District 9

Chapter 793: The long-premeditated robber

On the road, the car from behind caught up and did not overtake immediately. It just stayed close behind Anzi's motorcade and drove at an even speed.


Ahead, an oncoming car suddenly stopped sideways, blocking the way.


The driver driving Anzai reacted quickly, stepped on the accelerator slowly, turned the steering wheel diagonally forward, and slowly stopped the car.

"Damn, something's wrong." Fu Xiaohao looked back at the car following him, and immediately yelled at Anzai: "Get the walkie-talkie and call the car behind you, hurry up!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a gunshot suddenly rang out from the front, sending sparks flying from the front of Anzai's car.


Anzi bent over, holding the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Something is wrong, everyone is going to steal the guy."

In front of the road, seven or eight people got out of two cars blocking the road, all holding long guns and hiding behind the cars.

"There are people on both sides too."

Fu Xiaohao was lying in the car. When he turned to look around, he saw figures rushing over from the heavy snow shell on both sides of the road. But it was too dark, and it was difficult for him to see clearly how many people there were.

Anzi was sweating on his forehead and said to the driver in a hurried tone: "Hurry, call Brother Yin quickly."

"Okay, okay." After the driver nodded, he took out his phone and dialed Wu Tianyin's number.

Opposite, a middle-aged man wearing a triangle scarf on his face shouted succinctly: "Leave the goods, and the people in the car will come out with their hands up!"

After the middle-aged man shouted three times, Anzi lowered the window, pulled his neck and shouted: "Brother, have you made a mistake? This is the Wu family's product. Have we taken care of it?"

"Fuck, this is your Wu Tianyin's fault." The middle-aged man's attitude was arrogant: "Get out of the car!"

Anzi gritted his teeth: "Brother, can we make up for the errand? Just don't move the goods."

"cnm, why are you talking so much nonsense? Get out of the car!" the other party shouted again.

As soon as Anzi heard this, he immediately turned to Fu Xiaohao and said, "It's not a stranger's impromptu move, he's just here for us."

"There are a lot of people, and they are still prepared. It is impossible for them all to go out." Fu Xiaohao replied in a low voice: "Come out and deliver a few messages."

After thinking briefly for a second or two, Anzi immediately took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Cars 2 and 3, move forward and cover us."



The two cars behind responded immediately.

"Do it!" Anzi looked up and looked at the other side, pinched the phone and yelled.


As soon as the words fell, the sound of the motor was surging, and the two off-road vehicles behind suddenly rushed out and crashed into the other's car lying on the road.

"Da da da!"

As soon as the two groups saw that they couldn't reach an agreement, there was no nonsense, and they got angry in an instant.

Zid broke through the air, and gunfire suddenly appeared. The two cars on Anzai's side quickly closed the distance with each other. With two muffled bangs, they collided with the other's car blocking the road.


At this moment, Anzi's driver stepped on the accelerator and rushed up behind him.

"Da da da!"

Anzi lowered the window and fired at the oncoming vehicle.


The distance of tens of meters was reached in the blink of an eye. The large off-road vehicle followed the gap created by the collision of the two cars in front and forced its way through. After a muffled sound, the front of the car rushed out, its four wheels pressed firmly against the ground, and it rushed out completely.

"Hurry up!"

Fu Xiaohao urged, pulling his neck.

The driver was very experienced and drove the car close to the edge of the opposite road, trying to get away from the people behind him as fast as possible.

In the blink of an eye, the car rushed hundreds of meters and was about to reach a fork in the road.

"Bang bang!"

At this moment, two gas explosions suddenly sounded. Anzi was sitting in the car and felt the right side of the car sink.


Immediately afterwards, the big off-road car lost control. The driver desperately pulled back the rudder, but the car body still floated out diagonally.

Fu Xiaohao grabbed Ding Guozhen's fat body to stop himself from shaking, and glanced to the right.

On the ground at the rear right, two rows of police barricades were used to block the road, spreading across the street with a faint light.

"It's over." Fu Xiaohao only glanced at the roadblock and already knew that the tire on the right side must have been punctured.

From the direction of the fork in the road, two more cars rushed out, blocking the dead end.

From behind, five or six people ran over with guns, chasing the large off-road vehicle that had suppressed the fire and was stagnant on the road.

"CNM, you are so shameless, and you still want to run?" The middle-aged leader shouted with his eyes wide open: "Hit me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, gunshots rang out from behind, sending sparks flying from the rear of the large off-road vehicle.

Anzi, Fu Xiaohao, and Ding Guozhen were sitting in the car shooting at the back side, and at the same time they were preparing to push the door open and rush out.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Seven or eight people rushed out of the two cars in front of the road again, but they did not shoot immediately. Only two people were allowed to bend forward from the edge of the road.

After the two men came over, they held the flaming bottle in their right hands and lit it with a windproof lighter in their left hands.

The flames burst into flames, and the two of them raised their arms, stretched out their bodies, and threw them towards the car.



Two incendiary bottles flew over in an arc in the air, one shattered on the windshield, and the other hit the passenger door.

Before Anzi could understand what was going on, he saw a ball of flame rushing into the car. He instinctively raised his arm to block it, and his body instantly burst into flames.

The liquid in the Molotov cocktail splashed onto Anzai, and his chest, ribs, and even hair were burned.


Anzi cursed angrily, reached for the car door, rushed out, and fell to the ground rolling wildly.

"What the fuck!"

Fu Xiaohao opened the car door and ignored the person opposite. He only took off his coat and kept beating Anzi's body to help him put out the fire.

"Don't move, don't move!"

The other party came forward with a gun and shouted loudly.

Ding Guozhen and the driver also pushed the door and got out of the car, trying to help Anzi put out the fire.

"Cnm, is this the car you drive? Is it the car you drive?!"

From behind, the middle-aged team leader walked over and shouted at the driver with fierce eyes.

The driver was not a fool. He couldn't bear to argue with him at this moment, so he immediately raised his hands and looked at him: "Brother, we..."

"Brother, what the hell are you doing? Who is your brother?!" The middle-aged man suddenly raised his arm and pulled the trigger decisively.


Gunshots fired.

The driver looked down at his chest and saw blood pouring from the three bullet holes.


The driver stared and fell on his back, his body twitching violently.


Fu Xiaohao clutched the gun and was about to fight back, but Ding Guozhen pressed his arm tightly: "Don't move, don't move... The other party doesn't know how long they have been preparing."

After the middle-aged man beat the driver to death, he turned to look at Fu Xiaohao and Ding Guozhen, his eyes startled in surprise.

Obviously, he didn't count that these two people were also in the car.

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