District 9

Chapter 76: Chaos and troubled times, only this freedom is missing

On Tuzh Street, in the third-floor private room of Wanshi Entertainment City, a row of girls stood gracefully. Ma Laoer was smoking a cigarette and turned to Qin Yu and said, "Come on, you guys have to choose first today. If one of you is not satisfied, I'll order two." , Order three, I’ll cover all the expenses.”

"I want that one, just that one, yes, the one who looks at me lovingly." The old cat was not polite at all, waving his hand and shouting: "Come, come here."

"Good evening, Oppa." A girl with an iconic appearance came over with a smile and greeted Lao Mao with Han Pu.

After Lao Mao finished choosing, Qin Yu and the other three also chose one to sit next to him. Immediately, Ma Laoer asked the waiter to serve wine and sang a song himself to warm up the place.

Let’s not talk about the nonsense for the time being. Let’s just say that in this environment, after being brought closer by alcohol, Ma Laoer sat down next to Qin Yu, raised a glass of wine and said: “Xiao Yu, I’m Ma Laoer. I'm not the kind of person who whines like a girl. Although we were a bit conflicted before, we have different positions after all. I have my own reasons for not giving up the case, and you have your own reasons for beating me up every now and then. But after today, we will We’re going to eat in a basin, so let’s leave the past behind. Whoever mentions who is little JB again, do you think that’s okay?”

"Okay, let's turn the page." Qin Yu didn't waste any time. He raised his hand to clink a glass with Ma Laoer and drank it all in one gulp.

Ma Laoer spat in a slightly vulgar manner, wiped his mouth and said to Qin Yu: "My uncle is getting older, and he won't be able to stay out for a few years. I may be the one to take care of business matters in the future." It’s all up. Xiao Yu, I’m an upright person. From now on, when we get along, if you have anything to say, just say it. If I don’t agree, I will tell you why. But let’s not engage in those guessing things. It’s boring. .”

"Haha, okay." Qin Yu stepped in and nodded, staring at Ma Laoer and responded: "If I leave the business to you in the future, I really have to give you a few instructions."

"You said it." Ma Laoer nodded.

"When I came back, Li Si talked to me. He specifically told me to keep a low profile when doing business." Qin Yu lowered his voice and said, "There are many big drug companies behind the Yuan family, and there are more local ones." There is a solid relationship, and we have just pulled up the thread. Some of Li's upper-level friends are also waiting to see whether our group of people can do it and whether we can do things well. So we need to produce results at this time. Stay out of trouble.”

When Ma Laoer heard this, he immediately waved his hand: "Hey, this is not the first day we have done medicine. Don't worry, I know how to do it."

"To tell you the truth." Qin Yu took out his e-cigarette and continued to narrate softly: "The supplier has given me a hard target. If we want the medicine to be cheaper, we must complete it at least every month. Two hundred and fifty thousand sales. Do you know what that means?"

Although Ma Laoer was stunned, he was not stupid. As soon as he heard Qin Yu's words, he immediately replied: "It means that our relationship with the supplier is also very fragile?"

"Yes." Qin Yu nodded immediately: "The supplier also wants to see if we can really cooperate. Think about it, they make medicine privately, which is a thorn in the side of several drug companies, so if we cooperate If the partner is not capable, the supplier would rather not do business than take risks."

"I understand what you mean." Ma Laoer nodded.

"We must focus on stability in the early stage." Qin Yu lowered his head and poured a glass of wine: "When the relationship and suppliers are satisfied, our backbone will naturally become stronger."

"Don't worry, I know it well." Ma Laoer responded carelessly.

"Here, have a drink." Qin Yu felt that he had said enough, so he stopped nagging and offered a drink.

The two looked at each other, smiled, and drank again.

After talking about the business, Ma Laoer shouted to a tall man with a strong face and a scar on his left eyelid: "Brother Zishu, come on, let me introduce you formally."

In the distance, a man who was chatting with Lao Mao and others came over with a wine glass in hand when he heard the sound.

