Disaster Strikes

Chapter 441: Each one shows his/her own method

The natural disaster victims on the distressed river side suddenly became nervous when they saw that the second wave of the undead sea had not been completely dealt with, and the other party actually summoned a third wave of the undead sea.

The so-called tension leads to chaos.

For a time, the formation on Beauty Mountain became a little chaotic, and each team almost fell into fighting on its own.

"Hmph, how has Huashan been organized these days? He is such a reckless man!"

The person who snorted was the mutated little boss Xinxue who had spent three days with Chen Mo and taught him the calamity tide sacrifice technique.

At this moment she was extremely dissatisfied.

You must know that because of the large number of defensive facilities, the remaining energy of the natural disaster victims on the distressed river side should far exceed that of their opponents, and they are far from reaching a desperate situation.

"Huashan is indeed lacking in this aspect."

The person who spoke was a gentle and elegant Taoist with childish face and heavy hair.

Hearing this, Xinxue became even more unhappy.

Although Huashan is nominally in charge of this team, in terms of personal strength, she is not afraid of Huashan.

She asked herself that she already had master-level strength, otherwise she would not investigate the information about the mind master.

"The three of us are now responsible for the arrangements for this war. Your True Sun Fiery Flag Formation is obviously unable to withstand it. Now that their next wave of the Sea of ​​Undead is ready, do you have any other means to deal with it?"

"I'll do it."

Before the Taoist could respond, the last man with thick hair among the three took the initiative to speak.

Under the gaze of Xin Xue and Taoist, the man looked at the battlefield with a calm expression.

"If nothing else happens, after this war, we can rely on the power of the large formation to launch a siege on Black Wind Mountain. My team's skills will no longer be used. Let's just use the remaining heat here."

Xinxue was not familiar with this person.

But after hearing this, the Taoist smiled and looked very much looking forward to it.

After a while.

The man summoned the team members to leave, and then Xinxue looked puzzled and said, "I have only heard other people talk about this guy, and his evaluation seems to be very high. What are their team skills?"

The childlike and crane-haired Taoist stroked his beard and softly uttered three words.

"Thermobaric bomb."

Two minutes later.


There was a sudden violent explosion, and the diameter of the flames covered more than 500 meters.

In this narrow valley, the river water instantly boiled and vaporized, and the high-temperature shock wave even caused the solid mountain to crack unevenly.

Wherever the explosion fire passed, low-level undead creatures were instantly vaporized.

Medium undead creatures are even worse. Because of their strong vitality, they have to struggle for a while before their death energy is exhausted and they die in pain.

Only a handful of high-level undead creatures and summoned behemoths survived the explosion, but it was difficult for them to thrive again.

The sea of ​​undead, which had already consumed more than half of its power in the second wave, suddenly collapsed.

A white mushroom cloud slowly rose into the sky.

Inside the bunker.

Everyone in the Six Color Squadron was shocked into silence by this sudden turn of events.

Chen Mo couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

He only knew that although this weapon did not reach the level of nuclear weapons, it was already the most powerful among conventional weapons. He couldn't help but look at the Apocalypse.

However, the Apocalypse also shook his head.

"It seems to be a thermobaric bomb."

Qing Hong, who had performed missions in the alloy world, murmured when he saw this scene.

She briefly explained the thermobaric bomb.

"This is a bomb created based on cloud bomb technology. It contains a large number of metal particles. Its damage principle is not the explosion shock wave, but the high-temperature flame and the instantaneous withdrawal of vitality within the explosion range. Therefore, it is more Like a magical attack created by science and technology."

Under the power of thermobaric bombs.

The second wave of the Sea of ​​Undead was completely destroyed, but the Disasters on Beauty Mountain were not happy about it.

There were shouts and shouts from all the teams as they adjusted their formations.

at the same time.

On the side of the Black Wind Mountain camp, the third wave of the undead sea summoned is also gradually approaching.

In this wave of the undead sea, although the number of basic skeleton warriors is much smaller, many advanced undead and summoned behemoths have been mixed in, making their individual strength even stronger.

Look around.

In this wave of undead, there are more than a dozen summoned giant beasts and advanced undead that have reached the third level of strength.

The leader, General Langtou, has reached the level of a small boss, and his strength far exceeds the others.

There is no doubt about it.

This will be a tough battle. The only good news is that the necromancers have almost exhausted their energy and will be unable to continue in a short time.

At this time.

Behind the Anguished River camp, the mutated mini-boss of the Destroyer is finally about to take action.

She took out an inconspicuous dead wood totem and stuck it on the ground. At the same time, she turned the energy stone in her hands into ashes with a pinch of her hands and sprinkled it towards the dead wood totem.

All of a sudden.

With the dead wood totem as the center, gusts of dark wind penetrate deep into the bone marrow.

She took out a pale mask, put it on her cheek, recited a spell silently, and danced a strange dance.

A fishy wind full of ominous atmosphere, mixed with the screams of howling ghosts and howling wolves, shrouded the nearby area.

