District 9

Chapter 81 Before the battle, brothers quarrel

In the Grand Palace Entertainment City on Tuzh Street, Yuan Hua dragged his slightly tired body back to his living room on the top floor, sat on the bed and dazed for a while, before he was ready to take off his coat, take a shower and rest.

There was a sudden knock on the door. Yuan Hua was stunned for a moment and shouted: "Who is it?"

"It's me." A familiar voice sounded.

Yuan Hua was stunned, then stepped forward and opened the door. When he saw his younger brother Yuan Ke, he greeted him: "Come in."

"about to sleep?"

"Well, I'm a little tired. I'm going to take a bath and go to bed." Yuan Hua closed the door: "Why did you come back suddenly today?"

"I will go back to the team to study the case later." Yuan Ke took out a can of Fengbei beer from the refrigerator, sat on the sofa and asked: "I heard that you are going to take some action against the Ma family again? "

Yuan Hua sat opposite, lit a cigarette and responded: "Yes."

When Yuan Ke heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "I disagree."

"Why don't you agree?" Yuan Hua was stunned.

"I don't agree with you continuing to mess with the Ma family." Yuan Ke took a sip of beer and said, "I think we don't have to worry now."

"No need to worry?" Yuan Hua responded with a frown: "Our sales this week have dropped by 30%. Do you know what this means? It means that the operating costs of our entire pharmaceutical line team are rising crazily. Today When the company is having a meeting, other people’s faces are already very ugly. It’s not that I’m anxious, but the entire company is anxious, do you understand?”

"These people are not anxious for the good of the company." Yuan Ke put down his beer and retorted: "Those old people around you only care about money. When sales fall, they get less, so They will aggressively force you to go to the Ma family. But you are the shopkeeper and the number one person. You can’t look at the problem from one point, but from the overall situation. The last time we went to the Ma family, our relationship at the police station was already I’m very dissatisfied. Now that the storm has just passed and you are making moves again... what will people think? They won’t think that there is something wrong with the managers of the company below, they will only question whether you have the ability to operate."

"Bullshit!" Yuan Hua was already in a very low mood. At this moment, he was even more furious because of his younger brother. He stood up and shouted: "In this day and age, can you still compare with the past? In the past, if you did something wrong, you might even A city collapsed without being able to escape, but is it the same now? Qi Lin killed someone and rushed into the area to be planned. Is there any way we can do it? The struggle involving interests on this ground is inherently bloody. This point , you understand, I understand, the higher-ups understand better. If you want to run the Ma family, you have to pay a price. This is a matter of time, and we have to face it. Otherwise, you will be robbed of the market and your living space. .”

"Brother, there is already a problem with your thinking. You are still looking at conflicts of interest in the same way as before." Yuan Ke also said unyieldingly: "I have told you more than once that sooner or later, the nine districts, including the areas to be planned, will There will be a day when the system will be perfected. But if we encounter trouble and demand a life-and-death way of survival, we will be eliminated sooner or later."

Yuan Hua crossed his waist, looked at his younger brother and asked, "Then tell me, what method will not be eliminated? Now I will let you solve the problem of declining sales, and you will give me a reasonable plan immediately."

"We can let the Ma family develop, temporarily give up part of the market, and let it expand rapidly." Yuan Ke responded without hesitation.

Yuan Hua was stunned for a long time and asked in disbelief: "Tell me again, what do you want the Ma family to do?"

"Let him expand quickly and seize the market."

"Bullshit!" Yuan Hua roared furiously when he heard the sound: "The market has been seized. How will you get it back in the future? How much did we lose on the underworld before we opened the opening of the medicine line? Tell me as soon as your upper lip touches your lower lip. Want to give up? Are you kidding, or are you drunk?!"

"I'm not talking nonsense." Yuan Ke responded with gleaming eyes: "If the Ma family seizes the market, who will be more anxious than you? Have you ever thought about it?"

Yuan Hua was stunned when he heard the sound.

"Let me tell you, when the Ma family starts working in Songjiang, the most anxious people are not us, but several pharmaceutical companies. Because once suppliers of privately produced medicines rise, it means that the several pharmaceutical companies that cooperate with us will Business in the entire ninth district may be affected, do you understand?" Yuan Ke spread his palms and shouted excitedly: "So, we don't need to go out to touch the Ma family now, we just need to wait for them to expand quickly. Let the drug company sit still first, and then use their strong background connections to kill the Ma family. In this way, we don't have to touch the Ma family ourselves, we only need to follow the trend and kill the other party. . Even drug companies will take advantage of Lao Li if they become jealous."

Yuan Hua was stunned for a long time and suddenly asked: "But after the drug company dealt with the Ma family and Lao Li, they looked back and felt that we were too weak in this matter and did not even make an effective counterattack. Then they What should we do if we directly change partners? If we lose the market and the upfront investment, what should we do?"

"Believe me, the drug company will definitely guess our intentions, but they will never change partners. Because our local political connections are unmatched by anyone, only by using us can they achieve complete control. , it will save a lot of trouble." Yuan Ke insisted.

Yuan Hua shook his head: "The method you mentioned is too risky, and I don't agree with it. If we lose the current market and reputation, we will definitely languish in a short time. Moreover, if the company does not make an effective counterattack at present, the senior management below will also They won’t be satisfied, and may even cause a big problem. Because what they lost is real money, and this is enough to make them fall out of favor.”

"Brother, you have to have a tough attitude. I told you before that although these old people have conquered your country, they have also brought a lot of trouble. They stick together all day long and seem to obey your orders. , that is based on the wealth you can bring to them..." Yuan Ke would like to persuade again.

"We won't discuss this matter anymore. I will do it according to Yongdong's method." Yuan Hua interrupted directly.

"Brother, don't be too stubborn."

"Stop shouting at me. I'm already very tired and don't want to argue with you." Yuan Hua smashed the water glass with a bang and shouted with his eyes wide open: "Can you let me sleep peacefully?"

Yuan Ke looked at his elder brother and was speechless for a long time, then suddenly sighed: "Okay, I won't say anything anymore. Just do whatever you want."

After saying that, Yuan Ke felt angry, slammed the door and left without even changing his slippers.

On the sofa, Yuan Hua let out a long sigh: "Who can see my difficulties? Even my own brother doesn't understand..."

Early the next morning.

Ma Lao Er received a call while he was sleeping. A friend claimed that Lao San wanted to meet and talk with him to resolve the misunderstanding between the two families and negotiate about the drug line.

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