Xu Tian's words just now were just a joke.

Li Qi donated his salary to the orphanage, whether it was out of his own will or forced, it was considered a good deed.

Xu Tian took out his mobile phone, looked at the 99999999 spirit coins in his WeChat wallet, and was stunned for a moment.

Li Qi saw Xu Tian's surprised expression, and curiously leaned his head over!

His expression changed immediately!

Li Qi pointed at the screen, opened his lips and murmured:"Grandson, son, brother, brother, father, grandfather, ancestors, gods!"

Li Qi's expression became more and more exaggerated!

After counting, his eyes were dull, thinking he was hallucinating, rubbed his eyes, and looked again!

It was still the eight digits!

No more, no less!

Li Qi directly burst out the quintessence of Chinese culture:"Fuck! Eight digits! A full ninety-nine million nine hundred and ninety thousand!! Xu Tian, why do you have so much change?"

Xu Tian gradually came back to his senses, although he knew that his family was rich.

But I really didn't expect...I actually have so much money in my card?

Xu Tian smiled proudly:"Hey, I'm a rich second generation! Who do I look down on? It's just a small amount of money!"

Li Qi looked at Xu Tian with shining eyes.

He held Xu Tian's palms with both hands, half bent his knees and said:"Xu Tian! You! Are! My! God! Ah!"

Xu TianΣ(☉▽☉"a!! ?

Why does this sound so familiar?

It seems like I've heard it somewhere before!

But Xu Tian reacted quickly, quickly pulled his palm back, and took a step back.

"Don't try to get close to me!"

Li Qi(ಥ_ಥ)I want to cry but I have no tears!


How ignorant!

Li Qi said bitterly:"A man's knees are made of gold! I don't want gold, a piece of spiritual stone will do!"

Xu Tian took out a spiritual stone from his trouser pocket and threw it to him.

"Here, there is just one."

Li Qi took it, looked at it in his hand, and his eyes suddenly widened:"Fuck! This is a top-grade spirit stone!"

Xu Tian was stunned:"Spirit stones are divided into different types?"

"Well, spirit stones are divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, top-grade, and rare items that are rarely seen in the world!"

Li Qi nodded, and then smacked his lips and said:"Top-grade spirit stones are already treasures, and as for the top-grade spirit stones in my hand, they are even more precious! Even at auctions, there may not be many of them."

Xu Tian was shocked:"Then how much does this top-grade spirit stone usually cost?"

Li Qi touched his chin and thought:"Auctions usually cost one piece....1 million spiritual coins."

Xu Tian was stunned!

Did he use only top-grade spiritual stones every day?

One million for each?

So extravagant?

Xu Tian hurriedly pulled Li Qi into the room and took out a urea bag from under the bed.

Li Qi saw this and asked in confusion:"What's in this bag? Why do I feel that the spiritual power inside is so abundant?"

Xu Tian smiled and opened the bag, revealing the sparkling spiritual stones inside.

"Can you help me check, are these the best spiritual stones?"

After saying that,

Li Qi still did not move.

He stared at the spiritual stones in the bag with a dull look in his eyes, his eyeballs reflecting the brilliance of the spiritual stones.

"Xu Tian, I want to ask you something."

"What's up?"

"that is...Can I kidnap you and extort money from you?"

Xu Tian:"......"

He quickly took a step back:"Don't be impulsive! We can discuss it."

Li Qi came over, squatted down, and dug through the pile of spiritual stones, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Really......They are all top-grade spirit stones!"

【Envy value from Li Qi +9999! 】

But Li Qi just swiped it for a while and then looked away.

Sighing,"Is the club so profitable? I think it's necessary to check it out!"

Xu Tian raised his eyebrows,"Hey! Why are you crossing the river and destroying the bridge? I gave the club's black card to Lao Chen and others! Do you want to arouse public anger?"

Li Qi smiled slightly,"Hey~ Just kidding! The Lingyin Army is not a bandit! We don't have the power to do that."

Xu Tian nodded,"Since you are so sincere, I will give you this big bag of spiritual stones."

Li Qi (;゚Д゚i|!)???

Look of astonishment!

He thought he had heard wrongly:"What did you just say?"

Xu Tian:"I'll give them all to you!"

Li Qi:"Is it true or false?"

Xu Tian:"It's false, don't take it!"

Xu Tian was about to take it, but was snatched away by a black hand!

Li Qi suddenly put the big bag of spiritual stones on his back:"Thank you, God! I'll go out first! You pack up and we'll go!"

Xu Tian smiled helplessly.

He opened the wardrobe placed at the head of the bed.

There were many urea bags stuffed inside, and each one was full and bulging.

For a moment, Xu Tian fell into deep thought............

Living room.

Li Qi quickly called Lu Ming:

"Hello! Xiao Ming, please locate my location and help me send something....Um...Yangwei Community..."


Suddenly, a dazzling light emanated from the urea bag behind Li Qi.

Ten seconds later...

He disappeared directly.

Li Qi warned the phone again:"Xiao Ming, you must hide well for me. Don't let Lao Chen and the other old bastards see it. This is my life!"

A voice came from the phone:"Captain, don't worry!" As soon as the words fell! The phone was hung up. Li Qi frowned:"Why did you hang up so quickly? I haven't finished talking yet! Forget it, I trust Xiao Ming to do his job!


Lingyin Military Camp.

Men's dormitory.

Room 404.

Chen Mingzhe was lying on the bed, casually looking at his phone:

"Eh? Xiao Ming, why are you still on the phone while using the toilet? Do you have some weird habit?"

Lu Ming's resentful voice came from the toilet:"You have it! Rebound!"

Chen Mingzhe:"Rebound is invalid, add a period!"

Lu Ming:"Rebound is invalid, add a period!"

Chen Mingzhe sat up suddenly, muttering:

"Erase your period! If the rebound is invalid, add another period!

Written in black pen...Eraser can't erase! Correction fluid can't erase! Transparent tape can't erase! Lulululu~!

Don't listen! Turtle chanting!

Don't look! Turtle laying eggs!"

After the words fell!

Lu Ming, who was squatting in the toilet, fell silent!


Caught off guard!

Seeing no sound, Chen Mingzhe, who was sitting on the bed, smiled proudly

"Humph! You can't scold me..."

Before Chen Mingzhe finished speaking, he paused....Chen Mingzhe accidentally glanced at the urea bag on the ground.

"Eh? Was there a bag here just now?"

Chen Mingzhe jumped off the bed and asked curiously,"Xiao Ming, who asked you to send this urea bag here?"

Lu Ming in the toilet was originally controlling the virtual computer to play games!

After hearing Chen Mingzhe's words, he was instantly surprised!

""Old Chen, don't open it!"

But it was too late now!

Chen Mingzhe in the room had already opened the urea bag!

Looking at the full of spirit stones in it!

The shadows of the spirit stones were reflected in his eyes!

Chen Mingzhe's eyes became blank and dull, and his mouth opened in amazement!


Lu Ming also rushed out of the toilet and hurriedly shouted:"Old Chen, don't open it!..."

But when Lu Ming saw the top-grade spiritual stones in the urea bag, he was stunned.

The two looked at each other!

They both saw the shock in each other's eyes!

Could it be that...Li Qi went to rob a bank?

But then he thought again!

They both shook their heads!

Which bank would have so many top-grade spirit stones?

Chen Mingzhe asked tentatively:"How about we call the police to arrest him? There may be a reward then."

Lu Ming nodded in agreement:"I'll see the punishment!"


Second update!

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