District 9

Chapter 75: The strange man and the second child

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

During this period of time, Qin Yu did not have his life affected by Daya's sudden intrusion. He was still busy with the handover of work, the operation of the medicine line, and the Ma Laoer case, while Daya was I will continue to take care of my health with my family. Every day when Qin Yu goes to work, he will give him two yuan for lunch, and they will basically eat the rest of the morning and evening meals together.

After the conflict between Qin Yu and Lao San was made public in the office, Qin Yu did not encounter any obstacles at work. Yuan Ke and his gang have begun to ignore his existence on the surface, while the medicine line business is handled by Lao Ma, and the initial profits are acceptable. In short, the roads were surprisingly calm during this period. Not only were there no face-to-face conflicts between drug dealers, but other industries that stepped on the line were also quiet.

It was in such a calm environment that Ma Laoer was finally released from prison.

Old Man Ma found a lawyer and followed the method Qin Yu taught him, implicitly reminding Damin to take matters into his own hands. And the latter did not hesitate to protect his friendship with Lao Ma, and without any hesitation, he took all the core parts of the case into his own hands. Later, Ma Laoer understood the idea, and with the help of several connections, he finally removed himself. In the end, he was sentenced to three months of supervised release by the District Trial Court for assisting in the concealment of illegal drugs. He was required to report to the superintendent regularly and pay a fine of NT$10,000.

Ma Laoer came out, but Damin was miserable. He was thrown directly into the prison for serious criminals, waiting in agony for his sentence of at least fifteen years.

Qin Yu's previous impression of Ma Laoer was that he was relatively reckless, stupid, and aggressive. He also always felt that he was the kind of person who did things without thinking, had a bad temper, and sometimes spoke without thinking. . But he also knew that although this person was full of bad habits, he also attached great importance to the friendship between Jianghu and Jianghu. When Ma Laoer was first arrested, Qin Yu was in Yuan Ke's camp, so he tortured Ma Laoer a lot, trying to force him to drop the case. But the other party would rather play like a hob than spit out anything to avoid causing trouble to Damin and his uncle Lao Ma.

Therefore, Qin Yu didn't have an extremely bad impression of this person. He just felt that his usual style of doing things was too high-profile and he might not be easy to get along with.

But what Qin Yu didn't expect was that Ma Laoer called him personally the day after he came out and invited him to come out for a meal and get together. Before this, Qin Yu himself did not want to have a close relationship with the other party, because the two had collided before, and he was afraid of being embarrassed when they met. But Ma Laoer took the initiative to invite him, and Qin Yu couldn't pretend not to go, because everyone is tied together now, and if the relationship can be relaxed a little, then both parties will definitely be comfortable.

After much deliberation, Qin Yu called Lao Mao, Zhu Wei, and Guan Qi to keep him company. He wanted the people in this small circle to formally meet and get acquainted with each other, so that things would be easier to do in the future.

At around seven o'clock on Friday night, everyone gathered in a well-known Chinese restaurant in the Black Street District, but both parties were a little reserved when eating and drinking. Because everyone here, except for Lao Mao and the two people opposite him, have basically beaten Ma Lao Er. Although the atmosphere is not embarrassing, everyone is limited to superficial politeness.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, Ma Laoer was already slightly drunk and started to have fun. He insisted on inviting Qin Yu and others to go to Tuzh Street to play together. Qin Yu and others were embarrassed to refuse, so they could only leave the hotel with him and prepare to rush to Tuzh Street. Unexpectedly, this guy played a trick at the door, which made Qin Yu, Lao Mao and others feel very happy.

The cause of the incident was that Qin Yu, Lao Mao, Ma Laoer and others were chatting and talking at the door, waiting for Guan Qi and the others to drive over, when a slovenly old man quarreled with the hotel waiter.

On the left side of the steps, a young man about 1.8 meters tall with an apron hanging on his body was using a snow shovel to push the snow that had just fallen on both sides of the steps. The sloppy old man stood next to him and said, "I'll go in and order some." Cai, why don’t you let me in?”

"You come here every day and buy 50-cent steamed buns. Who will serve you?" The young man yelled, "Look at the snow on your shoes. When you step into the house, they are everywhere. I have to wipe them for you." Go, go, hurry up, I won’t sell you anymore.”

There must be at least an old man in his sixties. His face turned red after being scolded by a child. He gritted his teeth and turned around to leave.

