District 9

Chapter 1664 The meeting begins

76th floor, in the corridor.

Brother Cai turned his back to the young man who recognized him, and said to his companions with sweat on his forehead: "Damn, the time is limited, the gun cannot go off early, control them."

After saying that, Brother Cai and the other three were about to draw their guns and turn around, but the other party was not a fool. They felt something was wrong, so they turned around and ran to the side of the corridor.


There was a muffled sound, and the young man who recognized Brother Cai just turned the corner and bumped into another person.

Brother Cai turned around and saw Lin Chengdong coming from the side of the corridor with two people after taking the equipment. He immediately said, "He knows me."

Lin Chengdong reacted very quickly, raised his left arm and put it around the young man's neck, and said briefly: "Don't move."


The young man arched Lin Chengdong and struggled to run away.

Lin Chengdong took out his gun, blocked the camera with his body, and put it directly on his waist: "CNM, if it goes off, I'll kill you first."

The young man was stunned.

"You go your own way." Lin Chengdong said to Brother Cai.

Brother Cai left quickly with two companions.

Lin Chengdong and three others held the young man and his companion hostage and quickly walked to another corridor, swiped their cards and entered the house.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?" the young man asked in a panic.


Lin Chengdong knocked him down with one punch, waved his hand and ordered to the team members composed of special forces members and guards: "Tie him up, gag him, and stuff him in the cabinet."

Seven or eight people came over and immediately grabbed the two of them and started tying them up.

Lin Chengdong and the others placed their backpacks on the sofa and began to assemble them, distributing ammunition and firearms.

Around eight twenty.

Takahashi walked out of the guest room with the Indian man, followed by six or seven European men, and walked towards the conference room No. 1.

"Mr. Takahashi, I don't want to have any problems with money." The Indian man looked serious and whispered in English: "This is why we do this, you know what I mean."

"In front of the district, a mere few hundred million in cash is nothing." Takahashi chuckled and replied: "They want to continue to acquire Yandao equity, even if it is to show others, they will not give less. For cents.”

"Yeah." The Indian man nodded.

The two walked to the door of Conference Room 1 while chatting, nodded slightly to the security personnel at the door, and then walked in with high heads.

About five minutes later, Han Sanqian and the negotiator sent by District 9 also walked out of the room and arrived at the conference room.

In room 7235.

Team leader Lu, who had met Xu Yang in Port Pulai, had already put on his suit. He stood at the window with a phone and said, "Yes, we will make a payment as soon as the transaction starts. Please be sure to prepare the transfer." Process. Okay, okay, I understand, that’s it.”

After saying that, Team Leader Lu hung up the phone, turned around and ordered: "Let's go too."

Ten military intelligence officers who came from District 7 in the room immediately followed Team Leader Lu and walked out.

Team Leader Lu's real name is Lu Xiaowei. He is the son of a high-ranking official close to the Xu family in the Seventh World War II Zone. The superiors asked him to connect with Han Sanqian. The original intention was to gild him, because to put it bluntly, the work he did, Any director within the military intelligence system can do a good job. However, there are too many interests involved in Yandao's equity. Whoever can get it will be a great achievement, so the superiors gave him this opportunity.

But Lu Xiaowei is a bit radical, arrogant, and very concerned about face. After he became the team leader of this matter, he was afraid that others would say that he got up through connections. He was usually very sensitive to the discussions at the lower levels, so he was very content with everything. They all do it themselves, and some of them want to show that my sitting in this position is a reflection of my ability, not other factors.

In fact, the core members who followed him were very disgusted by this, because everyone obviously didn't have to risk their lives, but Lu Xiaowei was standing in front, and others certainly couldn't hide, so the cadres below also had to bear the risk.

During the Battle of Puleigang, a captain died in the boarding and lodging shop, and Baoming was gone. Everyone felt very unhappy, but it was hard to say anything on the surface.

In the corridor.

Lu Xiaowei, with his hair slicked back, walked at the front with windy steps, followed closely by the people behind him.

Five minutes later, the military intelligence officer of District 8 in the underground parking lot of the shopping mall took an intercom headset and said: "All the main members have arrived in Conference Room 1, and they can move."




After the four action teams responded one after another, Chameng immediately said: "Get ready to work! The first goal of the operation is to kidnap Takahashi and the Indian man; the second goal is to take revenge and attack District 7 and District 9 as much as possible. negotiators, and Han Sanqian's team. The action time is five minutes. After five minutes, each group must arrive at the scheduled evacuation location and evacuate the building together. Remember, they must arrive! If they do not arrive at the evacuation location according to the time, the large force will I won’t wait for anyone! Do you understand me?!”





Everyone responded immediately.

"Okay, let's get to work!" Cha Meng gave the order.

Floor 77, Conference Room No. 1.

Han Sanqian sat in the first place and said to everyone with a smile: "Everything has been discussed. Let's hurry up and sign the contract as soon as possible. We will go to the restaurant to hold a celebration party later!"

The Indian man smiled and nodded, and Takahashi stepped in and replied: "Then let's get started!"

"The price of the equity, as well as the holding method, have been discussed before...!" Han Sanqian communicated with the other party in Chinese throughout the process, and was equipped with a translator. He spoke quickly and talked about the final details.

Everyone looked at the contract and listened quietly.

Team Leader Lu and the representatives from District 9 were sitting together and chatting in low voices.

"Dip Lingling!"

Not long after the meeting started, Han Sanqian's cell phone rang. He ignored it at first, but the other party kept calling.

Han Sanqian glanced at the caller ID, chuckled and said to everyone: "Sorry, there is an urgent call. Let's go and answer it. Xiao Lu, you continue to communicate with them!"

After saying that, Han Sanqian took the phone and walked into the rest room at the back of the conference room.

In the fire escape on the 77th floor, Chameng and others took out their triangle towels and covered their faces.

In the conference room, after Han Sanqian left, Takahashi couldn't help but asked Team Leader Lu: "Signing this contract means that we have not only offended the Sichuan faction, but also offended the now prosperous Gu Tai'an. . Our personal safety in the future will definitely be threatened. I hope that District 7 can give us a relatively complete protection plan, including residence and work place...!"

Team Leader Lu felt that the other party was a bit annoyed, but he still smiled and replied: "General Manager Han should have told you about this problem. Gu Tai'an has military and political control in the Eighth District, but it does not mean that he has any say in the Seventh District. Quan! Qin Yu’s Sichuan clan is even more powerful than warlords and armed forces. If it cannot form a large-scale political system, it will not be able to compete with the region. And I can tell you responsibly, where they cannot occupy It’s hard to say whether there will be a Sichuan government within a few years...so you don’t have to be so nervous."

Takahashi felt that Team Leader Lu's words were a bit crazy, but he just nodded and said nothing more.

"After the situation in the ninth district is stabilized, the Sichuan government will face encirclement and suppression by the two major districts. Qin Yu's hard days are really not far away, haha!" Team Leader Lu stretched out his hand and made an invitation gesture: "Drink tea. , drink tea!”



The door to the fire escape opened. Cha Meng turned his head sideways and used an automatic rifle equipped with a silencer to smash the camera with one shot. Then he waved his hand: "Come in!"

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