Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1010: Shall we go to see Gong Mo and the child?

Huzi turned his head, reached out and wiped a little cream on top of the cake to his mouth.

Sheng Nanxuan frowned: "Just a little bit?"

Huzi bulged his cheeks and gave his hand forward: This is enough for you! Not much!

"...Forget it, eat it yourself."

Sheng Nanxuan didn't want to touch his hands everywhere all day long.

Huzi looked at Gong Mo pitifully. Gong Mo picked up the tissue, wiped the cream off his fingertips, and then fed him cake.

Sheng Nanxuan leaned over.

Gong Mo glanced at him, scooped a large piece and fed it into his mouth.

"Ah -" Hu Zi protested.

Gong Mo frowned and said, "He is my father. Why don't you give him food?"

Huzi was frightened by her, and was silent for a while and whispered: "Small, smaller...mother is gone...oh..."

It turns out he was afraid that he would have no more food!

Gong Mo hugged him: "Okay, okay... Mom knows that the baby loves her most and wants to give her more. But we have to be fair, how much mom eats and dad eats too much, okay?"

Huzi nodded, sobbed: "I know... but just... it was too big."

"Okay, Dad was wrong." Sheng Nanxuan said, "Well, dad and mom have a bite of this cake. But I just ate too much, so I ate three less, okay?"

Huzi nodded ignorantly.

Sheng Nanxuan scooped up the cake to feed Gong Mo. Gong Mo glanced at him with a blushing face, then looked around, only to eat when no one noticed.

He surreptitiously grabbed her hand behind Huzi and pinched ambiguously.

Gong Mo pinched back!

He smiled secretly and brought the second bite of cake to his mouth——

Huzi looked at him nervously.

He paused, did not eat, turned a corner and gave it to Gong Mo.

Huzi immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

After going back and forth three times like this, he was finally happy: Dad did what he said, what a good man! Huzi wants to learn from his father!

Then Sheng Nanxuan and Gong Mo happily ate the cake with one bite for you and one for me.

Huzi finally remembered at this moment: Huh? Isn't this cake mine?


Gong Jin went back and copied Gong Mo's remarks to persuade Uncle Gong and Hu Yinghong.

Three uncles and three aunts feel a little distressed because of the money spent these days. Gong Jin's income is not high now, and he often asks them to post back. If he stays, his family will be poor! So the two followed to persuade.

In the end, the uncle agreed to go back, but Hu Yinghong wanted to stay. Her reason is simple, take care of Gong Fei.

Gong Fei was taken care of by her for a few days, and she found that this mother has many uses-she can take care of three meals, cleaning and sanitation daily, and she doesn’t need to pay money. If she is angry, she can lose her temper. If there is a problem, we can discuss and discuss...

From her own perspective, she hoped that Hu Yinghong would stay, so she agreed.

Gong Jin persuaded that the third uncle and the third aunt would not help this time, and said: "Sister-in-law, please stay if you want, let's go back!"

Gong Jin gritted his teeth and quickly booked air tickets for them and Uncle Gong. If you can send three back, you can send three back. He really can't afford to serve!

The third aunt suddenly thought of Gong Mo and asked, "Should we go to see Gong Mo and the child?"

She knew that Gong Mo was rich and powerful. Seeing that Tian Cheng, Gong Bai and Gong Mo could benefit from a good relationship, she naturally wanted to give it a try.

Gong Fei frowned: "Forget it, Gong Mo is cruel and ruthless at all. She doesn't want to see anyone except the eldest brother in our family!"

"Didn't you see Gong Jin last time?" The third aunt blinked in confusion. (To be continued~^~)

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