Disaster Strikes

Chapter 442: Miserable and Embarrassing

A large amount of gravel and dust fell from the top of the bunker, making everyone hiding inside feel ashamed.

This shows the powerful impact caused by activating the bunker's super-mobile cannon.

The effect of the super-mobile cannon is also quite impressive. Countless undead creatures were wiped out, which greatly relieved the pressure on the frontline natural disaster victims.

This kind of large-scale offensive and defensive battle often lasts for a day or two.

During this period, there will be many retreats, rests, charges, and counterattacks, and repeated battles for a certain position, and constant tension and tension until one party has lost all power.

Such a long time.

If the bunker's super-mobile cannon continues to attack, even if the enemies are scattered in the later stage and cannot cause large-scale damage, the cumulative damage caused will be considerable.

Naturally, the high-level natural disaster victims in Black Wind Mountain cannot just sit idly by and ignore this.


A burst of oppressive sound broke through the air, causing everyone in the Six Color Team hiding in the bunker to look up, and quickly found the source of the sound.

This is a huge golden fireball.

The fireball slid out of a long parabola in the sky, aiming directly at the bunker's super-mobile cannon.

This golden fireball, about two meters in diameter, with a long tail flame, seemed to be launched from the depths of the Black Wind Mountain position at an extremely long distance.

Obsidian's pupils shrank, the words "siege weapon" appeared in his mind, and he suddenly shouted.

"Lie down quickly!"

boom! ! !

There was an earth-shattering explosion, accompanied by violent vibrations in the bunker. Chen Mo instinctively protected Tiantian and Xieying and lay on the ground.

All of a sudden.

Chen Mo felt as if his chest had been hit hard.

He endured the physical discomfort, gritted his teeth, and endured far more gravel and dust than before.

After a while.

Only then did a violent coughing sound come from the bunker.

Everyone first reported their status, and one person unexpectedly lost half of his health value in an instant. The four enhancers of the six-color team quickly counted the losses in the bunker, and after confirming that the super-mobile cannon was not damaged, Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qinghong, go take a look at the flag formation above."


Qinghong led four members of the tour group to the outside of the bunker to investigate the damage.

As the five people opened the hot metal door, they suddenly took a breath of cold air when they saw a large pit with a diameter of nearly ten meters on the hillside not far away.

Fortunately, the opponent's attack missed by fifty meters.

Coupled with the high quality of the bunker's defense and the obstruction of the flag array above, it was not possible to harm anyone in the bunker.

Otherwise, if the blow just hit the target, everyone in the Six Color Squadron would probably be wiped out in an instant.

I have to say.

Everyone's luck is quite good!

"This flag array is no longer useful. Should we arrange a new one?"

After checking the flag array on the bunker, Xiying asked Qinghong.

"No need."

Qinghong said solemnly: "Re-changing the flag array is likely to attract more attention from interested people. Let's keep the status quo. The attack just now was obviously an siege weapon. The opponent was obviously prepared. This is bad. ”

Chen Mo dropped the high-temperature stone in his hand and looked at Tiantian aside.

"Did your M-type holocron record any clues?"

"Let me see!"

Tiantian's M-type holographic recorder was obtained in the hive world. It can record the 3D holographic projections around it and make related videos. It is a piece of equipment for intelligence agents.

"They should have launched the attack from that direction!"

Tiantian quickly took out an energy stone and copied the video.

Chen Mo looked at the video that Tiantian copied, which showed Tiantian looking out from the viewing port.

The huge fireball in the sky slid out of a long parabola in the air and landed next to the bunker's super-mobile cannon.

Combining the clues in the video, Chen Mo looked into the distance.

However, the battlefield was so chaotic that no trace of the opponent could be found, but there was no doubt that the opponent had discovered them.

The reason why the opponent didn't hit them with the attack just now cannot be said to be just because Chen Mo and others were lucky.

This type of ultra-long-range siege weapon, while powerful against buildings and with an ultra-long range, is inherently lacking in accuracy and fragile.

"I suggest stopping the bunker's super-mobile cannon attack first!"

Chen Mo didn't want to gamble his life.

The opponent is a targeted siege weapon, and the opponent must be eliminated first.

"I suggest that the situation here be reported immediately, and that the natural disaster destroyers take the lead in getting rid of this siege weapon. Otherwise, we can fire one or two more cannons at most. Even if the opponent's next attack still misses us, the aftermath will be enough to destroy the bunker. The magic energy storage device inside."

His thoughts coincided with Qinghong's.

For the next hour, the bunker's super-mobile cannon remained silent and did not fire another shot.

It wasn't until the entire villain team was mobilized and tried their best to destroy the magic crystal cannon deep in the Black Wind Mountain camp that the bunker's super-mobile cannon was activated again.

There is no doubt about it.

The villain team went deep alone. Although there was no attrition, they were seriously injured and paid a heavy price.

And in this short hour.

Chen Mo saw with his own eyes that a high tower similar to a magnetic blast tower on the mountainside only a thousand meters away was hit by a fireball fired by the so-called magic crystal cannon and turned into ruins.

