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Chapter 357: Bear Country Territory Resurrection

"Do you understand?"

The dwarf king turned back to the wild people and said.

The savages all nodded when they heard this: "I understand, I understand."

The dwarf king handed the thunder scepter back to the savage just now.

After watching the savage take the thunder scepter, the dwarf king said: "Okay, use it now."

The dwarf king left the scene immediately after saying this.

Only the savages who were still shocked were left.

They began to imitate the dwarf king and use the thunder scepter.

With the dwarf throne demonstration, the savages have obviously changed their usage methods this time. After the savages carefully sensed it, the thunder scepter continued to wave there, and thunder and lightning whips appeared in the air.

Following the movements of the savages, the lightning whip began to dance wildly in the air.

After the savages watched their movements, these thunder and lightning whips danced like a barrier for themselves. At this time, many bugs felt that something was wrong with the savages, and immediately began to attack the savages. Bian took the initiative to attack.

The insects approached the savages, but because the savages were surrounded by flying lightning whips, these insects just came close to the savages and were immediately whipped to pieces.

The next moment the savages' eyes lit up. They felt that when they were waving the thunder whip, they could continue to use the thunder cannon.

So the savages began to use it.

Sure enough, under the control of the savages, while being protected by the dancing thunder whips, the thunder balls were also gathered and fired.

The dwarf king was standing next to Lin Sheng on the flying saucer. The dwarf king had been staying by Lin Sheng's side since he left the scene.

No, now he and Lin Sheng are watching the performance of the savages.

"Haha, these savages are doing pretty well, at least much better than before."

Lin Sheng looked at the savages and said to the dwarf king.

The dwarf king smiled and said: "That is necessary. The savage did not use the true power of the weapon before.

I just told them how to use the weapon properly. "

Lin Sheng nodded and continued watching.

After Gouzi saw that his men's combat effectiveness had been improved, he immediately became excited.

He said to his savages: "Brothers, prepare to follow me."

What Gouzi refers to is the swarm of insects. After Gouzi's words fell, he immediately led his savages and rushed into the swarm of insects.

The thunder whips surrounding the savages would immediately crush the insects when they were around them.

The savages who were far away and beyond the reach of the lightning whip also gathered the lightning balls and then shot them out fiercely.

In front of these savages, they can attack from near and far.

The dog's performance was also very shocking.

It was almost like an ax and a bug. From time to time, a phantom erupted from Gouzi's body. The phantom held a giant ax in its hand. As the giant ax fell, the phantom immediately dissipated.

On the ground, there was left a strip of land washed by the explosion.

With the explosion as the center, all the bugs around were killed.

Nowadays, the entire sea area invaded by the insect swarm has become the home of dogs and savages.

Gouzi and the savages became more and more courageous as they fought, and the huge insect swarm was disintegrated by Gouzi and others with a devastating force.

Time passed little by little.

Lin Sheng looked at the scene on the sea with a smile on top of the flying saucer. He was very satisfied with the performance of Gouzi and others.

With the swarm being dealt with.

The Dragon Kingdom warriors and Bear Kingdom warriors, who had been the audience throughout the process, stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

"Is this the end?"

This is what everyone is thinking.

They suddenly began to doubt, are these bugs really that weak?

It actually couldn't last long in the hands of these reinforcements.

Even the plasma cannon didn't fire much.

But they had faced off against these bugs before. If the bugs hadn't suddenly stopped and not continued moving forward, their defense line would have been captured long ago.

Gouzi stood calmly at his rightful place, and then the savage teams came to Gouzi one after another at this time and put away their weapons.

After Gouzi counted the number of his men, he immediately said to the savages: "Let's go, we should go back. Things here are over."

After Gouzi finished speaking, the savages stepped forward one after another and prepared to leave with Gouzi.

"Sir Pojun, the matter on my side has been settled, so let's leave first."

When Gouzi came to Po Jun, he smiled at Po Jun and said.

Things here are indeed over. Even if he knew that Lin Sheng would always be paying attention to him, he still had to go back and report on the solution to the insect swarm.

When Gouzi finished saying this, Pojun also recovered from the shock.

Then he said to Gouzi: "Okay, you go back. Remember to say hello to Mr. Sheng and me."

Gouzi nodded and said, "Okay, I will greet you."

After Gouzi finished saying this, he immediately led a group of savages towards the location of the flying saucer. When Gouzi led the people under the flying saucer, there was a pulling beam of light shooting from the flying saucer. down.

It enveloped Gouzi and the others. The next moment, Gouzi and others were pulled back to the flying saucer by the traction beam.

When Gouzi saw Lin Sheng and planned to report something to Lin Sheng, Lin Sheng was eating barbecue, and then said to Gouzi: "You're back, I've seen your performance, since your daily life That’s awesome, so I’ll feel relieved. Let’s eat the meat first and talk later.”

After Lin Sheng said this, he started to eat barbecue by himself.

Gouzi was stunned for a moment, then stopped talking and found a seat to sit down.

On the sea surface after Gou Zi left, Po Jun and the people from Xiong Country looked at each other.

A Xiong Kingdom soldier said blankly: "No wonder the Dragon Kingdom has developed so fast. With so many strong men, it is impossible not to recover quickly from the disaster."

It was at this time that the sea water on the sea where the Bear Kingdom was located adjacent to the land of the Dragon Kingdom was constantly boiling.

Then pieces of land emerged from the sea.

The water on those earthen hills slipped into the sea.

The land of the Bear Country also returned to the land at this time.

The survivors in the Bear Country cheered immediately after witnessing this miracle.

"Great! Our land is back!"

The people of the Bear Country kept cheering.

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