"This is Uncle Liu Zi. He has been with my old Ma for almost ten years. It can be said that he has watched me grow up." Ma Laoer introduced with a smile: "He was busy just now and didn't have dinner together. You two should get to know each other. "

"My name is Qin Yu."

"Hello, hello." Liu Zishu smiled and spoke calmly: "Something really happened just now and I couldn't get away. Please take care of me in the future, Team Qin."

"You're welcome," Qin Yu smiled: "Just call me Xiao Yu."

Although Liu Zishu has an obvious scar on his face and looks quite fierce, when he speaks, he has a strong voice and does not put on the airs of a senior in the world. He looks very calm.

After the two got acquainted, Ma Lao Er smiled and explained to Qin Yu: "My Ma Lao Er wanted to delegate power to me, but he was afraid that I wouldn't be able to handle it, so he asked Uncle Zi to work with me and take care of him. I don’t have a point. So I discuss many things with him.”

When Qin Yu heard this, he felt inexplicably relieved: "That's good. There is a veteran by your side who can take care of you. Otherwise, you can have sex with the waiter during a meal, which is quite worrying. of."

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

"Come on, let's not talk about anything else today. Let's drink and play." Ma Laoer happily shouted to the girl next to him: "Go and call me some more dancers." , I want the whole Latin."

Qin Yu pulled Ma Laoer helplessly: "That's almost enough. You spent a lot of money today."

Ma Laoer waved his hands indifferently and said: "What do you do to make money? Isn't it just spent? To put it bluntly, I met you when something happened this time. When I met Brother Min, he was very particular about things. Are you willing to take on the case for me, otherwise I will definitely be dead! Then my life will be gone, so what’s the point of asking for more money?”

When Qin Yu heard this, he was speechless.

"I have one hundred in my pocket today. I spent it all. If I die tomorrow, I won't lose anything." Ma Laoer shouted in an unusually free and easy manner: "Girls, get excited for me. Stay with my friends and stand on the coffee table for a while. Sprinkle two thousand on top.”

"Yo ho!"

"Oppa, you're a bitch!"


The girls screamed and cheered at Ma Laoer.

Qin Yu sat on the sofa, looked at Ma Laoer with a smile, and secretly sighed in his heart: Some people say they don't love money, maybe they are pretending, or maybe they don't have money. But he has never seen many people who can be so free and easy in twenty years of life, and Ma Laoer is one of them.

This person has no qualities, and his conversation is filled with a strong atmosphere of arrogance. If you take a closer look, you will find that he has numerous bad habits, but his true temperament is truly admirable. It is not easy for a person to live such a free and easy life, no matter it is the peaceful and joyful era before, or the chaotic and chaotic world now...

Although Qin Yu has a good drinking capacity, he definitely can't stand up to someone like Ma Laoer who sets the pace. After drinking for less than an hour, he was completely drunk and was sent home with the help of Zhu Wei and Guan Qi.

But Lao Mao gradually entered the state. Ever since he met Ma Lao Er, he felt like he had met a soulmate in his life, and it was very late to meet him.

As late at night approached, Lao Mao was also drunk and unconscious. He was supported by a girl, holding Ma Lao Er's hand and said: "Brother, I... I can't survive... I'm leaving first... I'll go back and take a drink. I'll take a drink tomorrow." Please take a bath."

"Haha, you drank too much. Okay, you can go back, I will leave after paying the bill."

"Thanks for the hospitality."

"Whether this girl is good or not... give me an oral report tomorrow."


After the two exchanged pleasantries, the old cat was supported by the girl and left.

Fifteen minutes later.

After Ma Laoer, Liu Zishu and others paid the bill and were about to leave the entertainment city, they suddenly saw one of Yuan Hua's brothers standing in the music bar and shouting: "Brother Dong, bid five hundred."

"Holy shit, are they here too?" Ma Laoer turned around when he heard the shouting, and when he saw the people sitting in the music bar, he immediately narrowed his drunken eyes.

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