The worker raised his leg, kicked away a rag bag on the low window sill and yelled: "Take this rag from you and don't put it on the window sill next time. It leaks oil and I can't even clean it up." "

"You talk without being let go, and you're going to kick me?!" The old man trembled angrily: "You are just an eyesore to me, so I have to live, right? You can't strangle me to death, right?"

"Why are you talking so much? I told you to get lost, can you understand?" The worker stared at me: "If you keep nagging me, I'll beat you up!"

The old man gritted his teeth, sighed, bent down, picked up the rag bag, and patted the snow on it.


At this moment, Ma Laoer, who was chatting with Qin Yu, suddenly turned around and slapped Xiaogong on the head: "No, you have no father or mother? I haven't taught you how to talk to old men and old ladies at home. ?”

The young worker was stunned for a moment: "You...what's wrong with me?"

"I've been listening here for a long time, and you don't say anything personal." Ma Laoer grabbed the opponent's neck and said: "You are really a third-rank official in front of the prime minister's door, and you are awesome at serving tea and water. No? Let me ask you, what makes you superior to others?"

"No, this old man comes here every day and buys 50-cent steamed buns. His clothes are still dirty, and his feet are covered with snow... Don't I also want to create a good environment for everyone to eat?!"

"Go to hell!" Ma Laoer was so angry that he waved his hands and said, "Apologise, apologize!"

The young worker would definitely not dare to talk back to someone like Ma Laoer, and he also has a relatively weak personality. After being slapped on the face, he almost cried: "Brother, I just scolded him a few words, and I..."

"I want you to apologize!" Ma Laoer pointed at the old man and yelled.

The boy swallowed, looked back at the old man and said in a very soft voice: "Uncle, I'm sorry."

"Everyone has to grow old one day." The old man replied lightly.

Ma Lao Er has thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a crew cut, and looks very fierce. The more he stared at the boy, the angrier he became. Finally, he grabbed him by the collar and shouted: "Go, come in and open a table for me, order four dishes, and I'll treat this man to dinner. You idiot, go back to the house." Get a mop and wipe the floor after him. If you can't wipe it clean, I'll beat you to death!"

"Thank you, man. I won't buy any steamed buns." The old man shouted with a smile.

Ma Laoer raised his eyebrows when he heard the sound: "What's going on, man? I've all been beaten by you, why don't you give me some face?"

"Haha, I appreciate your kindness, but I can't afford to eat in this restaurant every day." The old man still smiled: "My grandson has had a gastric incision and cannot eat anything too hard. His noodles are good. I pass by here every day. I just want to buy two soft steamed buns for him to eat."

Ma Laoer thought about it for a long time, lowered his head and took out a handful of money from his trouser pocket, and said to the old man proudly: "Then I won't treat you to dinner today. I'll treat your grandson to a year's worth of steamed buns."

The old man was stunned, and Qin Yu, Lao Mao and others were also surprised.

Ma Laoer counted out a total of 500 yuan in cash and gave it directly to the worker and said: "From now on at this time every day, you will prepare steamed buns and give them to this uncle. If you let me know that you didn't do it well, I will let you put the dregs The streets have been cleared of snow."

"I know...I know." Xiao Gong nodded.

After the words fell, Guan Qi and others also drove the car over, and then Ma Laoer smiled and waved to the old man: "Let's go, man."

The old man was stunned for a long time, and immediately bowed to Ma Laoer: "I...I thank you, child."

"Thank you for nothing. Haha, I'm young and I can get money quickly." Ma Laoer didn't have a deep conversation with the other party at all, and just got in the car without saying anything.

Lao Mao looked at the whole thing with his hands behind his back, shook his head and sighed: "This guy is so open-minded. He gave five hundred yuan to others without blinking."

"This man is worth getting to know deeply." Qin Yu commented with a smile.

On the way to Tuzh Street, Qin Yu asked jokingly: "Second brother, that old man is obviously short of money. If you want to do something good, why don't you give him the money directly?"

Ma Laoer smelled of alcohol, and after holding it in for a long time, he said a very classic sentence: "I can afford to treat his grandson to eat steamed buns for a year, but I can't save him. These are two different things."

"You are such an interesting person." Qin Yu smiled thoughtfully after being stunned for a long time.

In a mid-range entertainment venue on Tuzh Street, several of Yuan Hua's brothers were having fun.

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