Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1009: Learn more from your cousin

"I'm so hot~" he said to Gong Mo.

"It will be here soon." Gong Mo soothed.

Sheng Nanxuan touched the back of her neck and asked, "Is it hot?"

Gong Mo smiled: "It's okay...Don't touch me, your hands are so hot."

"You are too cold."

The two crossed the road and walked into the cafe on the side of the road.

Gong Mo put Huzi down, Huzi held her hand and looked around. The waiter in front showed his favorite smile when he saw him.

Huzi shyly hid behind Gong Mo.

Sheng Nanxuan took the umbrella, picked him up, and said to Gong Mo, "It's inside."

Gong Mo nodded and walked to the innermost seat.

Gong Jin sat there and stood up nervously: "Cousin, cousin-in-law."

Gong Mo nodded slightly: "Sit down."

She sat down opposite him, and Sheng Nanxuan sat beside him holding Huzi.

Huzi looked at Gong Jin through sunglasses, and found that he didn't know him, so he pretended to be cool.

Sheng Nanxuan pushed the menu to Gong Mo, and Gong Mo said, "Come on with a latte."

Huzi leaned up and pulled the menu: "Hmm..." Why can't you see?

Huzi looked up at Gong Mo. Gong Mo smiled and helped him take off his sunglasses.

He immediately looked back at the menu and pointed to the beautiful picture on it: "This! This!"

"Do you know what that is?" Sheng Nanxuan asked in a low voice.

Huzi: "..." I don't know! He wants it delicious anyway!

Sheng Nanxuan ordered him a cake and a glass of milk.

Gong Mo asked Gong Jin: "How are you doing?"

Gong Jin said embarrassedly: "Just like that... Be an assistant for Fei sister, drive a car or something."

Drive? Isn't that the job of the driver?

Gong Mo thought, he must be unhappy.

She asked: "Your parents are still in the capital?"

Gong Jin nodded hurriedly and looked at her expectantly. Does she want to meet her parents?

"When to go back?"


Gong Mo asked seriously: "They are here, can you take care of them?"

Gong Jin smiled bitterly: "They live and live, they don't need me to take care of them, they just..."

"It costs money, right?"

"Yes..." Gong Jin was embarrassed.

"Then you don't tell them to go back?"

"I persuaded, they said to play for two more days."

Gong Mo nodded: "Going back now, in a few months you can still come to the wedding gracefully. Otherwise, the Yu family will be unhappy and will not get married, so you have to go back dingy! I'm afraid they will talk to others at home. My cousin is about to get married. If it doesn’t happen, I will lose face?"

"Yes, yes..." Gong Jin nodded hurriedly, "Then I will go back and talk to them, tell them to go back quickly!"

Gong Mo nodded and glanced at him: "You also persuade your parents to be a little bit confused all day long. And you! Do you know how to follow Gong Fei, why don't you follow your cousin? People from the Yu family can be seen. Brother, naturally it’s because others are nice and good!"

Gong Jin was stunned and nodded: "I see, thanks for the cousin."

Gong Mo said angrily: "Who wants to mention you?"

She took a sip of her coffee and looked down at the tiger.

Gong Jin waited. Seeing that she seemed to have nothing to say, he asked tentatively: "If the cousin is okay, I will go now?"

Gong Mo nodded.

After Gong Jin left, Huzi turned his head to look at Gong Mo, and pushed his cake to her: "Mom! This, this! It's delicious!" He gave her his spoon.

Gong Mo smiled: "Huzi is so sensible, I remember mother for good things."

Sheng Nanxuan held his head and said bitterly: "I just wanted to take a bite, but he doesn't want me to eat it." (To be continued~^~)

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