Disaster Strikes

Chapter 230 Career Optimization

Chen Mo originally wanted to wait until he returned to the disaster world before trying to find a suitable team contract. He was satisfied with the purple quality, and the blue quality would be OK.


Now he unexpectedly obtained a dark gold contract, which undoubtedly made him excited for a long time.

The team skills of the Four Values ​​Gongcao Contract are quite practical for Chen Mo, and the stipulated number of four members also meets Chen Mo's ideal number of team members.

If the number of members is too small, the team's advantages will not be brought into play.

If the number of members is too large, accidents are prone to occur and they will be defeated one by one.

In comparison.

According to the war experience of the disaster world for many years, when the number of team members is four to five, the team's advantages will be maximized.

Of course.

There are also quite a few natural disasters who wander around in gray contracts all year round, and even natural disasters who travel alone.

However, when these people perform tasks, they can often only exert part of their strength, need to be on guard against danger at all times, and generally do not engage in too dangerous tasks.

The advantage is that you don't have to worry about being implicated by others, and you can control your own destiny.

Each mode has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is up to each person to choose which mode to develop.

But one thing is certain.

When the strength of two people is not much different, as a member of a fixed team, the status is undoubtedly much higher than that of a lone ranger.

Tip: Please choose the free attribute allocation method as soon as possible. After the countdown, the system will randomly allocate, and the countdown is 30 seconds.

Tip: Please hurry up...

Since Chen Mo experienced the lottery with a disaster mission evaluation of more than 100 points for the first time, it took a lot of time.

If it were based on the previous settlement progress, it should have been the end time now.

The urging reminder of the optical brain system made him wake up from a dream.

A full 10 points of free attribute rewards, because of the talent of the traverser, Chen Mo added all of them to the spiritual attribute in one breath.

A series of five-color lights, like colorful ribbons, rushed to Chen Mo from the gray space in all directions.

It was like soaking in a hot spring in the cold winter.

Under the nourishment of this wonderful power, the cells gradually became more and more active. Chen Mo couldn't help but let out a soft hum, enjoying this change, just like the exhilaration of a boy's breakthrough.

After a long time.

When the attribute blessing ended, Chen Mo opened his eyes and returned to reality.

The mental attribute increased by 10 points, from 37 points to 47 points.

In this way.

The time that his traverser talent can stay in the mission world has also been greatly extended.

Tip: It is found that your professionalization process is about to end. Please start the second-level natural disaster enhancer trial as soon as possible after the professionalization is completed. If you choose professional optimization, the natural disaster contribution points and natural disaster erosion task evaluation you get during the period will gradually decrease.

The prompt of the optical brain data chip made Chen Mo stunned.

You know, even if you count the starving ghost trial, he has just gone through three tasks now. He was actually judged by the optical brain data system that the professionalization process is about to end?

Although Chen Mo doesn't know much about professional optimizers, he knows a little.

This is a special process for the disaster seekers who are judged by the optical computer system to have basically completed their professionalization, but for various reasons, they want to optimize their profession.

This is a very painful process.

Because in the process of performing tasks, the so-called disaster points and task evaluations of the disaster world rewards will gradually decrease to 0.01%, which is almost negligible.


The mode of the disaster seekers' task execution process will also undergo a huge change.

From pursuing task points and task evaluations to focusing on finding professional clues and searching for various props and materials.

Among them, professional clues are the top priority.

As for the process of professional optimization.

It can be divided into three categories in general, namely mutation, fusion, and improvement.

The intuitive manifestation of mutation is the various so-called mutation skills. After professionalization, these skills will become regular skills, but the effect has been significantly improved.

The intuitive manifestation of fusion is the mode of the inverted monk, which combines the orthodox Buddhist skills with the evil arts of the Hehuan Sect to become a generation of demon monks, with varying effects.

The intuitive manifestation of the improvement is the interface master profession that Ningying pursues. Due to the harsh conditions of this profession, she has to transform for this process.

In short.

As a natural disaster, since he has been evaluated by the optical brain data system as eligible for promotion, it means that his professionalization process has been on the right track and he has been judged as a natural disaster warrior with professional characteristics. However, for personal reasons, the natural disaster wants to pursue higher achievements, which exceeds the scope of basic welfare training in the disaster world.

The next step is the process of wrestling between the two sides.

The disaster world will gradually withdraw all resource benefits and only provide the most basic platform services.

The natural disaster can only rely on his own strength to move towards the ideal career in his heart until he completes the trial and is evaluated as a second-level natural disaster enhancer.

The period for the natural disaster enhancer to perform the disaster mission will be extended from one month in the disaster world to three months, and the difficulty of the mission will be greatly increased. When killing a first-level hostile creature, the natural disaster points reward that can be obtained will be greatly reduced.

The reason why Chen Mo felt weird.

It was because he was too fast and too unqualified among the professional optimizers.

After only three tasks, Chen Mo started to optimize his career. This is simply abnormal.

The only reason he could think of was that Tong Zi Kung was determined to be a martial arts profession during the test of the optical brain system. Because Chen Mo, with the time resources brought by his talent as a time traveler, had overcome many obstacles to Tong Zi Kung, only the last remaining It's a matter of course.

The problem is!

As far as Chen Mo knew, even for a relatively average professional optimizer, his main attribute should be between 50 and 70 points.

But even though I had just received a full 10 points of free attribute rewards, my mental attributes were only 47 points.

