray temporary space.

Tip: If the quality of the disaster world is found to be lost in you, it will be automatically recovered, and your disaster erosion evaluation will be improved.

Tip: Your disaster contribution points +45 points.

Tip: Your disaster contribution points +2 points.

Tip: Your disaster contribution points +4 points.

Tip: Your disaster contribution points +3 points.

Tip: Your...

The moment he entered this settlement space, Chen Mo's optical brain data chip sent a long list of prompts.

Among these prompts.

The first 45 points of the prompt were that Chen Mo recovered the disaster doll for the disaster world in the demon-suppressing pool, which was a bonus point for completing the side quest.

In addition, there were the "skeleton monsters" that Chen Mo recovered in the demon-suppressing pool.

These skeleton monsters, as Chen Mo expected, were indeed the ancient disasters sealed by the ancient monks of this world.

These natural disasters were out of the time and space influence range of the disaster world, and could not be recovered by the disaster world after death. They were then polluted by the dead air in the secret realm and became undead creatures.

Because the energy of the disaster world belonging to them had almost been lost over a long period of time, the points obtained by a single skeleton monster after Chen Mo recovered it were not many.

However, the number brought back by Chen Mo was not small.

With continuous reminders and accumulation, the points income was quite considerable.

Tips: You will get a total of 364 natural disaster contribution points in this mission.

A total of 364 points, the points income is not much, but not little.

After all, most of the time, Chen Mo was just fishing in troubled waters, and there was almost no killing reward.

These points.

In addition to the gains from killing the descendants of the traitors of the Five Colors Sect, the gains from killing Lu Qianqian and Yang Yuanzi in the secret realm, and the gains from the mission itself, these are the skeleton points.

In the final analysis.

It is still Chen Mo's strength and the profession of telekinesis that can hardly pose a great threat to the profession of monks in this world.


If we add the 29 points he carried with him before the mission began, and the 50 points pledged in the gray contract signed with Tiantian, the total of 364 points is 443 points.

Enough for him to spend.

But the most important thing is!

Chen Mo's main gains in the Guixu world are a large number of materials, props and energy stones, which have not yet been cashed.

Let alone.

The foundation-building pill found from Peng Wanlie alone costs at least 100 energy stones. When Chen Mo sells it in a safe place, it will be more than 1,000 points!

And the ten thousand year bodhi fruit is even more priceless.

However, this kind of thing, like the anti-aging water, needs to be sold at the most appropriate time to get the highest profit.

Tip: Your natural disaster erosion rating for this mission is 107.

Tip: You get 10 free attribute points.

Tip: Congratulations! Your natural disaster erosion rating for this mission exceeds the 100-point rating limit and has received special attention from the optical brain data system.

Tip: Congratulations! You can get an extra reward opportunity in the disaster world.

Tip: Please choose one of the rewards below as the extra reward for this mission.

Reward 1: Random attribute B-level to S-level skill scroll.

Reward 2: Randomly assign 6 attributes.

Reward 3: 1000 to 5000 random points.

Reward 4: A random attribute purple quality to dark gold quality fixed team contract.

Reward 5: Qualification of the God-loved of the Demon Eye Evil God.

Reward 6: Exemption from military service for the Doomsday Mission.

Reward 7: Territory qualification certificate for the primary community of the River of Trouble Commercial Street.

Reward 8: Qualification for exemption from trial for the second-level natural disaster enhancer.

Reward 9: Random items.


In a moment.

After taking a deep breath instinctively, Chen Mo suddenly revealed a fanatical look.

Is this the so-called extra reward that will be obtained after the natural disaster evaluation exceeds 100 points?

He felt that he was almost blinded!

After swallowing his saliva, he tried to control his violent heartbeat. While thanking the upside-down monk for giving him the opportunity, he examined the nine rewards in front of him.

The evaluation of this mission is 107 points. It seems that it is only 7 points higher, but the difficulty contained in these 7 points is probably equivalent to completing the evaluation of 100 points several times. It is just that the difficulty is multiplied geometrically and cannot be more directly reflected.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand the previous confidence of the upside-down monk.

He claimed that Chen Mo’s evaluation of this disaster mission must exceed 100 points.

After careful consideration.

Among these nine rewards, Chen Mo first ruled out the third, fifth, seventh, and ninth options.

First of all, the third option’s point reward, such a precious opportunity, is only used to exchange for random points. If he is unlucky and draws more than a thousand points, he will really regret it.

As for the opportunity of the fifth option of the God’s Favored, Chen Mo is not interested in this professional development direction at all.

The seventh option is the territory qualification certificate for establishing a primary club. Chen Mo has not yet established a team, so naturally there is no talk of establishing a club.

The ninth option is random items. There are too few hints, so you can't take risks easily.

Among the remaining options.

After thinking about it again and again, Chen Mo finally hesitated between option one and option four.

Although the attribute reward of option 2 is precious, it is randomly allocated. For Chen Mo, who is about to achieve great success in his cultivation of Tongzi Gong, obtaining 6 attribute points is not a qualitative change.

