When the land of the Bear Country recovered, the leader of the Bear Country immediately met with the leader of the Dragon Country.

"Leader of the Dragon Kingdom, I am very grateful to you. Because of you, the Bear Kingdom will not be exterminated, and we have also gained the benefit of restoring the land because of this Zerg disaster.

Long Guo has really helped us so much that we don’t know how to express our gratitude at the moment.

So after discussions with the leaders of our Bear Country, we finally decided to improve our previous cooperation methods. This is our new way of cooperation. "

The leader of the Xiong Kingdom, Rang, immediately handed a document in his hand to the leader of the Dragon Kingdom, Rang.

The old leader said with a smile: "We are all allies. If our allies are in trouble, we will naturally be the ones to help them."

The old leader was also a little confused as he spoke. What decision did the leader of Xiong Country make in the end? So he opened the file and started reading it out of curiosity.

But when the old leader looked at the document, he was indeed deeply shocked.

Although the Xiong Kingdom retains the status of the Xiong Kingdom in the new cooperation document, it will take the Dragon Kingdom as the dominant player in the future.

This kind of cooperation is in the form of a dependent country in ancient times.

The old leader raised his head and looked at the Bear Country. After all, the Bear Country is also one of the strongest countries in Blue Star. As long as everyone cooperates peacefully, there is no need to reach this point, right?

The old leader didn't understand why Xiong Guo made such a choice.

In fact, the leader of Xiong Country never had such an idea before.

The idea came to him after seeing the strength of Lin Sheng's men.

More importantly, they believe that the Dragon Kingdom is a peace-loving country. Even if they make such a cooperation choice, the Dragon Kingdom will not oppress them.

After knowing how powerful Lin Sheng's subordinates were, the leader of the Xiong Kingdom understood that Lin Sheng's strength must be even stronger.

And with Lin Sheng in the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom will definitely go further.

If they want to achieve faster development, they must closely follow Long Guo.

"Are you sure you want to cooperate like this?"

The old leader looked at the leader of the Bear Country for a long time before asking this question.

"Of course, for better cooperation, we have always believed that Longguo will not persecute us."

The leader of the Xiong Kingdom, Jean, replied without thinking.

"Okay, on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom, I promise that we will be the closest allies. Even if the cooperation model is very harmful to the Bear Country, we, the Dragon Country, will not threaten the Bear Country with the cooperation model."

The old leader said seriously.

This is the virtue of China and its peaceful way of coexistence.

The leader of the Xiong Kingdom let out a sigh of relief after hearing the Dragon Kingdom's guarantee. They were also gambling. If they won, they would progress together with the Dragon Kingdom and eat meat and drink. If they lost, they would be doomed.

But the results are good.

While the leaders of the two countries were discussing matters here, Lin Yu was studying the function of the hall on the flying saucer.

"Sister Ling, what kind of environment do you want?"

Lin Sheng looked at Shen Ling with a smile and asked.

Shen Ling looked at the surrounding environment and the console in Lin Sheng's hand, and began to think.

"Look at this, this is the background of the sea, the background of the beach, and the background of the big forest..."

Lin Sheng asked Shen Ling, pointing to the options on the console.

Shen Ling looked at it and said: "Forest, I haven't been able to see a forest for so long at sea."

Lin Sheng smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll make adjustments right now."

After Lin Sheng finished speaking, Lin Sheng began to operate.

Under the control of Lin Sheng's hands, all the images on the surrounding monitors turned into the appearance of a forest.

The picture on the monitor above the head is surrounded by tree tops, only the center is exposed, and the blue sky with patches of white clouds is exposed.

After Lin Sheng finished all this, he came to Shen Ling's side, and he and Shen Ling enjoyed the virtual beauty together.

At this moment, Lin Sheng felt as if he and Shen Ling were in a transparent glass box.

"Oh, it's a pity that I can only look at it but not truly experience the environment in the forest."

Shen Ling said helplessly.

After hearing this, Lin Sheng immediately walked towards the console again.

There is a 4D projection function on the console.

After Lin Sheng made the choice, the surrounding environment did not change.

But the layout of the hall changed at this time.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the stone platform from before.

All the other seats were sunk into the ground.

Then, beams of light coded with numbers 0 and 1 appeared.

The surfaces of these light beams began to change color and pattern.

In the end, they turned into big trees that looked as if they were real.

Shen Ling said curiously: "Wow, it can be so magical."

Amid Shen Ling's exclamation, Lin Sheng smiled slightly.

After just seeing the introduction on the console, Lin Sheng knew that this 4D projection was not that simple.

While Lin Sheng was smiling and Shen Ling was amazed, a snow-white elk suddenly appeared behind the trees on the monitor.

Lost seemed to be looking at Lin Sheng and Shen Ling curiously.

The elk was wary at first, then found that there was no danger and then cautiously walked out from behind the trees.

Then it seemed to pass directly over the glass display. Shen Ling opened her mouth wide when she saw this scene.


She showed an unbelievable expression and just watched the elk come to her.

The next moment, the elk rubbed its head against Shen Ling's body.

Although there is no sense of touch, Shen Ling's vision seems to really feel the elk rubbing against her.

She stretched out her hand. The next moment, the elk licked Shen Ling's hand with its pink tongue.

Shen Ling immediately reached out to touch the elk's head happily, but Shen Ling, who was still excited, used too much force, and the elk dodged.

Shen Ling was stunned.

The elk moved its head closer again.

Shen Ling, who came back to her senses from the surprise, gently stretched out her hand, but the elk took the initiative to rub against Shen Ling's hand.

This made Shen Ling laugh.

"Xiao Hengsheng, look at him rubbing against me."

Hearing Shen Ling's laughter, the happy expression on his face.

Lin Sheng also smiled and nodded.

As long as Shen Ling is happy, that's all.

Seeing Shen Ling only playing with the elk and ignoring him, Lin Sheng suddenly regretted it.

But he was not ready to turn off the projection.

At this moment, Lin Sheng did not stay here any longer, leaving Shen Ling to play alone, and he left the hall.

Outside the hall, a savage was waiting for Lin Sheng to come out.

Lin Sheng looked at the savage in front of him in confusion and asked: "What's the matter? Why are you looking for me at this time?"

"Master, Brother Long's Pojun from the land is looking for you."

When Lin Sheng heard this, he immediately became confused. Why did Pojun come to him again?

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