More importantly.

The optical brain data system determined that the direction of his professional development should be the direction of evolution as a martial artist, not as a telepath.

If so.

Is the optimization direction of my martial arts career really a bit...too weak?

Judging from the blessing of "Tong Zi Kung", even if you reach great perfection in practice and gain another all-round attribute gain, your strength and speed will only have about twenty attributes.

With this level of professionalism, martial arts masters would simply be pushed into the mud and ravaged by other professionals.

This is obviously unlikely.

"There must be something fishy here. The professional direction of martial arts masters cannot be so weak. After all, based on my experience in the hive world, martial arts masters are enough to compete with any profession. I must have missed something important."

Chen Mo felt a little dizzy.

This is also the weakness of the Scourge.

Because the natural disaster victims have almost no cultural heritage of their own, all their abilities are pieced together. Although in the process of career optimization, a strong person who combines the strengths of each group may be formed, in fact, more often than not, they are pieced together. Coarse, nondescript.

A specific metaphor.

The evaluation of various professions in other worlds, as long as they can survive the test of history, can basically reach 60 points or more, and some outstanding professions can even reach 90 points or more.

In the process of the first-level professionalization of natural disaster victims.

If we only study one profession, because the disaster world has no cultural heritage as a fertile ground for the growth of this profession, the overall strength of the natural disaster victims who practice this profession will inevitably be weaker than the average level of the world's creatures that produced this profession.


A small number of natural disaster victims like Lei Wu are not counted because they are born with fertile soil for growth.

If disaster victims take advantage of the strengths of all parties and try to create a career, they will also face new problems.

That is, the professional strength created by 50% of the natural disaster victims is not even as good as a single professional strength, and they are failures.

The other 50% of natural disaster victims will develop in unknown directions.

"It's better to wait until we get back to investigate further."

The process of career optimization is inherently accompanied by ups and downs. The difference is that some people become more courageous and stronger with each setback, while some people continue to lose weight and gradually despair.

Chen Mo calmed down his mood, he was very confident in himself.

Xuanzong probably wouldn't lie to him. He must have ignored certain elements of martial arts that led to such a situation.

Tip: Unidentified equipment is found. Please ask if you want to identify it.


Chen Mo's equipment income from this trip can be said to be quite large, and the various magical weapons in the storage bag can be said to be endless.

Chen Mo sorted it out and found that there were nine items in total.

But if you want to use these magic weapons, in addition to weird requirements such as mental attributes, basic telekinesis, and skill characteristics, you also need to start the path of professionalization as a monk and acquire the skill of controlling objects.

This also leads to the low price of monk magic weapons in the disaster world.

The vast majority of natural disaster victims, after obtaining the monk's magic weapon, will directly sell it to the disaster world for resource recycling.

But for Chen Mo now, he has other choices.

That is to use the fourth-level merit contract, combined with the talent of the time traveler, to deal with it bit by bit in a relatively long period of time without attracting the attention of others in the Ruins world.

This is what is called a smooth landing.

These nine magic weapons.

They are a white quality flying knife, a white quality flying brick, a green quality mysterious fire chain, a white quality small shield, a white quality gong, a green quality shocking bell, a green quality green fire sword, A blue quality Fire Cloud Sword, and a blue quality Jade Ruyi.

That’s it for other magic weapons.

Chen Mo focused on these three magic weapons.

Tip: Mysterious Fire Chain.

Quality: Green.

Conditions for use: Controlling Objects Level 1, fire attribute skills.

Item attributes: Damage +25, can cast Mysterious Fire Binding, causing 20 points of damage per second to bound enemies, can cast Fire Chain Net, which can offset 80 points of damage.

Item introduction: A drop of fire essence blood is incorporated into the equipment, giving it extraordinary effectiveness.

This is the magic weapon dropped by Fen Duan in the battle of the Demon Pond.

It is indeed a rare fine magic weapon.

This magical weapon actually has two magical powers, namely Mysterious Fire Binding and Fire Chain Net, one for attack and one for defense, which is quite good.

The strength of the magic weapon driven by the monk is affected by three aspects.

They are the attributes of the magic weapon itself, the spiritual attributes of the monk, and the strength of the monk's mana.

There is no need to say much about the strength of the magic weapon itself.

The monk's spiritual attributes will affect the basic strength of the magic weapon, and its driving principle is still within the control range of basic telekinesis.

However, the magic attribute of the monk affects the upper limit of the strength of the magic weapon. For example, it is necessary to perform the object control spell multiple times to activate the magical power of the magic weapon, as well as the temporary enchantment of the magic weapon by various spells, and the golden elixir's periodic effect on the magic weapon. Permanent enchantment of magic weapons, etc.

Every time a monk is promoted, it is a process of energy qualitative change.

This also leads to the same level of magic weapon, when the high-level monk drives it, it often suppresses the low-level monk, the reason is the dual suppression of mental power and energy.

And what really surprised Chen Mo about this magic weapon is that it is a so-called middle-grade magic weapon, but it only needs the control of objects Lv1 to drive it.

Generally speaking.

To drive a middle-grade magic weapon, you should need the control of objects Lv4, a high-grade magic weapon should be the control of objects Lv7, and a top-grade magic weapon should be the control of objects Lv10.

In this case.

If this magic weapon is sold to other monks, it will definitely be sold at a good price.

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