District 9

Chapter 1204 Borrowing Money


Lin Chengdong finished his meal in silence at home, then cleaned the room from inside to outside, then stood in the bathroom, washed his hair, shaved, changed into a clean and neat suit, and looked in the mirror After standing for a while, he slowly walked out.

Coming to the living room, Lin Chengdong made a call to Zhan Nan on his mobile phone.

"Hello? Chengdong."

"Hey, Xiao Nan, are you busy?"

"I'm discussing something at Bishui Lanting." Zhan Nan asked, "What's the matter? Is something okay?"

"Forget it, give me a call when you're not busy." Lin Chengdong lowered his head and replied.

"I'm almost done talking. Just tell me if you have anything to say."

"Then I'll go find you. Let's meet and talk." Lin Chengdong thought for a moment and replied.

"Okay, then come to Bishui Lanting. The address hasn't changed, it's still where it was before."

"Okay, I'll go there now." Lin Chengdong lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "We'll be there in about forty minutes."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

After the two ended the call, Lin Chengdong carefully tidied his clothes and walked out of the house in high spirits.

Bishui Lanting is a club owned by Zhan Nan and his aunt. When Qin Yu was studying in Nanhu, Lin Chengdong came here with them, so he was no stranger to this place. He went out and called a taxi, and it didn't take him forty minutes. Arriving at the destination.

More than four years have passed, and Bishui Lanting has changed a lot. The store has expanded a lot to the left, and the indoor and outdoor decorations have also been changed. Although it still maintains the original authentic Chinese style, it looks more grand and upscale. Apparently Zhan Nan and his aunt are also doing a good job in business.

Lin Chengdong stepped up the steps. Before he could enter, two beautiful ladies opened the glass door for him. They bent down and said, "Welcome to Bishui Lanting."

"Sir, do you have an appointment?" The manager came up and asked.

"I'm looking for Zhan Nan." Lin Chengdong replied with a smile.

"Oh, Mr. Zhan is discussing something upstairs. I will take you to the box first and then call him." The manager responded more politely.

"Okay." Lin Chengdong nodded and followed the manager upstairs.

Lin Chengdong waited in the private room on the third floor for less than five minutes before Zhan Nan opened the door and walked in: "Hey, I have too many things going on every day. I just sent away two friends and two more came. Haha , and chatted with them upstairs for a long time."

"Haha, it's okay. If you want to be busy, just be busy first. I'm not in a hurry." Lin Chengdong replied with a smile.

Zhan Nan bent down and sat down, reaching out to help Lin Chengdong pour tea: "Oh, the business is not done in one day. We have just talked about it, just let them stay for a while. Hey, how are you doing during this time, uncle? Are you feeling better?"

Lin Chengdong put his hands in his hands and replied calmly: "My dad is gone."

Zhan Nan suddenly raised his head: "Go...go?"

"Well, let's go." Lin Chengdong nodded.

"This... this is too sudden. He left, why didn't you give me a call?" Zhan Nan put down the teapot, frowned and said, "Gu Yan, Xiao Yu is not in Nanhu, but I am, you Do you want to meet me? The old man is gone, so I have to send him off and help you organize things."

"I just don't want to go through the trouble." Lin Chengdong replied softly: "After the man was pulled out, the superintendent's people came over to make a record and verified the situation with the hospital. Then I cremated my father and buried him in the cemetery. "


"It's good to walk quietly." Lin Chengdong picked up the tea cup and replied calmly: "When the old man was alive, he didn't like to make trouble, so this is considered as fulfilling his wish."

"Then you are at home by yourself now?" Zhan Nan asked.

"Yeah." Lin Chengdong nodded.


Although Zhan Nan only met Lin Chengdong through Qin Yu and Gu Yan, and the relationship was not particularly good, but because he was in Nanhu, he had helped Qin Yu and Gu Yan in Lin Chengdong's family affairs in the past four years, so He knew the latter's situation too well and sympathized with the man from the bottom of his heart.

"Zhan Nan, I came today because I have something to ask of you." Lin Chengdong didn't want to talk about his father's death anymore, so he made his purpose clear in one sentence.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Zhan Nan asked after taking a sip of tea.

"I want...to borrow some money from you." Lin Chengdong looked embarrassed when he said this.

Zhan Nan paused for a moment: "How much do you want to borrow?"

"Three hundred thousand."

"Okay, no problem." Zhan Nan basically didn't hesitate and just asked softly: "But what are you going to do with the money?"

"I used to have a friend in the police force, and I contacted him a few days ago. He said he wanted to work with me to sell some food from District 8. He has connections and is quite reliable, so I'm going to give him a try. "Lin Chengdong played with the tea cup and said: "I am such an old man, I can't just sit around all the time. I have to study some ways to make money."

"Chengdong, I don't have any other intentions." Zhan Nan first used words to inoculate him, and then continued: "Xiao Yu, Gu Yan has discussed your matter with me before. They want to help you. Find a stable job in Nanhu. Even if you want to change your environment, it's no problem to go to Songjiang or Yanbei."


Lin Chengdong smiled and replied to the point: "I know you have good intentions and want to help me, but I want to be friends with you more, and I also want to go out and do something myself."

Everyone has their own ambitions. Zhan Nan didn't know what to say when he heard Lin Chengdong's answer. He just nodded slowly and said, "Okay, wait a moment, I'll go out."

After saying that, Zhan Nan stood up and started to walk out.

Lin Chengdong reached out and pulled Zhan Nan's arm, and said with a very serious face: "I will pay back this money and the money everyone gave to my family when something happened to me."

Zhan Nan was startled for a moment: "You don't have to be so outspoken. There is a reason why those two people brought money to your family."

"One code equals one code. If I lose it, they can use some money to help my family. That's okay, but when I come back, I have to pay it back." Lin Chengdong insisted: "I will pay it back as soon as possible."

"Oh, you're just too outspoken." Zhan Nan replied smoothly: "Let's talk about it when you have it. Wait a minute, I'll go out."


After saying that, Zhan Nan left the box.


When Qin Yu, who had just returned, was thinking about where to stay with Lin Nianlei at night, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Hello? Xiaonan."

"Let me tell you something, Chengdong came over to help me borrow 300,000 yuan to do some business." Zhan Nan's voice sounded: "I told him about your arrangement, but he was reluctant and said he wanted to do it himself. Something."

"Lend him the money." Qin Yu thought for a moment and replied, "The money is mine. I will ask the finance department to send it to you tomorrow."

"That's not what I meant. I have already agreed to lend him the money, so you don't need to get involved." Zhan Nan scratched his head: "I just feel... Chengdong is a little different now. Do you know? His father passed away. , they didn’t even notify me.”

"His father is gone?!" Qin Yu was also surprised.

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