As the sphere appeared, eight tentacles with countless suction cups also appeared.

The huge sphere slowly turned around, and a pair of huge eyeballs looked at Lin Sheng.


Lin Sheng swallowed a big mouthful of saliva in his throat.

The big meatball opposite was really too big, and his whole body was not as big as one of its eyes.

"Shouldn't this damn octopus be under the sea? It actually emerged from the sea in broad daylight."

Lin Sheng kept complaining in his heart.

In his previous life, he also encountered an octopus when he accidentally entered a special place in the deep sea while escaping.

And now, he actually encountered an octopus on the road of development and hadn't left far.

Compared with the shark that attacked earlier, this octopus is not a creature of the same level.

When the octopus saw Lin Sheng, eight tentacles stretched out and strangled Lin Sheng.

"Not good."

Lin Sheng exclaimed, and the artifact spear in the backpack suddenly appeared in his hand.

The spear was thrown out with force, cutting off a small section of a tentacle, and the octopus immediately pulled back the injured tentacle in pain.

But this was not the time to celebrate, because if Lin Sheng was caught by the other seven tentacles, he would be dragged into the sea.

Lin Sheng quickly stepped back, dodged a tentacle that was whipping at him, and then raised another spear to cut off the tentacle on the spot.

And every time Lin Sheng cut off a section of the octopus's tentacle, a string of numbers would float above the octopus's head.



Lin Sheng shuttled between the octopus's tentacles until all the tentacles were cut off by Lin Sheng one by one, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

But when Lin Sheng saw the look in the octopus's eyes, he realized that things were not going well.

The octopus now showed a look that wanted to eat people.

Lin Sheng looked at the blood bar on the octopus's head again, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.


This octopus actually has a full 10,000 blood bars. He cut off the opponent's eight arms and only cut off a little more than 2,000 blood bars. In this way, wouldn't it be necessary to cut the opponent five times?

An even more tragic thing happened immediately, that is, the eight tentacles that had been cut off by Lin Sheng miraculously grew again.

And the blood bar on the octopus's head was also slowly recovering.

The octopus did not intend to retreat. Instead, it became more excited because of Lin Sheng's attack. The eight tentacles that grew again attacked Lin Sheng again.

"You octopus have no martial ethics!"

Lin Sheng's voice fell, and his figure flashed and cut off another tentacle.

"Then I'll try the grilled octopus today!"

Every time he finished a sentence, Lin Sheng had to avoid an attack and launch a counterattack.

After two rounds of attacks, the octopus's health bar was only 3616 points.

The octopus was in a rampage at this time.

The octopus' eight tentacles grabbed every part of the raft, climbed onto the raft with its entire body, and attacked Lin Sheng frantically.

"Crisis, big crisis!"

Lin Sheng ran a few steps, trying to attack the octopus's head.

But the long hair poked out, and the long hair only slightly sank into the octopus's head and bounced out.

Fortunately, this attack still caused considerable damage to the octopus monster.

Lin Sheng saw that the octopus was getting closer and closer to him, so he had no choice but to jump into the sea.

The octopus saw Lin Sheng jumping into the sea, isn't this a trap?

On the raft, although it had no shortage of combat power, it still didn't feel as comfortable as fighting in the sea.

In the eyes of the octopus monster, the ocean is its home. Lin Sheng jumping into the sea is undoubtedly a dead end. The octopus monster jumped into the sea excitedly.

But Lin Sheng hurriedly returned to the raft from under the raft at this time.

When he was in the sea just now, Lin Sheng also saw the piranha pets under his command. They were actually huddled under the raft and trembling.

It can be seen that the strength of this octopus is much stronger than that of the shark.

After the octopus entered the sea, it did not find Lin Sheng's figure and immediately realized that it was deceived by Lin Sheng.

The octopus suddenly fell into a state of rage, but this time Lin Sheng was prepared. When the octopus was about to get on the raft, he threw the spear in his hand with force and pierced the opponent's head directly.

The huge rebound force made the spear bounce back. Lin Sheng ran up quickly and grabbed the rebounded spear.

The spear swung in his hand, cutting off the opponent's tentacles, and then quickly stabbed the octopus's head dozens of times.

At this time, the blood bar on the octopus's head was finally cleared.


The next moment, a special crystal fell on the raft, and the octopus's body quickly shrank to the size of an arm.

The octopus' eyes were full of panic, and it slipped into the sea.

"Don't let it run away."

Lin Sheng shouted to the piranhas under the raft.

The piranhas rushed up when they saw the octopus shrinking in size.

There was no longer the trembling look of fear before.

As for the fate of the octopus, Lin Sheng knew without thinking that it must have been dismembered by the piranhas.

In the sea.

"Little brother, don't run away, aren't you very powerful?"

The piranhas surrounded the octopus.

The scene was too bloody and violent.

On the raft, Lin Sheng looked at the scattered octopus tentacles and crystals on the raft and collected them.

[Octopus Tentacles +20]

[Physical Crystal: Material for Refining Physical Potions]

Lin Sheng knew what this was. At this time, his own attribute panel also emerged.

Survivor: Lin Sheng

Strength: 5

Intelligence: 5

Physical: 5

Speed: 5

This is everyone's basic attribute.

After fighting the octopus, Lin Sheng was already exhausted.

As for the production of physical potions, he didn't have this method.

As for searching in the world channel, Lin Sheng didn't think this thing would be available at this stage.

Lin Sheng looked at the area on the raft that was damaged when fighting the octopus again. Helplessly, he could only start to repair it silently.

After spending a lot of effort, Lin Sheng finally repaired the raft. When he looked up again, he saw a small island on the sea.

Lin Sheng hurriedly took out the nautical map from his backpack, and the island marked on the map was right in front of him.

Thinking of this, Lin Sheng's heart surged. There must be coconuts on the island. After he went to the island, he could collect some coconuts and add more flavor to his life.

Of course, there must be dangers on the island.

Lin Sheng began to prepare for going to the island...

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