District 9

Chapter 968 Pursuit

In the Black Street Superintendent's compound, the alarm bell rang deafeningly, and all the frontline police officers on duty from six brigades ran out and rushed to the parking lot.

Old Cat clapped his hands and shouted: "Move quickly, put on all the equipment, and check whether the communication equipment is smooth..."

At the door of the superintendent, Qin Yu hurriedly explained to Zhu Wei: "The second brother said that the people who picked up the gangsters might be from the army. I personally speculate that they left from the north of Xinyuan District. Maybe it was the two garrison troops again. They are causing trouble, so you must make it clear to the captains that we are only arresting people and not causing friction between the military and police."

"I know." Zhu Wei nodded.

After Qin Yu finished his instructions, he reached out and took out his cell phone and dialed Feng Penzi's number immediately.


"Leader, there is an urgent matter. It's a fire in the dormitory building. Please do me a favor..." Qin Yu started to communicate with Lao Feng while walking quickly.

five minutes later.

From the compound where the Xinyuan District Superintendent of Police temporarily works, seven or eight police vehicles rushed out and quickly drove out of the district. They are less than two kilometers away from the small checkpoint.

on the road.

When Yang Gang and You Lijun were talking softly in the military truck, a young man squatting at the entrance of the truck suddenly turned around and shouted: "Brother Jun, there seems to be a car following behind."

You Lijun raised his head when he heard the sound: "Is there a car following?"

"I kept looking outside. As soon as we left the area, an off-road vehicle followed us." The young man said with very cautious eyes: "After driving for a while, two more vehicles came up."

When Yu Lijun heard the sound, he immediately jumped up and strode to the door of the carriage. He lifted up the tarpaulin and glanced outside. He did see three cars driving at a moderate speed more than a hundred meters behind.

"Are you traveling with us?" Yang Gang limped over and said, "If you want to go deeper outside the district, you will pass by this road."

"No," the young man shook his head firmly and replied, "They were just following. The truck wasn't going very fast. If they were driving normally, they would have overtaken them."

You Lijun narrowed his eyes and immediately said to Yang Gang: "Call the people in front and tell them there are people following you."

Two minutes later.

Zhai Wen hung up the phone, looked back at the rearview mirror, squinted his eyes and told the driver: "Speed ​​up."

The driver obeyed and stepped on the accelerator, increasing the speed to more than 100.

Three cars followed behind and increased their speed, but they refused to overtake.

Zhai Wen also realized something was wrong. After careful consideration for a while, he immediately called Yang Gang back: "I am indeed following."

"How to do it?" Yang Gang asked with some urgency.

"If it was a police officer, he would have come here to arrest him long ago." Zhai Wen blinked and replied in a low voice: "It should be someone on the ground."

"Fire?" Yang Gang asked tentatively.

"This is a military vehicle, how can I open fire?!" Zhai Wen refused directly. After thinking for a long time, he said: "They should just be watching. Qin Yu must have moved in the area. In this way, I will call some people over and shoot to stop him. Wait for them and let's go another way."

"I'm afraid the police will catch up!" Yang Gang reminded.

"Why are you panicking? The Black Street Superintendent doesn't have a helicopter, and the police station is not facing them." Zhai Wen sneered and replied: "Even if they fly, they can't get here so quickly."

"Okay, then hurry up and make a call."


Zhai Wen hung up the phone, looked down in the phone book, and dialed another number.

"Hello? Brother Zhai!"

"What are you doing?"

"It's okay, I'm playing cards at home."

"Help me do something." Zhai Wen has been hanging around outside the district for many years. He is familiar with many people who rely on the garrison for food, so he directly said in an ordering tone: "I have about ten minutes at most. , I will pass by your living village, please do me a favor..."

In a living village in the direction of Erlonggang, a strong man led more than a dozen people out of a bungalow and greeted them in military coats: "Go, you guys go to the roadside. If you see two military vehicles passing by, don't move. Wait until they leave. I stopped the three off-road vehicles behind me."


"If the tire blows out, just leave."

"Okay, got it."

After receiving the instructions, more than a dozen people wrapped themselves in their clothes and strode toward the main road not far away.

Seven or eight minutes later, a dozen men were standing on both sides of the road, smoking and chatting when they saw car lights in the distance.

Zhai Wen sat in the first camouflage off-road vehicle, looked back at the three cars that were still following him, reached out and took out his phone, and was about to tell the gang of idiots on the ground to open fire.


Just when the dial button was pressed, a siren suddenly sounded on the road behind, and the three off-road vehicles following him suddenly slowed down and got out of the way.


In the truck compartment, You Lijun raised his hand to lift the tarpaulin and saw six or seven police vehicles chasing him.

"Damn it, didn't you say that the police won't come so soon?" Yu Lijun's eyes turned red for a moment, and he immediately waved his hands and shouted: "Brothers, copycats, get ready to fight them."

"Don't move, don't move!"

Yang Gang immediately stretched out his hand to stop it: "You can't fire. Once you fire, the military vehicle will have no way to explain."

"I'm going to be damned trapped here. Do I care how they explain it?" Yulijun shouted with red eyes: "Send a few people, don't you understand? Huh?!"

"Don't panic, I'll give Zhai Wen a call." Yang Gang took out his phone again.

Inside the first car.

After Zhai Wen heard the siren sounding from behind, he immediately sent a text message to the thugs who were about to block the road, asking them to get out first, because attacking ordinary cars and attacking police cars are completely different in nature.

As soon as the text message was sent, Yang Gang's phone called. Zhai Wen immediately pressed the answer button and said with a pale face: "Tell the people behind you not to open fire. Once you open fire, we have no way to explain it. Do you understand?" ?”

"What should we do?" Yang Gang clenched his right fist and asked.

After Zhai Wen thought for a few seconds, he immediately replied: "Our regiment's first battalion headquarters is right in front. If we go to the battalion headquarters, the superintendent's people will definitely not dare to go there to arrest people."

"To back it up?"

"Don't worry, the garrison has the final say outside the area." After Zhai Wen replied, he immediately pointed at the driver and said: "Go to the battalion headquarters!"

Ten minutes later.

Two military vehicles were chased into the camp compound in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

The upper-level unit of this battalion is the 743rd Regiment, which has had n conflicts with Qin Yu and others before.

It's not that enemies don't get together. In the Fengli Village incident, Qin Yu was put together by this group. It didn't take long before the two sides met again.

at home.

Feng Yunian asked in disbelief: "Tell me again, how many people died in the dormitory?!"

"Dozens of people, some were seriously injured and died halfway through. The specific number has not been calculated yet." A friend from the police station replied softly.

"I'm a cnm, you beast!!!" Feng Yunian jumped up in a rage, took his coat and left the house angrily.


The highlight is coming. To ensure reading comfort, the next two chapters will be posted together before 12 o'clock!

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