Option 6, exemption from military service for the Doomsday Mission, seems good, but it can only exempt one person.

If Chen Mo uses it on himself, wouldn’t he be alienated from the rest of the team?

As for option 8, promotion exemption from trial qualification, it is even more unnecessary. It is a waste of time. If the strength is enough, the trial is just a process.

About half a minute later.

Chen Mo still did not make a choice, and the optical brain system prompted again.

Tip: Please make a choice as soon as possible, countdown 30 seconds.

Tip: Please make a choice as soon as possible, countdown 29 seconds.

Tip, please do it as soon as possible...

"I choose reward 4, a random attribute natural disaster team contract!"

Chen Mo made the final decision.

The reason is very simple.

With Chen Mo's current energy value, at most he can maintain the consumption of B-level skills. The energy value consumed by such skills is at least 15 points.

Some large-scale destructive skills require more than 30 energy points!

In this way.

With Chen Mo's current energy level of only 24 points, if he draws an A-level skill or an S-level skill, wouldn't it be useless?

Moreover, the attributes are random and cannot be controlled.

In comparison,

Now he already has two teammates, Tiantian and Ningying. Although the ability combination of the three does not seem to be excellent, fortunately, he and Tiantian have not yet started to choose the direction of career optimization, and they can still make adjustments in the future, and they can also select the ability direction for teammates who join later.

In this way.

Obtaining a high-quality team contract scroll as soon as possible has become his first priority as the captain of the team.

The team skill attributes of the team contract scroll will also determine the future number of people in this team and the future development direction.


A ray of five-color light fell from the sky and landed in front of Chen Mo.

He instinctively stretched out his hands to catch it.

The five-color light column gradually shrank and turned into light purple.

Just when Chen Mo thought he was unlucky and had drawn a purple team contract with the worst reward.

The purple light column, which was originally as big as a bowl, began to shrink continuously, and the lavender light also shrank and gradually condensed into gold.

Chen Mo's eyes lit up.


This golden light column suddenly condensed into a thin line, showing an introverted dark gold color, and then it really stabilized.

A silk scroll that looked ordinary, like an imperial edict, appeared in Chen Mo's hand.

He showed an excitement that was difficult to conceal.

Tip: Four-value Gongcao Contract.

Quality: Dark Gold.

Conditions of use: The same level of natural disasters, limited to 4 people.

Item attributes: 1. Team members who sign the contract can get the main attribute +2, all attributes +1 reward. After returning to the disaster world, team members can apply to leave the contract team at the notary office, but will be punished by the main attribute -10, all attributes -5, and the team leader can take the initiative to disband the team without punishment.

2. The death of any member of the team will cause a penalty of -20% of the main attribute and -10% of the secondary attribute of other team members. After any member of the team is promoted to the fourth-level natural disaster lord, the contract team will automatically disband.

3. The volume of the team's public space is the sum of the space eroded by the team members. When placing items in it, all members must be present. When taking out items, there is no restriction.

4. PHS: When the team members are in the mission world, they can communicate in real time without interference within the range of (the sum of the members' mental power) meters.

5. Appraiser: You can spend 10 points to conduct on-site appraisal of any unidentified items in the mission world.

6. Explorer: After each team member passes three disaster missions, he can obtain the disaster mission of the teleportation contract world by offering a teleportation contract.

Item introduction: The so-called four-valued Gongcao represents the four gods of the year, month, day, and time. They are responsible for investigating and recording merits and managing merit books. Therefore, the contract signed in the name of the four gods has a certain time and space effect.

"It's really a dark gold contract scroll."

Chen Mo's luck was so good that he got the best reward for this option.

As a dark gold contract, it actually has three team skills, namely, PHS, Appraiser, and Explorer.

The first three in the attribute introduction are the basic functions of the team contract, and other contracts generally have them, but the specific attributes are different.


In the team skills, PHS and Appraiser are just the bonus of the team skills.

If you have these two team skills, it will be much more convenient, but if you don't have them, there will be no essential impact.

The Explorer team skill in the sixth attribute introduction is the core of this contract!

When the natural disaster perform the disaster mission, it is randomly assigned.

However, although the number of mission worlds that the gathering place can reach is not many, it is not small.

Some worlds are remote and barren, some worlds are prosperous and rich, some worlds are not conducive to professional performance, some worlds are suitable for professional performance, some worlds are relatively familiar, and some worlds are extremely unfamiliar...

In this way,

This exploration team skill can enter the designated world of the sacrifice teleportation contract and perform a mission every three times after performing the disaster mission.

For example, at this time, Chen Mo and Ning Ying both have a scroll of teleportation to the Guixu world.

Although this team skill cannot produce an immediate effect and improve the team's combat strength during the battle, as time goes by, constantly activating the explorer team skill, going to the familiar rich world, and making targeted preparations will undoubtedly make the overall strength of the team substantially improved!


Although the team skill was unexpected, it made Chen Mo even more surprised.

Because this team skill, combined with his traverser talent, will undoubtedly further improve his development space and carry out some targeted activities.

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