"I need to go to Yunan. Do you want to go with me?"

Hearing this, Xu Tian was stunned.

"What are you going to do in Yunnan?"

"The superior issued the latest task..."Yunnan discovered that a new spiritual realm was about to be opened, and our superior asked us to go in and get something." Li Qi said.

Xu Tian frowned and asked,"What is the code name of the spiritual realm?"

He was puzzled....In Yunan? Could it be the [Jingye] spiritual realm mentioned by Wang Yuanfeng?

After all, another purpose of his going to Yunan was to enter the [Jingye] spiritual realm and look for the legendary 'Glittery Golden Fruit'.

It shouldn't be such a coincidence....

Li Qi said slowly:"[Jingye】"

Xu Tian:"???"

Is it really such a coincidence?

Are they all going to the [Jingye] spiritual realm?

Xu Tian asked again:"What did the superior ask us to take?"

Li Qi:"Glittering Golden Fruit."

Xu Tian:"???"

Oh my god!

Xu Tian was so shocked!

Did they install a camera next to me?

It was exactly the same as his actions!

Li Qi said,"Our superiors arranged for us to leave in the afternoon. You should think about it carefully. After all, there are many dangers in the spiritual realm and you may lose your life."

Xu Tian slowly came back to his senses and pointed at Nie Ying who was concentrating on watching Ultraman:"I'll go and send this little one off."

Li Qi looked at Nie Ying and asked in confusion,"Do you have two sisters?"

Li Qi came early and arrived before Xu Xiaotang and Hua Mulan went out. He had a quick breakfast and watched TV on the sofa.

Seeing that several hours had passed, he asked Nie Ying to call him.

As for Xu Shimei, he said last night that something happened in the club and he would go to deal with it.

Xu Tian shook his head, his mouth twitching slightly:"This little girl is not my sister, don't you feel familiar with her?"

Li Qi was stunned and asked tentatively:"Yes, but I don't dare to believe it for the time being."

Xu Tian smiled brightly:"It's what you think."

Li Qi was shocked:"Is this little girl also from the Shuiyuan tribe?"

Xu Tian nodded.

After getting the answer, Li Qi pointed at Xu Tian's nose and cursed:

"Damn! What the hell are you doing? Kidnapping children? Kidnapping the descendants of our ancestors?...Are you a beast?"

Xu Tian hurriedly pulled the emotional Li Qi.

Xu Tian could also understand...

After all, as a member of the Lingyin Army, Li Qi has an extremely high patriotic enthusiasm. He naturally cannot tolerate the bullying of the descendants of the human race's strong men! He wanted to slap Xu Tian in the face!

Seeing that he couldn't stop him, Xu Tian teleported behind Nie Ying.


But Nie Ying didn't notice it at all, and was still concentrating on watching Ultraman on TV.

Xu Tian hurriedly explained:"This little girl is Nie Yu's sister. She came to me three days ago and asked me...His brother is dead or not, and then he just stays here and won't leave"

"Don't worry! I definitely didn't abuse her!...I even asked Xiaotang to take a leave for the past three days so that I could teach her carefully at home!"

Li Qi was stunned!

He looked blankly at the tiny Nie Ying curled up on the sofa.

Li Qi raised his voice:"Hey! Xu Tian, you can come up with such a ridiculous excuse? Do you still want Bilian?" Xu Tian snorted:"Believe it or not, Xiaoying, tell him how old you are." Nie

Ying came back to her senses and tilted her head to think:"Sister Xiaotang said I...a."

Li Qi(ΩДΩ)???

Xu TianΣ(⊙▽⊙"a!! ?

Xu Tian was struck by lightning! He was stunned! Damn it!

I asked about age!

What are you talking about! ?

Also, what did Xiaotang teach you in the past three days? ?

And a? ?


It’s even harder to explain now!

Li Qi glanced at Xu Tian with a questioning look:"Is this what you said... teach her to study carefully?"

Xu Tian scratched his head with a smile:"Hehe...Isn't this learning about the human body structure?"

Li Qi (;¬_¬) You are really cruel!

Xu Tian waved his hand:"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, let's set off now, just in time to explore the surrounding environment in advance."

Li Qi shook his head:"No."

Xu Tian was puzzled:"Why?"

Li Qi:"There is no standing ticket for the train this morning."

Xu Tianヾ(⌐ ■_■)???

"Old Li, I really doubt now whether the Lingyin Army has paid you?"


"What about the money?"

Li Qi said calmly:"All donated to the orphanage."

Xu Tian was stunned when he heard this, and his eyes were inexplicably sour:"Why?"

Li Qi:"Because...My child is there."

Xu Tian was shocked:"Fuck! You have a child? You are not dead! Why put him in an orphanage?"

Li Qi lowered his head and whispered:"Follow me...It's too dangerous."

Xu Tian asked casually:"What about his mother...Is he used to it?"

Xu Tian originally wanted to ask where the child's mother was.

But looking at Li Qi's appearance, it should not be so good.

Li Qi waved his hand indifferently, and said faintly:"The child's mother is the director of the orphanage."

Xu Tian was stunned when he heard it!

Director of the orphanage?

Donate all the salary to the orphanage?

So you gave all the money to your wife?

And you said it so noblely!?

Xu Tian:"Hey! I wasted my emotions on you, pay me back!"

Li Qi took out the only 9 yuan left in his pocket:"Do you want it?"

Xu Tian:"How about you send away beggars? Beggars all despise it! Forget it! I'll treat you, take a plane!" As soon as these words came out!

Li Qi's eyes lit up instantly:"This is what I've been waiting for! I support it with both hands and feet!"

Xu Tian glanced at it:"What do you support, I said I'll treat you, but I didn't say I'll pay."

Li QiΣ(゚д゚lll) Is this also possible???

【Resentment value from Li Qi +1000!】


A bet with a certain big shot, ten updates a day/first update!

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