District 9

Chapter 2708: Wu went to Achuan, and the scholar said goodbye for three days

The cooperative attack between the European Area 1 and the First Army really demonstrates the modern warfare method to its extreme.

The carrier-based air force off the coast of Yemen dispatched nearly a hundred bombers before the launch of the general offensive and began to clear the mountains outside Hongdan Airport. All air force attack locations were provided by Yan Hu.

Yan Hu insisted that all He Dachuan's troops must be hoarded in the mountain range, because they had no other favorable terrain to defend. In fact, his guess and judgment were also very correct.

Hundreds of bombers flew over the mountains and dropped at least two thousand bombs. The black smoke produced after the explosion stretched for nearly thirty kilometers.

All the protruding points on the mountain peaks were blown flat, and the snow on the mountains was vaporized to produce a large amount of fog. Broken dead trees, rock powder, and scorched earth covered a large area.

He Dachuan's 122nd Army hiding in the mountains was also blown out of its original shape. A large number of excavated mountain bunkers were blown down, and many soldiers were buried in the ruins.

The intensity of modern war is far from what it was during World War II. At that time, when the artillery shells hit the position, most of them exploded on the ground, and their lethality was limited to the ground. However, when modern airborne artillery shells hit the ground, there was a deep pit the size of a basketball court. And this also shows that ordinary defenses cannot withstand this level of attack.

The previous chain-type and series-type trenches were no different from paper under this intensity of war. When a shell falls, an entire area is fucking gone, let alone the people hiding in the trenches. Therefore, in modern warfare, positional warfare is avoided as much as possible. If it must be carried out, defense zones will be constructed with reinforced concrete, which has a relatively high hardness.

It's just that He Dachuan and others have just landed. How can they have time to build such a defense zone? So as soon as the air raid came, their combat attrition began to surge instantly.

A large number of underground defenses hidden under the snow were blown out, and the mountain defenses were also destroyed one after another. In the center of the battlefield, many people were running to avoid air attacks.

In the command position of Zhou's First Army, Yan Hu put down his telescope, pointed at the mountains and said angrily: "The only thing they can take advantage of is the geographical location of the mountains. If they don't dig dog holes, how can they withstand the attack? This wave is gathering. The fire immediately revealed their true colors."

"Yes, judging from the current situation, they must have at least 8,000 people hiding in the mountains." The chief of staff agreed.

"The artillery regiment continues to wash the ground, beat me up." Yan Hu frowned and pointed at the battlefield in front and yelled: "This is a wilderness area, the snow is too deep, their soldiers are probably hiding in the snowdrifts on the mountain, absolutely We don’t have time to dig out a lot of bunkers, so let me round up the three-blade ax first.”


After Yan Hu gave the order, the artillery regiment also cooperated with the air force to launch an attack on the mountains. The fierce artillery fire covered everything on the mountains, and there was thick smoke and fog everywhere.

Expeditionary Force, inside the 122nd Army Headquarters.

"Commander, the first division and the second regiment have suffered serious losses. Their defense area is too far forward. They have lost more than 200 people so far. The wounded cannot be evacuated, so they can only be treated in the cave."

"Commander, the Fourth Regiment of the First Division asked if they want to move their positions? They also suffered heavy losses."

"... Move your ass!" He Dachuan glared and cursed: "We could have guessed such an intensity of attack before the war. If we don't die, how can we still call it a war?! Inform all the troops and let me guard them. In the conjoined cave, no matter how the opponent attacks, the number of people and firepower cannot be transferred to me. At the same time, notify the engineering team to continue digging into the mountain to make the conjoined caves more closely connected."


After the two parties ended the call, He Dachuan touched his newly shaved head and felt very anxious. Because now we are being passively beaten, and people are sacrificing every second. Can he not feel distressed?

In this way, after the enemy's artillery regiment and air force continued to clear the ground, the First Army lost more than 2,000 men in the battle before the troops from both sides formally came into contact.

This is not because their combat effectiveness is low, but because their defensive position is too awkward. Not only do they have to block the enemy, but they also have to consider whether they can lose the Hongdan Airport behind them.

After more than two hours, the enemy's artillery fire finally stopped, and the fully loaded Air Force bombers withdrew from the battlefield due to insufficient ammunition.

Yan Hu looked at the scorched mountains and immediately issued a combat order: "The armored troops have begun to advance. I will attack Hongdan Airport in one go!"

The order for a general offensive was issued, and the 33rd Armored Brigade of the European Area 1, in cooperation with the two armored regiments of the First Army of the Zhou Dynasty, began to advance crazily.

On the offensive line, the sky was covered with frost and snow. Tanks and armored vehicles were spread out sideways, rushing towards the battlefield like a torrent of steel.

Area 4 is mountainous, but most of the mountains are low and connected to the plains. In other words, it cannot effectively block the advance of the armored corps like the Draken Mountains. Tanks and armored vehicles cannot travel to high hillsides, but they can enter the battlefield through connected plain roads.

