District 9

Chapter 792: An ordinary delivery

Late at night, Songjiang South.

The two trucks rolled over the snow on the road and slowly stopped on the side of the road. Anzai, Zhenzhen, Fu Xiaohao and others immediately gathered around them.

The car door popped open, Dahuang jumped out, smiled and said hello to everyone: "Hello!"

"Hello, Brother Huang!"

"Brother Huang is lucky!"


Everyone greeted Da Huang nonchalantly. Before Brother Xiao was released from prison, Dahuang stayed in Songjiang for more than a year, and he had already become very familiar with Qin Yu's little brothers. It wasn't until Brother Xiao was released from prison that he was transferred to Nanhu to help. In addition to Qi Lin, he usually led the team to deliver goods here.

"Baby, why are you fat again?" Dahuang patted Zhenzhen's big face: "Is your life pretty good?"

"It's fine, I can only make three to five million a year, so I can live on." Ding Guozhen was so skinny that he was as fat as a ball.

"Haha." Dahuang looked at him and smiled, then whispered to everyone: "Let's inspect the goods!"


Fu Xiaohao is serious about his work. Until now, as long as it was something he was in charge of, he would do every detail personally. He put on his gloves, called to his brothers to come forward, climbed the ladder and got into the car to inspect the goods.

Beside the road, Ding Guozhen handed Dahuang a cigarette and asked softly: "Is my brother Yu coming back soon?"

"Yes." Dahuang nodded: "I was drinking with them before I came here. He will graduate soon."

Anzi smiled when he heard the sound: "Haha, when our boss Qin comes back this time, will he be promoted?"

"I guess so." Dahuang lit the cigarette and bared his teeth and replied: "He spent a lot of money in Nanhu some time ago, probably to pave the way."

"Oh, then our little Zhenzhen is standing up again." Anzi heard the sound and joked: "Maybe you can beat the captain this time."

"Pull him down, the real successor to the licking king is my brother Hao." Zhenzhen said carelessly: "I am at most the second licker. I just follow my brother Hao's ass and make a living."

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed and the atmosphere was joyful.

Fu Xiaohao inspected the goods for more than 20 minutes before he jumped out of the carriage, nodded and said to Dahuang: "Brother, it's done."

"Give Xiaohao the order." Dahuang ordered the people around him.

Fu Xiaohao took the order, signed it, and after writing down that the actual quantity of goods arrived was accurate, he raised his head and said, "Brother, Anzi will arrange for us in Erlonggang later, can we go together?"

"Yeah, let's go to Erlonggang for a walk!" Anzi invited.

"No, I have to go back quickly." Dahuang waved his hand: "Nanhu is also competing for the market. Lao Ye asked me to put down the goods and go back quickly."

"With whom?" Fu Xiaohao asked with a frown.

"With the Li family, who else could it be?" Dahuang sighed: "If this bastard doesn't stop, we won't stop."

Fu Xiaohao didn't know much about the situation in Nanhu, so he took advantage of the situation and asked, "Have you already openly fought with the Li family?"

"Not yet, but we have already grabbed customers outside the district." Dahuang threw away the cigarette butt: "Oh, Xiang'er's business is so lucrative, I have to start doing it sooner or later."

"Then fuck him." Anzi has been following Wu Tianyin for such a long time, and his body has become hard: "Brother Yin said, as soon as the fight starts, we will get Fengbei's gang here."

"The Lu family?" Dahuang asked.

"Yes, they have started to do it now, and the shipment volume is also large." Anzi nodded.

"Ha ha!"

Dahuang smiled, patted Anzi's arm and said, "Okay, as long as you say this."

"Let's wear a pair of pants and help each other, haha!" Anzi smiled.


Dahuang nodded, turned to everyone and said, "Okay, then you can go back, we are leaving."

"You really don't want to go?" Anzi invited again: "No matter how urgent it is, this day is not too late."

"I'm not going." Dahuang waved his hand: "Something really happened, I have to go back."

"Okay, have a nice trip then."


After everyone stood on the roadside chatting for less than twenty minutes, Dahuang and others drove two empty cars and started to return.

After more than a year of development, Qin Yu finally had some capital in his hands. The previous situation where trucks had to be unloaded when they arrived no longer happened. Ma Laoer and Qi Lin each bought six trailers in Songjiang and Jiangzhou to ensure that as soon as the goods arrive, the delivery person can return with the empty truck prepared in advance. In this way, the efficiency is much higher. .

After Dahuang left, Fu Xiaohao ordered to the Ma family: "You guys take the two carts of goods back and disperse outside the area. Brother Liang, Uncle and the others are here."

"Okay." The Ma family brother nodded.

"Let's go to Erlonggang." Fu Xiaohao took off his gloves and said to Anzi and others.

"Let's go, let's go." Anzi opened the door of the off-road vehicle, pointed at the driver and said, "Follow closely Ang!"


After saying that, the two trucks separated on the spot, and one of the trucks was escorted by the Ma family brothers to the south gate, preparing to enter the warehouse and scatter the goods directly. The other one, escorted by Anzi, Fu Xiaohao, Ding Guozhen and others, bypassed Songjiang and headed to Erlonggang in the north.

Four off-road vehicles, equipped with a fully loaded trailer, were traveling very slowly. But fortunately, no one on the ground in Erlonggang dares to say that they are going to trouble Wu Tianyin for no reason. In addition, Fu Xiaohao and Ding Guozhen also have connections in various departments, so they have taken care of things in advance. It's something on the road, so everyone is not in a hurry and just rushes to the receiving location according to the normal plan.

in the car.

Anzi looked at Fu Xiaohao with a smile and said, "Young Master Yu has finally stood up after he came back this time. In two years, he has to have resumes and achievements, and I think he can at least become the director of the department." .”

"Absolutely." Fu Xiaohao nodded with deep approval.

"Oh, I actually envy you." Anzi sighed and said, "Follow Master Yu and sit in the office. You won't be blown by the wind or wet by the rain. It will save you a lot of worry."

"It's not as simple as you think." Fu Xiaohao waved his hand: "The ground has its advantages, and the system also has its difficulties. Do you think we are free in the unit every day? Let me tell you, Brother Yu is fooling around The better we get, the more we have to keep our tail between our legs. For example, if the police station issues a criminal case detection rate indicator, we must complete the task, but we cannot really touch the interests of some people on the ground... Alas, every time the task time comes, Yeah, we’re all about to take the college entrance examination, and we don’t even know how much hair we’ve lost!”

"Haha, is it so difficult?"

"That's right, nothing is easy." Ding Guozhen sighed with deep understanding.

While everyone was chatting and strolling towards Erlonggang, in a residential compound in the northwest, a middle-aged man held a phone and said: "Yes, yes, we are here. Okay, I understand. Yeah Well, don't worry, I know it. Yes, it should only be Wu Tianyin and his gang."

Two more hours.

The convoy bypassed Songjiang and reached the road on the north side. After driving for more than 20 kilometers, Fu Xiaohao suddenly saw two cars driving slowly towards the opposite direction.

"Attention to the car behind you, pull over, there's a car coming from the opposite direction." Anzai shouted with a walkie-talkie in a light tone.

"Got it!" someone in the truck replied.

A minute or two later, when the vehicles on both sides were preparing to stagger across the narrow road, several off-road vehicles suddenly rushed up from behind at extremely high speeds.


I have something to do tonight. I owe you a chapter. As per the old rules, I will pay an extra two chapters on Monday.

At least ten chapters broke out on Monday, making the ground of Songjiang, which had been dormant for more than two years, boiling! ! Please subscribe and recommend!

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