District 9

Chapter 1663 The Heavenly Group Lands in Pisces

In the evening, around 7:30, in a guest room on the 77th floor of the Pisces Commercial Building in New York City.

Han Sanqian sat on the sofa, stepped in and looked at Takahashi and said: "Tell Jarawa that he doesn't have to worry so much. It's a new era now, and the so-called nation and traditional concepts have become very blurred. , it is not that there are no foreigners holding important positions in certain departments of the Seventh District. Putting aside Yandao's equity, Galawa's resume is worthy of the protection of the Seventh District government and the introduction of talents. He only needs to If you are willing, I don’t even have to open my mouth, District 7 will arrange a very decent job for him.”

Takahashi frowned deeply: "In the words of you Chinese... we are surrendered generals. We are not afraid of anything else. We are afraid that one day we will be demoted and killed."

"Haha." Han Sanqian smiled and asked softly: "Isn't there any possibility that you will be killed in the fifth district?"

Takahashi was silent.

"Politics itself has a lot of uncertainties, and no one can guarantee the future." Han Sanqian continued softly: "The price of 120 million per pa is still a face-to-face transaction with instant payment. This condition is not It’s low. If you still have concerns about the future, you can stay away from the political center, invest in some business in the Seventh District, and become a wealthy and idle person."

"Okay," Takahashi nodded: "I'll convince Galawa."

"At half past eight, we will start trading in the conference room next to it." Han Sanqian said as he glanced at his watch.

"No problem." Takahashi stood up.

Near the ground parking lot of Tower A of the Pisces Trading Building, the captain of Zhang Tianbei's small team got out of a business car and turned to look around.

The Pisces Building is located in the most prosperous business district of New York City. The surrounding streets are busy with traffic and pedestrians, making it very lively.

The team leader stood next to the car. After observing for about five minutes, he saw that the situation around the building was the same as when he stepped in yesterday. He picked up his collar with his left hand and whispered into the intercom headset: "Ground support team, there is no problem."

On the 76th floor of Tower A of the building, Zhang Tianbei stood in a suite and asked in a low voice: "How is the situation of the observation team?"

In the underground parking lot of the shopping mall to the left of Pisces, the military intelligence officer from District 8 was sitting in a business car and responded in a low voice: "The news just came back from the 77th floor. The hotel's private room waiters are cleaning up the No. 1 conference room and the hotel restaurant. We are also preparing dinner. The meeting time is from 8:30 to 9:30, and the dinner time is at 10. The other side should be preparing to sign a contract. "


"If you want to do it, you must enter the meeting at the beginning, otherwise the contract will be signed and everything will be meaningless." The military intelligence officer in the Eighth District reminded.


Upon hearing this, Zhang Tianbei immediately pinched the headset and asked, "Team leader, how is the situation there?"

"Ready." Cha Meng replied.

"Group 2, how are you?"


"What about the third group?"



After each team reported the situation, Zhang Tianbei immediately said: "Ground support team, the lifters are on their way to work."


After the team leader responded, he turned around and waved to the people in a cleaning truck next to him.

A few seconds later, the four people stepped out of the car, wearing cleaning work clothes, carrying two heavy boxes with both hands, and approached a garbage bin on the side of the Pisces Building very quickly.

In the guest room on the 76th floor, Xiao Sang, Brother Cai, Lin Chengdong, and two special operations team members took out bundles of climbing ropes and nylon ropes for tying luggage from their bags, and connected them head to head with buckles. .

The entrance on the first floor of the Pisces Building, as well as various high-end hotels and restaurants in the building, including the entrances to the floors of large companies in business offices, all have scanning security systems. Cha Meng, Zhang Tianbei and others have no choice but to do it all at once Bring all the ropes in, otherwise as soon as you pass through the security inspection equipment, you will be swept into the bag with dozens or even hundreds of meters of rope, which will easily arouse suspicion.

After the rope was connected, Zhang Tianbei used a fork for eating Western food to pry open the window that was usually not allowed to be opened. The cold wind blew in from the outside, and the more than 200-meter-long rope descended from the sky.

Lin Chengdong stepped on the wall of the window with one foot, stuck the automatic rope retractor used for mountain climbing next to the cabinet, and fixed it with his body in the middle.

The rope drops from high in the sky to the ground.

The suite chosen by Zhang Tianbei is close to the fire escape, so that when the rope is lowered, it will not easily attract the attention of the room downstairs.

Below, four special operations team members wearing dark blue overalls reached out to grab the rope, unhooked the heavy weight pendant, replaced it with steel buckles and fished the box, and then whispered to Mai: "The goods are ready to go. "


Lin Chengdong pressed the button of the rope retractor, and the gears started humming.


The box below began to climb upwards, many times faster than human pulling.

But there is also a drawback to doing this, that is, external sling weapons will definitely affect the quantity of equipment. You can't get ten big boxes down there and bring up relatively high-end equipment such as body armor, boxes of handguns, and RPGs. It's too slow, and the large quantity will definitely attract others' attention, so everyone Can only work with relatively simple weapons.

The first box quickly came to the window.

"One group will be divided first." Zhang Tianbei shouted immediately after pulling the box in from the outside.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Sang and two others bent down to open the box and took out the equipment from inside. Lin Chengdong put the rope down again and continued to pull the second box.

After Xiao Sang put the equipment in two large backpacks, he led a group of people to leave first, followed closely by Brother Cai who also started to lead people to get the goods from the boxes.

There is no other way to take the goods separately, because the hotel on the 76th floor is monitored without blind spots. Cha Meng, Zhang Tianbei, Xu Yang, and Lin Chengdong each lead a group. There are about forty people upstairs in total. If so many gentlemen gather in one room, the security personnel responsible for monitoring, as long as they are not fools, will definitely react. If there is a ward inspection, it will be over.

Therefore, we can only take the goods back separately, equip them, and then move together.

"I've finished it." After Brother Cai and others put all Xiang'er into their bags, they turned to Zhang Tianbei and said.

"Take it back." Zhang Tianbei nodded in response.

Two minutes later.

Brother Cai left the room with his two brothers, carrying his bag, and walked quickly to where Xu Yang was.

After passing two corridors, Brother Cai turned around and was about to step forward when he bumped into a young man. The young man took a step back and said in Chinese: "Look more carefully!"

"Sorry." Brother Cai replied hastily, turned around and left.

"Let's go, it's about to start upstairs." The companion next to him urged the young man.

The young man turned around suddenly and unconsciously looked at the backs of Brother Cai and others: "Damn, that person looks familiar!"

"Ah?" His companion was stunned.

"No, I've seen him before. He's from Xu Yang in Port Pule!" The young man glanced at Brother Cai's back for a long time and said something very suddenly.

Ahead, Brother Cai also suddenly stopped and whispered: "He has seen me before and is from District 7."

The two brothers stopped when they heard the sound.

"Damn it, I'm a bit unlucky, I bumped into him early." As Brother Cai spoke, his right hand was already touching his waist.

"Tap tap tap!"

At this moment, footsteps sounded again in the corridor.

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