District 9

Chapter 202: Lao Wu shows his cards and stops pretending

late at night.

In a white-collar apartment building in Jiangnan District, Yuan Ke straightened his clothes and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A woman's voice sounded.

"It's me, Yuan Ke."

A few seconds later, the door was pushed open from the inside. A fashionably dressed woman with an exquisite face looked at Yuan Ke with a smile and said, "Come in."

Hearing the sound, Yuan Ke took Xiao Jiu and Bald Zi into the room together.

In the living room, Wu Wensheng was smoking a cigarette, stood up and greeted: "Xiao Ke, let me introduce to you, this is my lover, Wang Bing."

"I've heard Sister Wang's name for a long time." Yuan Ke extended his palm politely.

"What's the big name for doing a small business?" Wang Bing's actual age is almost forty, but he maintains a good figure, and his face is also very delicately dressed. He looks like a woman in her early thirties: "I Let’s go to the kitchen and get you some water, and you can sit down and talk.”

"Okay." Yuan Ke nodded and sat on the sofa near the right.

Wang Bing left in a hurry, and Wu Wensheng greeted softly: "Bald man, Xiao Jiu, you're welcome, please sit down."

The two heard the sound and sat next to Yuan Ke without taking the initiative to say anything.

After Wu Wensheng stubbed out the cigarette butt that was almost burning to the filter, he lowered his head and lit another one.

Yuan Ke looked at his expression and felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Alas." Wu Wensheng sighed, turned to look at Yuan Ke and said, "The situation is a little out of control."

Yuan Ke held his chin with his right hand and did not reply.

"Xiao Yuan, this time... I may not be able to stand any longer." Wu Wensheng added.

Before Yuan Ke could reply, Xiao Jiu frowned and asked, "I can't stand anymore. What do you mean?"

"The superintendent should take action against me soon." Wu Wensheng said with a sad face: "I...I have nothing to do with it."

"Isn't this nonsense?" Xiao Jiuyi became anxious after hearing this: "Brother Ang, that's not what you said when you asked us to cooperate? You said that the relationship behind you is very strong, and you can't pull eight horses. I'm sorry to you, but why can't you stand up all of a sudden? What's more, didn't we just meet the Bai family the night before? You also told us personally that everything was settled and there was no problem at all. "

"One moment and another moment." Wu Wensheng shook his head and replied: "I thought of everything, but I didn't expect that an important person from the supplier, Liu Wenzhi, was also arrested. This person has been cooperating with us for many years, and has paid a lot of money for goods. The rebates were all made by Wang Bing after he and I finalized the purchase... So, if he wants to vomit and corrects me personally, there is nothing I can do."

"What about the Bai family?" Yuan Ke asked.

"The Bai family? Downwind, we are not blood relatives, and Headwind are just acquaintances at the wine table." Wu Wensheng said with a sneer: "As soon as something happened to Liu Wenzhi, they called me over there. They didn't even say they wanted me to go. Operation, directly remind me to run when I need to."

Yuan Ke was speechless upon hearing this.

"Brother Ang, we can't do this." Xiao Jiu, with a livid face, knocked on the table with the back of his right hand and said excitedly: "You know how much we have helped you in this matter. Now. You couldn't bear it any longer and turned around to leave, so what should we do?! Not to mention that the market in Jiangnan area is gone, we still have to eat Guolao."

Wu Wensheng turned to look at Yuan Ke: "Xiao Yuan, I really didn't think that this little thing would get to this point. At first, when Xiao Yao was killed, we simply thought it was a few thugs who didn't open their eyes and did it. It was too much, so by the time we reacted and knew that the person the other party really wanted to deal with was me, it would be too late to fight back. In less than half a month, we didn’t even fix a few holes, and let He was beaten to death by random punches. This was not because of lack of preparation, but because the other party wanted to punish me for more than a day or two."

Yuan Ke continued to remain silent.

