District 9

Chapter 1512 The strong counterattack of Chen’s regiment

When the flames of war had completely spread through the Eighth District, the war on the southwest front was also relatively fierce.

After the mixed brigade left Sichuan, the Pu Army Corps immediately raised 20,000 troops and came from outside the southwest line. At this time, the only troops stationed locally were Chen Feng's brigade.

A brigade of people has to face the encirclement and suppression of two divisions. Although they are in a defensive posture, you can also imagine how difficult it is to fight.

After several days of fierce fighting, Chen Feng's troops retreated nearly 150 kilometers. Several of his regiments were dispersed and reorganized three times. The direct combat loss reached more than 2,000 people, of which more than 1,000 were sacrificed.

Although Chen Feng looks like a Confucian general, he is actually a very hard-boned person with a rather fierce command style. You can see this from the fact that he participated in the northwest war last time, using a brigade to attack Pu Xiazi's main force, and fought back and forth.

But this time it was different. The mixed brigade that assisted in the defense was gone, and the war started relatively suddenly. The well-prepared Pu Clan regiment fought inside the line as soon as they said they could, but Chen Feng did not dare to order the troops to fight with them. Because once his brigade is completely defeated, the reinforcements from the seventh district have not yet arrived, and the Pu faction army is likely to launch a retaliatory massacre in the area to be planned, specifically to deal with those local forces close to the three major districts.

Therefore, Chen Feng fought this battle very frustratingly. On the one hand, he had to take care of the people's forces, and on the other hand, he had to hold back the opponent's main force. He could only fight and retreat to meet the enemy.

Fortunately, these darkest days have finally passed. The Southwest Theater Force, which was temporarily formed by the Seventh District, has arrived. The total strength of the leading combat unit is as high as 40,000, all of which are the main force of the Chen Corps.

Sichuan Mansion is close to the old triangle area. In the headquarters of the Southwest War Zone, Chen Jun, wearing military uniform, stood in the middle of a group of senior generals, pointed at the sand table and asked: "The main force of the Pu faction is here, right?"

"Yes, the two divisions, spread out in a triangular offensive formation, have been pursuing Chen Feng's brigade and have reached Heshan Pass." The chief of general staff of the Southwest Theater District next to him also pointed to the sand table and said: "Our two 126th Army This division is already on the outskirts of the river and mountains."

Just as the two were talking, the signal soldier ran in from outside: "Report, Brigadier Chen Feng has arrived!"

"Let him in." Chen Jun waved his hand.

A few seconds later, Chen Feng, who arrived by helicopter from the front, walked in with one arm hanging, saluted Chen Jun and shouted: "Hello, Commander-in-Chief!"

Chen Jun glanced at his disgraced and injured brother, nodded heavily and said, "Your brigade fought well. Take the troops down, take a rest, and leave the rest to us."

"Report to the commander-in-chief that our brigade does not need to be repaired!" Chen Feng shouted in a high voice: "Request the logistics unit to redistribute supplies and equipment to our brigade. We will fight back with the 126th Army."

Chen Jun paused, nodded and shouted: "Send orders to the logistics supply group to distribute supply equipment to Chen Feng's brigade."


"Instruct the air force formation to immediately launch a ground-washing attack on me at Heshan Pass. After the air force's combat mission is over, the remaining legions will officially launch a general attack on the Pu faction legion." Chen Jun turned to look at the generals: "Hit him with more than 40,000 troops. 20,000 yuan, if the battle is not resolved within two hours, then stop being a military commander and dismiss the class collectively!"

"The 126th Army guarantees to complete the mission!"

The officers of the 126th Army immediately saluted in response.

Chen Jun is different from Gu Yan, Wu Di and others. He is much older than everyone else and has distinguished himself in the army a long time ago. In addition, he has long-term experience in intelligence work in the EU area, so he The whole person looks thicker and more aura.

To put it bluntly, Chen Jun had possessed the temperament of a general many years ago, so this time he was suddenly pulled to the front desk, and the senior generals were convinced. And they also know in their hearts that the situation of the Chen family is different from that of the Gu family. The Iron Hat King is in his prime, and as long as the person is alive, he will not delegate power to the next generation in a short time. However, the Chen family has already reached the point where the old and new rights have to be transferred. At the time of handover.

Chen Jun slowly took over the power, probably in the past few years. As for the counterattack on the southwest front, the reason why the Chen family used 70,000 troops was obviously to promote Chen Jun's reputation as a king.

After the general orders were issued, the specific operational details must be completed by the top military officers of each unit, so Chen Jun only entered the office and ordered the staff to contact Gu Yan of the Northwest Front.

"Hello?!" Gu Yan's voice sounded: "What advice do you have, Commander-in-Chief of the Southwest!"

"How is the situation over there?" Chen Jun asked.

"It's not going very well. I only have three divisions, so my strength is at a disadvantage." Gu Yan shook his head and replied: "The Pu faction's regiment is very tough, and with the secret support from the fifth district, the situation here is a bit stalemate."

Chen Jun lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "Our troops here have entered the designated position. After the air force has cleared the ground, they will launch a full-scale counterattack. Once I attack here, the pressure on your side will definitely be reduced a lot. Let's respond from a distance. You also ordered the troops to counterattack across the board an hour later. My goal this time is not to repel them, but to cross the Mekong River and fight all the way to Lao Sanjiang and Pu Xiazi's hometown, so that he can see the Chinese in the southwest in the future. The front door trembles!"

"If the line is crossed, what should District Five do if it wants to intervene?" the consultant asked.

"Then do it with him." Chen Jun replied firmly.

"I'm sure, if he wants to move, we two will work together to kill him?!" Gu Yan gritted his teeth and responded.

"That's right!" Chen Jun nodded.

In the Sichuanfu area, near the southwest line, there is an architectural "miracle".

It is a temporary military airport covering an area about the size of four football fields. It took two regiments of troops to rebuild the airport from a supply depot in four days.

Its runways are all made of flat cement boards transported by air, and the guidance icons and lines were all drawn after the cement boards were laid on the snowy ground.

Its command tower was temporarily assembled; its houses were all military-style tin houses; its engine room, heating equipment, and maintenance cabins were all disassembled and reassembled by soldiers from Nanhu.

In four days, a miniature military airport was born in Sichuan.

The First Battle Zone in Nanhu once again used strong execution power to tell the enemy what Chinese power is!

With an order from the headquarters, hundreds of bombers flying over from Nanhu to replenish fuel took off in an instant.

Just a few minutes later, the Heshankou was bombed, causing the earth to shake, and the entire sky in the southwest was illuminated by the light of the explosion like a sunset.

The counterattack starts from this moment.

District 5, the head of the Regional Security Bureau, took the phone and yelled at his subordinates in Korean: "Hurry up and find a way to determine Gu Tai'an's current condition! Yes, I want exact information. He is currently slightly injured or seriously injured. , is critically ill, or is already dying, you must get me direct information. Yes, whether he is dead or alive is directly related to whether the higher-ups decide to open fire on District 8."

at the same time.

The Eighth District Tonghe Battlefield.

After nearly forty minutes of advancement, Daya's troops had vaguely seen the headquarters of the 231st Regiment.

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