District 9

Chapter 201: Ye Zixiao, man, god and Buddha eat all three sides

As soon as Zhu Wei shouted, other police officers in the office area immediately came over, and when they saw Liu Wenzhi had a grenade on him, they also took out their own guns.

"Don't move, don't move at all," Liu Wenzhi raised his hands and shouted with a pale face, "I mean no harm."

"Listen to him and don't move yet." The old cat calmed down and yelled back.

Liu Wenzhi raised his hands and said in a trembling voice: "I did not tie this thing on myself. Please call someone who knows how to come over and help me take it off."

The old cat was startled for a moment, then turned to look at Zhu Wei and said, "Go, notify the explosion protection and ask them to come over."

"Okay." Zhu Wei turned around and left.

"Wait a minute." Old Cat suddenly shouted, and said concisely: "Find someone familiar with us, and don't let the news leak out yet."

Liu Wenzhi listened to the old cat's words with a slightly surprised expression: "You have a very good nose and your reactions are really fast."

"I just don't have a chance, otherwise I would have taken the lead in establishing District 10." Old Mao wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Liu Wenzhi sideways and said, "You look like a gun dealer."

More than an hour later.

The two colleagues from the explosion protection department quietly left after a while of instructions from Lao Mao.

In the interrogation room dedicated to the third team, Lao Mao held a water glass, raised his head and asked Liu Wenzhi: "What are you playing at? I don't understand."

Liu Wenzhi sat on a chair, slowly took out his cigarette case, lowered his head and lit one before replying: "I...I surrender."

The old cat was stunned when he heard the sound, and the water he just drank into his mouth dripped out as if Wu Wensheng was peeing.

"Damn it, after so many years on the ground, this is the first time I've encountered someone so stunned." Liu Wenzhi frowned and said, "I'm convinced. I admit it."

The old cat put down the water glass, blinked his eyes quickly and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I really surrender." Liu Wenzhi raised his head and emphasized.

"Surrender for what?"

"Resurrection the fact that I have been supplying goods to Wang Bing and Wu Wensheng for a long time." Liu Wenzhi responded straightforwardly.

Lao Mao looked at Liu Wenzhi sideways and wanted to ask if you drank fake wine.

"...Don't look at me like that." Liu Wenzhi rubbed his temples with one hand: "I look like a fool now."

Old Mao paused for a moment, then immediately ran to the door and shouted: "Come on, turn on the monitor and recording for me. Zhu Wei comes in to record, hurry up."

A few minutes later, Zhu Wei took the confession book and sat next to the old cat.

"Brother, do you need some water or something? Are you hungry? If you want to eat, I'll ask the canteen to make it for you." The old cat asked enthusiastically while sitting at the desk.

"Haha." Liu Wenzhi smiled: "No, let's get started."

The old cat shook his head in confusion and asked softly: "What... is it that prompted you to submit to the law?"

"Yesterday Ye Zixiao called me," Liu Wenzhi said while smoking a cigarette: "He asked me to surrender and confess to Wang Bing and Wu Wensheng. I thought he was sick, so I scolded him on the phone."

"Then what?"

"Then today my two bodyguards were thrown into an ice cave in Songjiang." Liu Wenzhi's voice trembled: "When they were fished out, they were no longer human."

"When did it happen?" asked the old cat.

"Early this morning."

"You went to the scene?"

"Gone." Liu Wenzhi nodded: "The man has a straw in his mouth. He is not dead, but he is completely disabled and mentally disturbed."

The old cat was shocked when he heard the sound.

"I was a little trembling when this happened, but I always felt that he was scaring me and didn't dare to take action." Liu Wenzhi frowned and continued to narrate: "Tonight, I went to an entertainment venue in the city with my friends and drank. Ordering a drink... When I came back, I felt very dizzy, so I lay down in the car and fell asleep... But when I woke up, I had a Thunderbolt strapped to my body and the driver was stuffed in the trunk."

Old Mao looked at Liu Wenzhi solemnly and was speechless for a moment.

"After playing on the ground for so long, I have seen everyone, but I have never seen someone like Ye Xiaoxiao. He has no scruples in doing things, and even dares to risk his life for revenge when there is no profit." Liu Wenzhi raised his head and looked at Lao Mao: "I have three wives, two children, and a father and mother...I am not short of money, but I can't afford to fight with this kind of person, so I give in."

"If it were...if it were me, I might be convinced." Old Cat nodded in agreement.

"Confession, I have conditions." Liu Wenzhi smoked a cigarette, squinted at the old cat and said: "First, you should stop digging into my supply channels, because you can't touch them, and I can't afford them. To put it bluntly Okay, the matter is over with me. Second, I only confessed the fact of supplying black guns to Wang Bing, but don’t hold anything else in mind. If you really make me anxious, I won’t say anything. .Third, you must protect my safety before the case is pronounced."

The old cat thought about it for a long time: "Okay, but I have a doubt."


"You're afraid of Brother Xiao, aren't you afraid of Wu Wensheng?" Old Mao asked with a frown.

"I have a family, and Wu Wensheng also has one. I can do to him whatever he can do to me, so he won't go to extremes easily." Liu Wenzhi replied in a low voice: "But I'm afraid of people like Ye Zixiao, he fucking I'm a bare-bones guy who can do anything if he gets anxious. But I can't do it. It's not worth it for me to fight with him. I've been doing this for ten or eight years, and I can't afford to die if I make a mistake."

The old cat nodded.

"One more thing." Liu Wenzhi looked at the old cat with his neck tilted and whispered: "Actually, my boss was also scared by him."

"What do you mean?" The old cat was stunned.

"Ye Xiaoxiao dared to touch me, it must have been with the tacit approval of my boss. My basic information was also given to him by my boss." Liu Wenzhi grinned and replied: "I was abandoned."

"Why?" The old cat was very puzzled.

Liu Wenzhi lowered his head and rubbed his palms: "Because in the eyes of the people at the bottom, I may be a figure, but in the eyes of the people at the top, I am just an errand boy. Haha, you have a pretty good mind, you should be able to think of... why my boss Agree with me to top the tank."

Lao Mao thought about it for a long time and suddenly replied: "Because he thinks Wu Wensheng has...?!"

"Okay, now that we've said it, there's no need to say any more." Liu Wenzhi interrupted Lao Mao's speculation.

Lao Mao did his best to conceal the news of Liu Wenzhi's surrender. But when he came to the superintendent with Lei G tied up, many people still saw him, so Wu Wensheng got the information that night. Although I didn’t know that Liu was surrendering, I thought the superintendent’s evidence was enough and moved him.

Early morning.

Wu Wensheng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with red eyes, shouting hysterically: "Fuck you, since there is no way for me to survive, then everyone should stop and play until the end."

After speaking, Wu Wensheng dialed Wang Bing's phone number.

"Hello? Wen Sheng."

"Diploy all the property, leave fifty for me, and take the rest." Wu Wensheng said with red eyes: "Don't sleep either, come to my place right away."

Half an hour later.

Yuan Ke walked back and forth in the Grand Palace Office and said with frowning eyes: "This is bad, Liu Wenzhi was also arrested."

"Who is Liu Wenzhi?" Xiao Jiu asked.

"The person who supplied Wu Wensheng was arrested. I guess the evidence from the superintendent is enough." Yuan Ke cursed in confusion: "Why did things deteriorate so quickly?!"

urban area.

Brother Xiao lowered his head and flicked the gun bolt, raised his eyebrows and said: "Isn't Yuan Ke running errands for Wu Wensheng like a dog? Cnm, the next step is to send him to see his elder brother."

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