"Xiao Yuan, I, Old Wu, started from scratch. To reach this stage, I must not rely on deception." Wu Wensheng took a puff of cigarette and said with a serious face: "I will still do what I promised you before. It’s just that the effect will be slower.”

"You're about to run away, what else are you going to do?" Xiao Jiu asked Yuan Ke all the questions he couldn't ask himself.

"I ran away, but my money is still there, and my relationship in Jiangnan can still be maintained." Wu Wensheng replied softly: "No matter whether I go to the seventh district or the eighth district in the future, I can still see the ground of Jiangnan It’s about this.”

Xiao Jiu was silent when he heard the sound.

"Many big and small leaders in Jiangnan District have been raised by me for more than a day or two. As long as I don't die, they won't dare to fall out with me." Wu Wensheng continued to add to Yuan Ke: "The company will continue to operate as usual. I asked Wang Bing to find someone to hold shares, and Xiao Yuan will take care of all my relationships from now on. I will take this opportunity to leave Songjiang and just get some shares as dividends behind the scenes."

Yuan Ke slowly sat up straight, stepped in and looked at Wu Wensheng and asked, "Uncle, when are you going to leave?"

"I have already made arrangements for leaving, but before I leave, I have to make some wishes." When Wu Wensheng said this, his eyes were gloomy, and there was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: "My son is gone, my career is gone, I’m not willing to let me get out of Songjiang naked like this.”

Yuan Ke nodded upon hearing this.

"Haha, it's okay, Xiao Yuan." Wu Wensheng patted Yuan Ke's thigh and said straightforwardly: "You are the current helmsman of the Yuan family, and the company's position does exist on some matters. So, you have to think This ship of mine, Old Wu, is going to sink. Then you leave immediately and I will never stop you. But if you feel that I still have some hope, then let’s try again together.”

When Xiao Jiu heard this, he immediately gave Yuan Ke a wink, telling him not to express his position here.

Yuan Ke was silent for a long time, looked up at Wu Wensheng and replied: "Uncle, I have placed a bet and I will follow it to the end."

"Okay, let's do something together before I leave." Wu Wensheng smiled and nodded.

Half an hour later.

Xiao Jiu drove the car and said to Yuan Ke with a slightly complaining tone: "Wu Wensheng clearly has a crotch pull. It's not working anymore. Why do you still tell him that you want to continue? Let's continue to tie him up. It's very good." It might sink the ship in one piece.”

"But now that we have to withdraw, what will happen to the investment we made before?" Yuan Ke asked.

"Of course I'm admitting compensation."

"No, you still don't understand. If we withdraw now, not only will we lose what we paid before, but you will not have the chance to enter Jiangnan District in the next few years." Yuan Ke frowned and replied: "This is something I cannot accept."

"But if you continue to tie him up, will you be able to enter Jiangnan? Xiaoke, wake up! Wu Wensheng is about to run away, how can he help you? You heard him bragging, he dared to say that he is the whole galaxy. Yes." Xiao Jiu's voice was very excited.

"I've already made the decision, you don't need to say more." Yuan Ke replied lightly.

"...!" Xiao Jiu gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"Follow that Niu Dong." Yuan Ke stepped in and ordered: "As soon as he meets Ye Zixiao, Wu Wensheng will be notified immediately to move him."

That night, Lao Mao stayed up late fighting and finally obtained Liu Wenzhi's direct confession and some irrefutable evidence he provided.

It was around nine o'clock in the morning the next day.

Old Mao called Li Si: "With all the evidence, I apply to directly arrest Wu Wensheng, Wang Bing, and Wu's nephew Wu Xiong."

"If there is enough evidence, arrest him. I will go to the police station soon and ask him to greet the Legislative Council there." Li Si nodded.

urban area.

Brother Xiao took the phone and asked: "Dongzi, when will you come over?"

"In the afternoon, I will bring you medicine and food in the afternoon." Niu Dong whispered back.

"Okay." Brother Xiao nodded.

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