The surviving bunker super-mobile cannon was launched again and again in the next ten hours, becoming one of the most stable output forces on Beauty Mountain.

A large number of summons and natural disasters were reduced to ashes under the shock wave.


This bunker super-mobile cannon naturally became a thorn in the eyes of the natural disasters on the Black Wind Mountain side.

At this time, the natural disasters on both sides, after experiencing the fierce collision in the early stage, have been scattered to various places, and they often fight repeatedly for a small area in a way that is almost a round-robin battle.

Others take this opportunity to restore their physical strength and energy.

Just when Chen Mo and others from the Six Color Squadron were about to start the super-mobile cannon again, a sharp wind suddenly came from the sky.

It can be seen that the person coming is very fast!

From the lookout, Chen Mo vaguely saw a figure with white light all over his body, flying from far to near.

"Haha, why do you have to embarrass the little guy below?"

A female voice came from a distance, and Chen Mo was very familiar with it. It was the Black Widow.

The evil team was seriously damaged because they went deep into the enemy camp and destroyed the magic crystal cannon. Voldemort had already entered the rear to rest, and the inverted monk was struggling to support it. Only the Black Widow was in good condition and came to rescue in time.

However, the Black Wind Mountain Scourge who raided here aimed directly at the bunker super-mobile cannon, and had no intention of stopping to talk nonsense.

At this moment, the area near the bunker super-mobile cannon was already devastated.

But because of its strong defense, it has not been broken yet.

Seeing this, the people in the bunker wanted to try to adjust the muzzle and counterattack the intruder, but the opponent's speed was too fast, and Chen Mo and others had no chance at all.

The figure surrounded by white strong light condensed into a huge light spear and threw it down fiercely.

The spear collided with the stone wall on the top of the bunker, emitting a dazzling strong light. After a brief stalemate, it blasted through the outer stone wall and sank into the bunker.


The terrible implosion instantly overturned the heavy stone on the top of the bunker.

Countless pieces of rubble flew everywhere.

The visitor snorted coldly when he saw this, then glanced at the Black Widow who came to support him, and left quickly without looking back.

His speed was much faster than that of the ordinary natural disaster destroyer, and the Black Widow could not catch up at all.

A moment later.

The Black Widow returned to the sky above the bunker super-mobile cannon with a heavy heart.

Under the terrible implosion power of the attacker, the top cover of the entire bunker super-mobile cannon was completely opened, forming a large pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters, and the magic altar inside had been completely destroyed.

However, what surprised her was that most of the members of the Six Color Squadron relied on the flag array arranged inside and survived luckily!

It was the Youth Hostel Flag Array of the Travel Group Team!

But even so.

Among the more than 40 people in the Six Color Team, there were still three unfortunate guys who were killed instantly by the opponent, and the rest of the people were also seriously injured, with fear in their eyes.

"It's good to survive."

The Black Widow landed on the ground and comforted everyone.

Chen Mo licked his lips. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

Black Widow said again: "Since the bunker super-mobile cannon has been destroyed, there is no need to garrison here. Now, whether it is the high-level natural disasters or the low-level natural disasters, the decline of Black Wind Mountain is becoming more and more obvious. Failure is only a matter of time. You should rest here for a while. After half an hour, report to the captain."


Black Widow nodded.

She was about to leave, and Chen Mo hurriedly asked: "What position is the destroyer who just attacked us?"

Black Widow heard this and paused for a moment.

"A small leader, to be honest, I am not his opponent."

After getting the answer, Chen Mo's heart was filled with huge waves, and he felt desperate for the absolute gap between his strength and that person.

Just now.

He even had the illusion that he was being bombed by a supersonic jet fighter with air-to-ground missiles.

As Black Widow left, everyone collapsed on the ground.

The team that lost their teammates collected their bodies in pain and sadness, while others took out bandages and potions to restore themselves.

Twenty minutes later.

After a short rest, the six-color squadron left the ruins of the bunker super-mobile cannon and headed for the area where the inverted monk was stationed.

Along the way, they saw too many corpses, and there were even scenes of both sides dying together.

"Don't come over, don't come over!"

A female predator screamed.

Because in front of her was her former teammate, but after being infected by the dead air, the corpse was reincarnated into a living dead by the Black Wind Mountain Disaster, and madly attacked the former teammate in front of him.

The telekinetic bullet flashed by.

Due to the power of invulnerability attached to the skill, after the telekinetic bullet fell on the living dead, he seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, flew several meters away, and then fell to the ground.

Everyone was so tired that even the walking movements were a little unbalanced, which led to this phenomenon of being chased by the living dead.

Chen Mo, who was relatively energetic, just did it casually.

Ignoring the gratitude of the rescued, he continued to move forward with the Six Colors Squadron. The tragic scene made Chen Mo confused for a moment.

The mastermind revealed the information about the black sandstorm to Black Wind Mountain. It seemed that he was helping Black Wind Mountain, but in fact, he completely angered the River of Distress. Was this within his calculations?

The natural disasters in the disaster world will not retreat because of the war.

Broken and healed bones will be stronger.

Compared to death in war, poverty and hunger are the most primitive fears of the Scourge.

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