District 9

Chapter 2707: The bandits must be killed in Hongdan

Yemen's Hongdan Airport is about 300 kilometers away from the inner port. The airport covers an area of ​​about 650,000 square meters. It is small in scale, equivalent to about half of the capital airport before the 21st century. He Dachuan led his 122nd Army , we must resist the enemy here.

The Battle of Yemen was a war of annihilation launched by the European District 1. Its strategic purpose was to eliminate the Gu Yan Corps that was stationed here. Therefore, this war did not involve the attack and defense of the main city, nor did it involve the occupation of the territory. . To put it simply, whoever defeats the other will be considered a victory.

In such a war, there will be several obvious decisive points for the attacking side.

1. The attack on the logistics support corps is very critical. As long as the defender's logistics force can be broken, the opponent will lose the ability to sustain the war and will be defeated.

2. Capturing enemy-controlled military bases, airports and other places is also a very important step. As long as these important military locations can be captured, the other side will have no follow-up support and can only rely on its existing numbers and armaments to fight, and this is very important for Europe 1. Because they know that the three major regions have the ability to provide airborne support to the Yemen battlefield.

In addition to the above two points, there are also factors such as the speed of advancing the enemy's forward defensive positions, squeezing the Gu Yan Corps' activity space, causing them to retreat continuously, and affecting the defense zones of local military and political forces, which all determine the victory of the war. negative key.

Based on the above reasons, Westbrook's tactic was to make the coalition forces form a triangle and launch an attack on Gu Yan's Corps.

The First Army of the Zhou Corps, in cooperation with the 33rd Armored Brigade of the Xia Dao Ou District 1 Marine Corps, and part of the fleet air force, attacked in the direction of Hongdan Airport.

In the central battlefield, the 20,000 army troops from Europe 1, together with the 30,000 army troops from the Zhou Corps, will attack the Huo Zhenghua Department and Teng Fatty Department of the Gu Yan Corps head-on.

On the right battlefield, the navy fleet, together with the remaining marines and two infantry brigades, prepared to take the opportunity to sneak attack on the flank defense area of ​​​​Gu Yan Corps and serve as a sharp-knife combat force.

Let’s not talk about the frontal battlefield for the time being, but only show the brutality and passion of the battle at Hongdan Airport.

The person responsible for the attack here is General Yan Hu of the Zhou Clan. He was a former division commander. He was brave in the civil war in the Seventh District and had excellent tactical command capabilities. When the Zhou Clan was preparing to retreat to the Seventh District, he led his division to cover the outside. Task. His troops were the last to withdraw to the ship. A full division fought until the end, with less than 3,000 men left.

After the Zhou clan withdrew to Xia Island, it was Li Bokang and Zhou Xingli who proposed that the latter be promoted to the position of army commander and served as the commander of the First Army.

Zhou Xingli's First Army has more than 25,000 people and is equipped with two armored regiments and two artillery regiments. It is Zhou Xingli's trump card. In the direct line, this old guy is not willing to use this unit in the fourth district battlefield. , which shows the preference for the First Army.

In addition to the First Army of the Zhou Dynasty, the 33rd Armored Brigade of the Marine Corps of the European Region 1 also attacked the Hongdan Airport. They have nearly 6,000 people, more than 400 tanks, and more than 500 armored vehicles. Their positional warfare attacks Ability, very outstanding.

After Yan Hu was appointed general, Li Bokang personally called him and gave the order concisely: "The 33rd Armored Brigade has been allocated to you. This is the trump card of Europe 1st District in Xia Island. I have no other requirements, you must Capture Hongdan Airport within two days and continue to advance, forcing Gu Yan to shrink his troops on the frontal battlefield and retreat."

After hearing this, Yan Hu proudly replied: "The person guarding Hongdan Airport is He Dachuan. This man is a bandit general. The troops he led in the inland before were not qualified to go to the frontal battlefield. General Staff, I promise that in Hongdan Kill him at Dan Airport, two days is enough.”

"Don't be careless."


Although Yan Hu seemed to be arrogant and arrogant in his answer, in fact he had rich combat experience and was very cautious. After receiving the order, he actually did not rush to launch a general attack on Hongdan Airport that night. Instead, he ordered the troops to advance slowly, one step at a time.

The role of the 33rd Brigade is to cooperate with the First Army, so the generals in Europe 1 still respect Yan Hu because they also want to win, so they also provide maximum cooperation on the issue of troop advancement.

Yan Hu ordered the troops to advance forward like old ladies. What was he trying to do?

In fact, it is very simple, he is waiting for dawn.

The fourth area is mountainous and has complex terrain, and visibility is blocked at night, which is a disadvantage for the attacker.

At around three o'clock in the morning, Yan Hu's First Army of the Zhou Dynasty had actually reached the offensive position, but it did not move forward. Instead, it stationed troops along the offensive line and took a rest.

In the headquarters, a staff officer walked quickly to Yan Hu and said bluntly: "Commander, the air units of the European District 1 conducted three reconnaissances to Hongdan Airport. They found that He Dachuan had used his own anti-aircraft firepower and artillery regiment. , all placed around the airport, and the defensive positions are about five kilometers away from the airport. As for their main force, they don’t know where they are dispersed, and no large infantry garrison has been detected so far. The one closest to us The location doesn’t even have any fortifications, the door is wide open, I don’t know what’s going on.”

"Haha." Yan Hu heard the sound and sneered: "His infantry is in the air defense position, and the front side of the artillery position must be on the surrounding mountains. I personally predict that their infantry is at least thirty to fifty kilometers away from Hongdan Airport."

"Why do they do this? They can build a defensive position outside the mountains to stop us?" The staff officer was a little confused.

"Because He Dachuan did not dare to place defensive positions around the airport. His army was reorganized from the brigade, with a total of about 20,000 people. With such a small force, if it is stationed around an airport, how can it be of any use? We The armored troops pushed forward, and as long as they squeezed their defense area a little, the air force behind them immediately had an offensive corridor, and a few waves of concentrated fire could blow the Hongdan Airport to the ground. Then what's the point of their defense? ?" Yan Hu pointed at the map and said: "He concentrated the air defense firepower and the artillery regiments around the airport, just to prevent the air force from entering the air attack. The infantry was placed further ahead to extend the battlefield space and prevent our armored regiments and infantry from advancing. , this way you won’t lose it at the airport, do you understand?”

The staff officer listened to Yan Hu's analysis and nodded slowly: "So let's put it this way, He Dachuan, a mud-legged guy, really has some military command ability?"

"The three major districts have been unified for more than two years. He Dachuan has a clean foundation, is life-threatening, and obedient. If Qin Yu wants to train him, even if he is just a pig, he will definitely take off now." Yan Hu pointed at the map with a frown and said: "I won't underestimate him, but I will definitely kill him in Hongdan! Order the artillery regiment to prepare and wash the ground for me as soon as daybreak."

On a mountain range about forty kilometers away from Hongdan Airport, He Dachuan wore a fiery red sweater and was looking at the enemy's offensive line troops with a telescope.

Aitank knitted the sweater for him by hand, just for good luck.

"Notify all infantry units that no matter how hard the enemy bombs, no one can leave the mountain position for me." He Dachuan winked and said, "Just stay back and be like a bastard!"

He Dachuan, who was not even qualified to go to the frontal battlefield at the beginning, has experienced reunification and has accumulated time. He doesn't know if he can produce a qualified academic report at Hongdan Airport.

It's about six o'clock in the morning, and the sky is bright.

The air force of the European Area 1 flew into the battlefield densely and began to drop bombs.

The most exciting opening match on the Yemen battlefield has officially begun!

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