District 9

Chapter 969: Hold it? nonexistent

Two and a half hours later.

It was 12:30 in the morning. In the compound of the battalion headquarters of the 743rd Regiment, two platoons of soldiers had rushed to the compound, set up military bunkers, and drove out combat pickup trucks.

In the main building of the camp headquarters, Battalion Commander Guo Cheng asked Zhai Wen, "Where are the people arranged?"

"It's in the warehouse at the back. I don't dare to get out of the car. People are being watched outside." Zhai Wen responded, wiping his sweat.

After hearing the sound, Guo Cheng asked anxiously: "How many police officers are there outside?"

"Hundreds of people." Zhai Wen swallowed his saliva and replied: "It seems that not only people from the Black Street Superintendent are here, but also people from the newly built Xinyuan District Superintendent are here."

"What the hell, what is this Xinyuan District Superintendent doing to get involved in this matter?!" Guo Cheng cursed, and immediately said to the battalion staff: "How long will it take for each company to return to the army?"

"We've already called. The fastest we can get here is about half an hour." The chief of staff replied immediately.

"Damn it, inform the two platoons below that even if they open fire, they will keep people out." Guo Cheng said with his eyes widened: "The regiment headquarters has also sent people to support. As long as the police can't come in, we can't arrest them." As soon as the person arrived, Qin Yu was completely stunned."

"Okay, I'll go down and make arrangements right away." the chief of staff replied, turned around and ran downstairs.

Outside the camp, hundreds of police officers from the two superintendents of Xinyuan and Black Street gathered together with great momentum.

In the car on the side of the road, Zhu Wei turned back to Qin Yu and said, "It's over, we've been picked up."

"Brother, this is a camp. If we rush in and can't catch anyone, the higher-ups won't let you off lightly." Fu Xiaohao reminded.

Qin Yu frowned and looked out the window without saying a word.

"Dip Lingling!"

The phone rang for a while. Qin Yu came back to his senses, looked down at the caller ID, and pressed the answer button: "Hello, Director Xin."

"What on earth are you going to do? What are you going to do?!" Xin, the elder of the police station, asked angrily: "Who gave you the courage to lead the police officers to surround the camp?"

"The suspect of arson and murder is in the camp."

"Do you have evidence?" Director Xin asked.

"Someone has seen them, they are inside." Qin Yu replied calmly.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences if people are gone? That's a garrison, an independent military unit. Do you want to provoke the incident of shelling the garrison in District 9?" Director Xin stared at the garrison and shouted: "You immediately Bring it back to me, right away!"

"Director Xin, I will definitely arrest the person. If I am wrong, you will punish me." Qin Yu was too lazy to argue with the other party and hung up the phone.

Xin Shu immediately called again, but Qin Yu turned off the phone directly.

"What does it say above?" asked the old cat.

Qin Yu frowned and replied: "It's a clear sign. The gangsters went to the dormitory to cause trouble, and they must be to protect Wang Zongxiang's election. Now the matter has become big, the police station and the government affairs office are all standing opposite to protect him, so the boss Xindu has fallen out with me, so all he needs to do is threaten me."

The old cat gritted his teeth and replied: "How cruel. They didn't even see so many people die."

"There's no point in saying this." Qin Yu pushed open the car door expressionlessly, waved his hands and shouted: "All the captains have gathered and are ready to storm the camp and arrest people."

"Really?" Fu Xiaohao followed and asked.

"You are stupid. Even if we withdraw now, it is already a fait accompli that we have surrounded the camp. People from the party and government have long wanted to deal with me. Do you think they might not hold me accountable?" Qin Yu said with his hands behind his back: "I'm going to risk everything, and I'm going to do justice for God today. Damn it, load the gun, spread out the formation, and get ready to rush in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the captains of the six brigades dispersed. Even the people from the Xinyuan District Superintendent came over and said to Qin Yu: "Feng Si said, we will do what you do."

