District 9

Chapter 1511 Intelligence

Military Supervision Bureau Songjiang Station, in the stationmaster's office.

Ma Laoer looked at the intelligence information and was very shocked. Because this information is about Gu Tai'an and consists of three supporting evidences.

The first auxiliary evidence is the medication list in the pharmacy room of the Eighth District and First War Zone Military Region Hospital. It is recorded on it: Special reserve blood bag x2, cardiotonic drug x1, electronic colon tube x1...

The second supporting evidence is a recorded phone call that was monitored. The content mentioned that after Gu Tai'an returned to the First Theater Command, he summoned Gu Taixian alone in the emergency room. And after Gu Taixian came out, he took over all the rights of the First Theater Command.

The third auxiliary evidence is the information used to discuss the condition during expert consultation at the military hospital. It says that the ribs on the left side were comminuted fractures, the shrapnel injured the lung lobes, there was severe bleeding, the abdominal colon was damaged, and an operation required resection...

Ma Laoer browsed the information carefully, frowned and asked, "What does this special reserve blood bag mean?"

"It's like this. These senior leaders and generals all have their own blood reserves, just to meet unexpected needs." The young man explained softly.

Ma Laoer put down the information and asked incredulously: "Can this kind of information be circulated?!"

"Of course!" The military intelligence guy was obviously more professional than Ma Laoer. He explained patiently: "As soon as the news of the Iron Hat King's injury leaked out, let's not talk about it. The military intelligence systems of these three regions alone were It was completely boiling. Underground intelligence trading venues in various regions were frantically digging for the Iron Hat King's injury. On the Yanbei black market that day, a piece of information about his injury was sold for several million within an hour. One copy. And the information you got was leaked at that time."

"How many million per share?" Ma Laoer asked in astonishment, "Is it so expensive?"

"Of course!" the military intelligence guy lowered his voice and said, "Let me put it bluntly. From a larger perspective, whether the Iron Hat King will die is directly related to the political direction of the Eighth District, the three major districts, and even the Fifth District. , the EU area will be affected. In terms of personal interests, there are too many armed groups waiting for exact news, because it involves how they should stand and whose team they should stand on. So this kind of direct Of course, intelligence is very valuable. Take this intelligence as an example. If you add the three supporting evidence together, you can make a very accurate judgment that the Iron Hat King is critically ill."

When Ma Laoer heard this, he nodded unconsciously.

"Stationmaster, think about it. After the First Theater Command announced that Gu Taixian was appointed as acting commander, how many troops in the Second World War publicly stated their stance? Guo Yu's New First Army and the 415th Division all announced their sides at that time. Tang Zhang Yes! Why? Because this information has been revealed. Gu Tai'an is critically ill and may not survive for a long time, so these people have a choice!"

Ma Laoer thought for a long time and asked curiously: "This kind of underground intelligence transaction is taking place in Yanbei City. Isn't there anyone in charge?"

"How do you manage it?" The military intelligence young man shook his head: "A piece of valuable information may be worth a gold bar per word, or it may allow a little-known military intelligence officer to be promoted to the top in an instant, and he will never encounter anything in his life. Opportunities that are not available. Not to mention some insiders who can't stand the temptation, even senior officers in various military intelligence departments are engaged in this kind of business privately. So who can take care of this?! If you kill one, there may be another Hundreds of them are jealous..."

Ma Laoer looked at his assistant and suddenly asked: "Xiao Han, how much did you spend to get this information?"

"No money." Xiao Han shook his head.

"Didn't you say that this information was sold for millions?" Ma Laoer asked.

"It was when Gu Tai'an was attacked that the price was so high. Now that this information has been completely exposed, many people have known about it for a long time, so the value is very low. This is my Yanbei My friend got a copy and sent it directly to me without asking for any money." Xiao Han replied with a smile.

After Ma Laoer was silent for a few seconds, he immediately stood up and asked, "You just said that the information from the Sichuan Mixed Brigade is also valuable, right?"

"Yes." Xiao Han nodded: "In the past few days, the price of the information about the Sichuan mixed brigade has been very high. It seems that someone is spending a lot of money to buy this. In addition, there is also information about the internal information of the Gu Corps. It’s valuable. Some people speculate that Gu Tai’an won’t live long, and there will definitely be internal divisions in the Gu Corps. And this kind of information will affect the direction of the civil war, so the more advance information there is, the higher the price will be.”

Ma Laoer had become a military official halfway through his career. Now that the war is going on, he understands so many things in this industry.

"Xiao Han, are you familiar with any information dealers?" Ma Laoer thought for a while and asked.

Xiao Han turned around and looked around: "I have a well-known person in Yanbei, who is my cousin's classmate."

"Can you contact him? I also want to set up a working group specifically for the eight district intelligence." Ma Laoer asked expressionlessly.

"Yes, but this person is very fond of money, and his price is not low."

"As long as the intelligence is of high quality, I will take care of the money issue." Ma Laoer thought for a moment and then said in the young man's ear: "First let him tell me something about the Eighth District..."

After hearing this, Xiao Han immediately nodded: "No problem, I'll contact you about this."

"You know so much, don't sell the information about our conversation." Ma Laoer warned in a joking tone.

Xiao Han immediately replied uneasily: "Webmaster, if you say this, you are going to kill me."

"Haha, I'm just kidding, go ahead and get in touch."

"Okay, I'll go now." Xiao Han nodded.

five minutes later.

In the car downstairs, Xiao Han took the phone and said: "Yes, I want to contact the old glasses in District 8. Well, you can help me ask. Yes, the boss behind it is very powerful, money is not a problem... No, we We won’t meet in District 8 here, it’s too chaotic. If he is sincere, you ask him to come to District 9. Okay, let’s do this first.”

Ten more minutes.

In the Yanbei Tianzi No. 1 Club, the middle-aged man with glasses, who had met Chief Huang before, took the phone and said: "Okay, no problem, I just want to go to District 9. Okay, you can make an appointment with him." , I’ll probably arrive tomorrow. Okay, that’s it.”

After hanging up the phone, Old Glasses turned back to the person behind him and said, "Let's make arrangements. Let's go to District 9 tomorrow."

Southwest border.

Chen Feng's eyes were red, his right arm was hung with gauze, and he shouted with a military phone: "Are all our vanguard troops here? Damn it, this frustrating battle is over! Inform the troops who have withdrawn to garrison in place immediately. As soon as the large forces arrive, our army will launch a full-scale counterattack!"

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