District 9

Chapter 1203 Want to run away

The second battalion of the third regiment of the first field division in the first theater of war.

Da Ya was sitting in the office, drinking tea with a frown on his face, a look of despair on his face.

The door opened, and a young officer walked in and asked with a smile: "What are you doing? Why have you been keeping such a straight face these past few days?"

"Close the door." Da Ya greeted.

The officer who came was the deputy of the 2nd Battalion. In the army, he and Da Ya were best friends who wore the same pants and called the same tune. He also graduated from a regular army university and had outstanding personal abilities.

The battalion deputy closed the door, bent down and sat across from Daya, and asked again: "What's going on? What's going on? Are you having trouble with that little girlfriend of yours?"

"That's not the case." Da Ya waved his hand, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I want to be transferred!"

"Ah?" The battalion deputy was stunned: "Where will he be transferred?"

"Transfer my brother's brigade to the Second World War Zone." Daya said bluntly.

The battalion deputy blinked and asked in a low voice: "This is a good job, and the commander is also good to us. Why do you want to leave suddenly?!"

"My brother is having a bad time with the First World War Zone, do you know?" Daya asked.

"I heard about it." The battalion deputy nodded: "Isn't it because of Songjiang's incident? But this is something caused by people of their rank, and it has little to do with us, right?"

"My brother has such a quarrel with the First Theater Command. Do you think I will feel comfortable here in the future?" Da Ya has been through the ups and downs of the world since he was a child, and he still looks at the problem very clearly: "Yesterday I went to the division headquarters to deliver materials and encountered sand. It’s the people over there, they get very angry when they see me, which makes me upset.”

"Yes, the King of Hell is easy to deal with, but the little devil is difficult to deal with." The deputy battalion nodded slowly: "It is true that the First War Zone has always been dominated by Shen, Sha, and Lu troops. As a battalion commander, you can't tell anything, but If you want to develop upwards, it will be a bit uncomfortable.”

Da Ya rubbed his palms and continued in a low voice: "In addition to this reason, I also want to help my brother. His brigade used to be a security company. Although it implemented military management, it still operated like a private enterprise. Now Officially incorporated, he is in urgent need of grassroots and middle-level officers who can lead troops, command, and are serious about reorganizing the army! But he has very few such people now, and I want to bring some people back to help him!"

"What are you talking about? Bringing a group of people? Are you crazy?" the battalion deputy replied speechlessly: "Do you think this is job-hopping in the company? Who has a good relationship with you, offers a suitable price, and all of them are there? Are you leaving? Brother, this is the army. Even if you apply for transfer, you still have to wait until your service period is over before you can leave the army! Not to mention, you want to be transferred collectively across theaters!"

"Why do I need you to tell me this?" Big Ya said as if he wanted to bite someone: "If it were easy to handle, how could I get so fucking angry?"

"...This matter is too difficult, I can't help you." The battalion deputy shook his head.

"I really want to leave." Da Ya blinked, looked at the battalion deputy and said, "I want to leave anyway, and you must come with me."

"Don't drag me, I don't want to leave." The battalion deputy waved his hands repeatedly: "If you get out, I will probably right you. Why should I continue to be your deputy over there?"

"Are you fucking stupid? That's my eldest brother's army, with a brigade-level establishment. If you come with me, can I treat you badly?" Daya began to lie: "When the country is unified, you will be my prince!"

The battalion deputy didn't care if he was taken advantage of, so he just asked in a low voice: "Don't be ridiculous, just say, I want to leave with you, what kind of position can I get?"

"At least it's a regular camp." Daya said without hesitation: "My brother's army may not have a regiment headquarters, but no matter how many people there are, a reinforced battalion is equivalent to a regiment."

The battalion deputy rubbed his palms: "If this is the condition, then it's okay for me to be a prince!"

"If I can't leave, I will have no power, and you can't be the prince." Daya lowered his voice and said, "The top priority now is that we have to find a suitable opportunity to escape as soon as possible, and it is best to take some people with us."

"Then you discuss it with your brother. He has great powers. Let him find a way." The battalion commander advised.

"Don't worry, let's study it first." Da Ya waved his hand and licked his lips and said, "Tell me, if the leader is willing to let us go, will the chance of this happening be greater...!"

Da Ya knew very well what the situation of Tiancheng Security Company was like. Except for the top executives like Qi Lin, who had extraordinary experience in battles and had certain professionalism, the remaining core cadres were all from wild backgrounds. The security company has no problem, but they still have little interest in leading troops seriously.

If a combat brigade of 6,000 people is to be fully mobilized, it will require a large number of regular officers. Therefore, Qin Yu did worry about this matter. He even thought about asking for people from above and directly asking the division headquarters to send them down. A group of officers followed the troops, but Qin Yu had become very cautious after experiencing the incident where he was killed by a donkey some time ago. He did not want so many outsiders to garrison the troops at once for fear of causing problems.

Therefore, Da Ya's thoughts came to Qin Yu's mind. He was eager to be transferred to the World War II area just to help his eldest brother solve this problem, but how to get there now was a problem!

One day later, Nanhu.

Chen Jun, who had returned from Xinxiang, was sitting in a reception room, crossing his legs and asked: "Xiao Feng, have you received the preparation order?"

"I got it. Prepare and train for three months, and then deploy the defense." A young man who looked somewhat similar to Chen Jun asked with a smile: "Brother, I heard that this deployment may involve troops from the ninth district. cooperation?"

"Yes." Chen Jun nodded slowly: "This is what I will do when I come back."

"Whose army?" the young man asked tentatively: "Is it your friend who made trouble in Songjiang?"

"Yes, Qin Yu." Chen Jun nodded and admitted.

"I heard that the superiors really gave him a brigade establishment?" The young man said with some surprise: "Haha, this thing can happen in the ninth district. If it is placed here, he must be making such a fuss. You'll have to deal with it."

"Qin Yu's connections in the military and political affairs of the ninth district are pretty good. He is a disciple of the Military Supervision Bureau and has a good relationship with the Feng family." Chen Jun looked up at him and said, "You should follow him more in the future. It's a good thing." .”

"Your friend, I'm sure it will be good for you." Xiaofeng nodded and smiled, and asked tentatively again: "Brother, can you tell me the location of this joint garrison?"

Chen Jun thought carefully and replied softly: "Asian League, the border of the five districts!"

"Ah?!" Chen Feng was stunned on the spot: "What the hell are we going to?

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