"Then let's do it together and get ready to rush." ​​Qin Yu waved his hand and shouted: "Come on, put on your body armor."

In the warehouse at the back of the camp, Yulijun, who was hiding in the car and did not dare to get out, stared and asked: "There are police officers outside, will they rush in at once?"

"Definitely not." Yang Gang shook his head: "This is a garrison, they will definitely not dare to fight."

Yu Lijun cursed uneasily: "It's really weird here. People from the police system dare to surround the garrison. I can't understand it..."

"Only Qin Yu dares to do this. He is now the most knowledgeable machete on the ground in Songjiang. He is very crazy." Yang Gang explained softly, waved his hand to appease: "It's okay, wait for other troops Come here and we can leave, Zhai Wen just told me..."

"In the dark street, all the policemen from Xinyuan are here. Charge with me!"

Before Yang Gang could finish his words, a loud shout came from outside the courtyard.

"cnm, they're coming in." Yulijun's face changed and he shouted: "Get a gun!"

In the courtyard.

Old cat, Zhu Wei led more than a hundred police officers, broke open the gate of the camp, and rushed in with guns in hand.

"Where are the people?" Old Mao turned around and asked the Xinyuan District police officer who had just followed two military vehicles.

"In the warehouse yard at the back, he never came out." The police officer called back.

"Target backyard warehouse, everyone rush towards me."

Qin Yu ran out from the crowd, carrying a police gun, ignoring the camp guards next to him, and ran towards the backyard with rapid strides.


The leading platoon leader fired his gun into the sky, led his men to the front and blocked Qin Yu's path. He pulled his neck and shouted: "If you try one more step, I'll get fucked by you all!"

"What did you say?" Qin Yu stepped forward with a gun in hand.

"Try moving again!"


Qin Yu directly grabbed the opponent's gun muzzle with his left hand, suddenly raised it, raised his right hand slightly, and pulled the trigger without warning.


The gunshot rang out, and the platoon leader's right leg exploded, and he staggered and fell down.

"Cnm, you're still calling me when I'm in the yard?" Qin Yu pointed a gun at the other person's head and yelled: "Am I afraid of you?! I'll kill you first, and then I'll be able to take advantage of you later." Do you believe the identity of the accomplice?!"

The troops were silent because everyone knew that the criminal was in the warehouse.

Qin Yu pulled the platoon leader's collar, waved his hands and shouted: "The garrison is lawless? CNM, don't I have a gun? Give me a hand and let them listen to what's going on."

"Da da da da...!"

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of guns rushed into the sky and fired together.

"Damn it, anyone with a bad temper can come in here!"

Qin Yu dragged the platoon leader, put a gun to his head and roared again.


Hundreds of people no longer stood still, and rushed through the guard platoon, which was completely outnumbered, and swarmed towards the warehouse.

In the city, in the car.

Feng Yunian listened to the phone quietly without saying a word.

"Old Feng, Qin Yu is a bit too reckless in what he does. If he is not completely sure, he should not attack the camp... After all, the garrison units are also on our side." A man said tactfully: " Does your face look good if your own family beats your own family?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Feng Chaozi yelled angrily: "You guys say all day long that Qin Yu is one of our own, a rising star in the military and political circles. Damn it, Qin Yu in the Fengli Village Incident Being put in a position by the two garrison regiments, you didn't say a word. This time the party and government obviously wanted to cover up the incident of burning the dormitory building and made Qin Yu make mistakes in the camp, but you are still here hesitating and not daring to play your cards. This time Is he a new star? Does anyone treat a new star like this?! Bullying Qin Yu for not having a backer in District 9? Let me tell you, I am his backer! Stop talking to me and let Lao Hu answer the phone. Let me ask Why does the 743 regiment dare to show off their faces over and over again? Is it because the party and government are giving them some small benefits, and they are like dogs that have lost their position?!"

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