As soon as the armored regiment advanced, all the infantry combat units on the rear followed suit. Tens of thousands of people joined together, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

But just half an hour later, when the armored corps arrived less than five kilometers away from the mountains, they found themselves unable to move.

The tracks of the armored vehicle and tank sank directly into the mud about half a meter deep, and there were deep wavy pits in the mud. The heavier the vehicle, the deeper the tracks sank.

As far as the current climate is concerned, the Yemen area is also in a state of permanent freezing. The ground should be very hard and must be covered with snow. How could there suddenly be a mud pit?

The armored troops charging forward were significantly slowed down due to the rotten ground. After some officers got out of the car, they discovered that all the land on the offensive line had been plowed over, and a large number of flamethrowers were used to melt the snow. The snowwater seeped into the ground, forming silt pits.

The officers of the Zhou Department looked forward, and saw that the road ahead was almost entirely such a bad one that the armored troops could not move forward at all.

In the First Army Headquarters, Yan Hu immediately received the report from the lower level, pulled his neck and shouted: "What the fuck, can't walk at all?!"

"It was impossible to walk. Not only was the road bad, but the mud pits were also covered with trigger mines. Our two armored companies at the front... walked a certain distance without knowing it... and suffered heavy losses."

"Order the armored forces to withdraw first." After Yan Hu replied, he hung up the communication device and cursed through gritted teeth: "This He Dachuan really surprised me. Imitate the Battle of Iwo Jima and block the armored forces' battle. Fa, he’s pretty damn good!”

Yan Hu immediately adjusted his strategy, took the communication equipment and shouted: "Withdraw the armored regiment and replace it with infantry for me!"

After another half hour, the infantry combat units of the 33rd Brigade of the European Region 1 and the infantry regiment of the First Army of the Zhou Dynasty all rushed into the mountain and launched an attack with the mentality of killing the defeated army.

In the command position of the 122nd Army in the three regions, Ai Hao pulled his neck and shouted: "Commander, they are coming up. There are at least more than 10,000 people. The soldiers from the European 1st Region are on the left side of the battlefield."

He Dachuan heard the sound and rushed out of the mountain bunker, holding a gun and shouting: "The 1st, 2nd and 3rd regiments of the 1st Division, move closer to my position and penetrate the battlefield on the left side."

With an order, countless soldiers from the mountain bunker rushed out and rushed towards the left side of the battlefield.

He Dachuan personally carried the gun and ran for hundreds of meters. When he lowered his head, he saw the soldiers from the Ou District 1 rushing forward.

"Damn it, we're finally here. Quickly set up a machine gun position and do it for me!" He Dachuan pointed at the soldiers in Europe 1 and shouted hysterically.

Machine gun positions were quickly formed along the mountains.

"Da da da da...!"

A dense firepower network opened up, and the soldiers of the 122nd Army were in a state of high and low, and began to rush towards the soldiers of the European 1st District.

In the command position of Zhou's First Army, the chief of staff looked at the mountain with a telescope and said in disbelief: "Oh my God, how many soldiers have they hidden in the mountain? At least fifteen thousand! In addition to holding on to the red pill, they The airport’s air defense force and logistics personnel must have been mobilized.”


The commander of the 33rd Brigade was also stunned. He looked at the battlefield in disbelief and said: "It has been less than three days since the Gu Yan Corps entered Yemen. Can they dig so many bunkers in the mountains?!"

He Dachuan told them with practical actions that these more than 10,000 people not only dug bunkers in the mountain, but also made conjoined holes that could be connected in series.

Digging day and night and working hard day and night. Although there are shortcomings, the determination of the 122nd Army can still be seen!

The three regiments immediately supplemented the offensive line of the 33rd Brigade in the European Area 1, and killed more than 500 people in just one round.

"...cnm, the three regiments don't care about the people in the Zhou family." He Dachuan glared and shouted: "Aren't they the Marines who claim to be invincible in the world? I just want to go head-to-head and eat all the infantrymen of the 33rd Brigade. . I accept the exchange of one for the other, but they must lose their morale!"

"One division, one regiment, charge at me!!" A regiment commander led his troops and rushed down the mountain, and the enemy troops from the 33rd brigade were fighting together.

He Dachuan's previous military command ability was indeed not good. He was born as a bandit and had little education. However, there is an old saying that says, after seeing each other for three days, he should be treated with admiration.

After the three regions were unified, He Dachuan, as the commander of a lieutenant general, would definitely not be able to do without learning. He does not lack practical experience, but lacks theory and more advanced knowledge reserves.

The bandit is old and covered in scars. He can no longer do the work of a stormtrooper, but he can command!

On the other end, Meng Xi took the phone and asked: "Are you almost at the transfer point? Okay, I understand..."

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