Disaster Survival: Start the ocean sign-in 100 times increase

Chapter 15 Kill the snake and prepare to raise chickens

The raft slowly landed on the beach of the island, and Lin Sheng jumped off the raft.

His feet stepped on the soft and warm sand, and he finally felt the long-lost land again.

Lin Sheng told the piranhas: "Keep an eye on my raft. If you can't keep an eye on it, I'll have grilled fish for dinner."

As soon as Lin Sheng finished speaking, the piranhas felt that their owner had brought them deep malice.

Then they surrounded the raft.

Lin Sheng nodded with satisfaction and then walked towards the island.

It was afternoon now.

The scorching sun shone on the island, making the sand extremely hot.

Lin Sheng walked on the island, raised his head and wiped the sweat off his face.

"I didn't expect the temperature difference between the island and the sea to be so big, and I haven't adapted to it for a while."

Lin Sheng sighed to himself.

After a while, a few coconut trees appeared in front of Lin Sheng as expected.

Lin Sheng looked up and saw green coconuts as big as his head hanging on the coconut tree.

Lin Sheng ran towards the coconut tree.


Suddenly, a sound of a snake spitting out its tongue came from Lin Sheng's ears.

"There is a snake!"

This was Lin Sheng's first reaction after hearing the sound.

Lin Sheng immediately stopped and looked around vigilantly.

The island is rich in supplies, but it is also accompanied by countless crises.

Lin Sheng must always be vigilant.

The artifact spear in the backpack was taken out by Lin Sheng, but after searching for a long time, no snake monster attacked him.

But the sound of the snake spitting out its tongue never stopped.

Lin Sheng didn't dare to run to pick coconuts at this time. If he was attacked by the snake on the tree, it would be in vain.

Lin Sheng walked along the position where the snake spit out its tongue.

After pulling apart the dense grass, Lin Sheng saw a big divine snake with black and white patterns all over his body staring at a shed built with a pile of messy grass.

There is an old hen hatching eggs in the shed?

Lin Sheng's eyes widened immediately, it seems that he thought too much.

This snake is not staring at him but hunting.

Then let's leave?

Lin Sheng thought of this and shook his head again. This old hen can lay eggs. Although there is water, food, and even fish on his raft, there are no eggs.

Since he has a new life, he can't live the miserable life of his previous life. Hunt this snake and raise the old hen's family. In this way, he can have an extra kind of food.

He did it as he said. Lin Sheng's eyes fell on the big snake with black and white rings.

The attributes of the big snake appeared in front of him.

[Black and white ring snake

Life: 200/200

Attack: 50

Skills: bite, entanglement, deadly venom]

To deal with this snake, Lin Sheng is not careless at all. This is a poisonous snake. Once bitten, it will be dead after being poisoned.

Although it is a game world, people are living flesh and blood, and they will not die and resurrect like in the game.

Before there was an antidote, Lin Sheng chose to sneak attack. The black and white ring snake's health was not high. He had a magic spear in his hand, and he could kill it with one spear if he succeeded in the sneak attack.

Lin Sheng quietly approached the venomous snake and waved his spear to stab it.

But the venomous snake reacted, opened its bloody mouth and aimed at Lin Sheng, and spit a dark green liquid at Lin Sheng.

"Damn, spitting, you venomous snake have no martial ethics!"

Lin Sheng's spear had already been stabbed out, and his body was already unable to dodge.

When the spear pierced the venomous snake, the venom also splashed on his body.


The critical damage immediately appeared on the venomous snake's head, and its health bar was instantly emptied. The venomous snake that was ferocious and wanted to counterattack Lin Sheng in the last second fell limply to the ground the next moment.

Lin Sheng looked down and saw that the venom attached to his leather jacket was already corroding his leather jacket.

"So poisonous!"

This was Lin Sheng's sigh. The next moment, Lin Sheng hurriedly took off his leather jacket.

At the same time, he was also thankful that he was wearing protective gear. If he had changed into ordinary clothes, the venom would have already attached to his body.

Then with the power of this poison, he would probably be reincarnated in an instant, or travel through time?

Lin Sheng hurriedly made a new set of leather armor for himself and put it on.

Then he walked towards the old hen.

The battle between Lin Sheng and the venomous snake had already aroused the vigilance of the old hen. But when Lin Sheng came, the old hen did not attack Lin Sheng immediately, but still waved her wings to protect the unborn chicks in her chicken coop behind her.

Seeing this, Lin Sheng understood that the old hen was afraid that she would get close to him in every way, but it was not difficult for her.

Have you seen feed?

Lin Sheng took out a bag of feed from his backpack and scattered it in front of the old hen.

The old hen was alert for a while, and seemed to find that Lin Sheng had no ill intentions, so she came forward and ate the feed on the ground.

Lin Sheng looked at this scene and smiled.

Haha, it will be easier to do things after eating it.

[You have subdued a hen with a trace of phoenix blood. ]


Bloodline: Phoenix Bloodline (not activated)

Attack: 20

Skills: Grab, peck, anti-poison]

After seeing the attribute panel, Lin Sheng's face changed.

No wonder the black and white ring snake was so cautious just now, it turns out that the attack attribute of this hen is so high!

My health is only 100 points. If I fight with a hen, doesn't it mean that I will die after being pecked a few times?

At this moment, the hen that had finished eating the feed came to Lin Sheng's side on her own initiative, as if she felt a little familiar with Lin Sheng and no longer resisted.

Lin Sheng's eyes fell on the nest of eggs again, and finally shook his head. These eggs were fertilized eggs. It would be better to keep the chicks until they grow up and provide eggs for him.

As for the old hen.

Lin Sheng said: "Lay an egg for me!"

After becoming Lin Sheng's pet, the old hen also understood Lin Sheng's words like the piranha.

Immediately, it clucked and a white eggshell slid to the ground.

Lin Sheng was also very curious. There seemed to be only one old hen on the island. Where did its fertilized eggs come from?

Could it be...

Your circle is really messy.

Lin Sheng didn't think too much, but settled the old hen here, continued to explore the island, and took the hen on his raft when he came back.

Lin Sheng walked towards the goal he had set before, and put the egg in his hand into his backpack.

He came to the bottom of the coconut tree and climbed up.

After a while, coconuts fell from the tree and stuck in the sand.

When Lin Sheng came down, he had some more seeds in his hand.

[You got coconut seeds x 10]

[Coconuts + 20]

Lin Sheng put all these things into his backpack and used the hundred-fold amplification.

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