After the ceremony.

The hard work under the mask seemed to be endowed with some special magic power, and the aura of the whole person also changed dramatically, as if he had become a different person.

She actually flew up out of thin air without any external force.

Then she rushed towards the strongest wolf-headed general in the third wave of the Undead Sea. After the blood left, the Taoist with a young face and white hair sighed.

"In this state, she is indeed qualified to fight Huashan head-on."

After muttering, he shook his head again.

He noticed that after the Calamity of Black Wind Mountain summoned three waves of the Undead Sea army in succession, the rear seemed to have activated a secret weapon that could replenish energy on a large scale, and a drizzle fell from the sky.

Seeing this, the old Taoist frowned.

The combat power displayed by the opponent was far beyond the Calamity of Black Wind Mountain he had encountered before. This was obviously a large number of elite troops were drawn to prepare, and Beauty Mountain was regarded as one of the main attack directions.

Moreover, various secret weapons were emerging in an endless stream.

As for whether this battle could be won, even he had no idea in his heart, and could only do his best.

So he took out a communication talisman.

"Attention, tactical weapons squadrons of all battalions, listen to my orders and attack the enemy in a moment."

As the communication symbol burned out.

Including the six-color squadron where Chen Mo was, all received relevant information, and it was finally their turn to join the battle.

This is not over yet.

The Taoist turned and came to the stone wall, lifted the cloth on it, and suddenly a strange statue of half man and half insect appeared. This was obviously not the evil god of the disaster world.

"It's a pity to waste the incense power accumulated over so many years..."

After sighing.

He lit three incense sticks, inserted them into the ash stove in front of the statue, saluted respectfully, and shouted loudly.

"Please bless us to win!"

This old Taoist with a childlike face and white hair turned out to be a strange Taoist who practiced unorthodox methods.

Under his loud shouting, the statue suddenly swung out a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye. Wherever the ripples passed, the disasters of the distressed river camp were surprised to find that they had obtained many temporary states that could not be purified.

These temporary states were not uniform.

Some of them increase the damage by 20 points with a 10% chance after causing damage to the enemy.

Some of them restore 5 points of health in the next 10 seconds after being damaged.

Some of them increase the recovery speed of health by 10%, and some of them increase the recovery speed of energy...

Comparatively speaking.

The temporary gains obtained by the predators are obviously more, while the temporary gains obtained by the destroyers are almost negligible.

Chen Mo in the bunker also obtained relevant gains.

Tip: You have obtained the blessing of the unknown monarch, and the effect is that the first damage received within 30 seconds will reduce the damage received by 5 points.

Not only Chen Mo.

Others in the bunker have also obtained various gains.

But as a second-level natural disaster enhancer, compared with these dispensable temporary gains, Obsidian is more concerned about his own mission. It is finally time for the bunker's super-dynamic cannon to play.

"Everyone, take your positions."

Obsidian issued an order to everyone: "Adjust the muzzle, 12.5 degrees east, 6 degrees down, the target is the right side of the Undead Sea Vanguard, open the safety device, store energy and prepare... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, fire!"


The bunker was shaking violently.

A lot of gravel and dust fell on Chen Mo's head.

As the bunker's super-dynamic cannon was activated, the dense energy stones on the altar burned out in an instant.

A purple-red ray was ejected from the muzzle. At the beginning, the diameter was only about 20 centimeters, but the destructive area of ​​the ray continued to expand with the release distance, and the color gradually changed from the black purple-red at the beginning to fiery red.

When the energy shock wave of the bunker's super-dynamic cannon fell on the ground thousands of meters away, it had turned into an energy flow covering a range of more than ten meters, sweeping away.

Although the whole process took less than three seconds, it instantly vaporized thousands of medium and low-level undead creatures.

Even the second-level undead creatures, after being swept by the energy shock wave, their bodies seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, either dead or disabled.

There are a total of fourteen battalions in the Blocking Master Corps.

Each battalion has built similar tactical weapons. Under the bombardment of many weapons, the Sea of ​​Undead has suffered heavy losses.

But the high-level undead and summoned creatures have already taken the lead, breaking through the last barrier and engaging in close combat with the Distress River Scourge stationed in Beauty Mountain.

Shouts, roars, wails, roars, and explosions are endless.

Even though they are far away, Chen Mo can still feel the tragedy.

"Change energy!"

Everyone in the Six Color Squadron prepared nervously.

After the bunker super-mobile cannon hits, it takes half an hour to cool down, otherwise the magic energy storage device will not be able to withstand the huge pressure and will explode.

Half an hour later.


The bunker's super-mobile cannon launched a second wave of attacks, and at this time, the Scourge on both sides of the front line had been fighting each other for more than 20 minutes.

During this process.

The bunker was quite quiet, and no one said a word.

Because through the observation port, in this short half hour, several tactical weapons garrison squadrons had been hit hard by the enemy.

The Scourge in charge of the garrison were obviously in danger.

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