She felt the fetus leave her body little by little and wept in despair.

She was reluctant to bear the child, and also reluctant to bear Gong Bai.

Now that she can continue to be with Gong Bai firmly, it is entirely because the child is there.

If she had no children, even if she loved Gong Bai in her heart, she wouldn't want to be so tired.

But she did love him very much in her heart and couldn't bear him. So this child must exist! He and Gong Bai's existence complement each other. She can't let the child have an accident. Once the child has an accident, she doesn't know if there is a future with Gong Bai.

Gong Mo's driver drove the car, and the bodyguard and Gong Mo carried Yu Xinran into the car.

Yu Xinran grabbed Gong Mo and cried helplessly: "Help my child...find my uncle!"

"I know!" Gong Mo sat beside her, holding her hand, "Don't be afraid, we will be there soon..."

Yu Xinran looked at her and wanted to say that she was not afraid. But... She was actually afraid, painful and afraid.

For a while, she couldn't say anything, only tears kept falling.

"Gong Bai..." She groaned.

"Heart..." Gong Mo was so anxious that he shed tears, shouting at the driver, "You drive faster!"

Soon, the car arrived at Wuyou Hospital.

The doctors and nurses ran out and saw Yu Xinran, and immediately went to inform Yu Qingliu.

After Yu Xinran was sent to the operating room, everyone from the Yu family, Gong Bai, Sheng Nanxuan, etc. all arrived quickly.

"What's going on?!" Yu Xinzhuo asked angrily.

Gong Bai grabbed Gong Mo: "How is your heart?"

Gong Mo shook his head: "I don't know... She just shed a lot of blood."

Gong Bai's face turned pale instantly.

Yu Xinzhuo asked: "How could this be?"

"It's Gong Fei..." Gong Mo cried, "I saw her pushing Xinran down. The eldest and aunt were also there, I don't know how they would look for Xinran."

Gong Bai felt cold all over and let go of her desperately.

"You ******!" Yu Xinzhuo punched the past.

Gong Bai lay on the ground with a thud.

He looked at the ceiling and couldn't help but cry.

"This marriage is over!" Yu Xinzhuo shouted.

The rest of the Yu family looked at the lights in the operating room and were so worried that they couldn't speak.

Wu Surong and Min Ling cried and kept wiping their tears.

Yu Xinzhuo hit Gong Bai hard, heavier than when he learned that Yu Xinran was pregnant.

And this time, no one pulled him.

"If Xinran has something to do with the child, I will definitely not let you go!" Yu Xinzhuo had done enough, grabbing Gong Bai by the collar, and smashing him to the ground.

Sheng Nanxuan said: "I have asked Gong Fei and the others to be found."

Yu Xinzhuo looked at him and nodded. Seeing that everyone in the family was worried, he walked over to comfort him and said: "Don't worry, there is my uncle."

Min Ling's face was ashamed, and she reprimanded and said: "It was my fault...I should oppose her at the beginning, or I don't have to suffer this kind of crime now... My daughter should suffer this kind of crime!"

"Auntie!" Gong Mo supported her.

Min Ling pushed her away: "I don't want to see you..." When she saw her, she thought of Gong Bai.

Gong Mo's hand stiffened, and he took it back: "I'm sorry..." It was indeed her fault, which counted as the red thread she gave Gong Bai and Yu Xinran.

After a while, Hu Yinghong and Gong Fei came.

Gong Fei looked guilty, and walked behind him. Had Sheng Nanxuan's men not been there, she would have turned around and ran away.

Hu Yinghong ran very fast, and asked, "Is the child okay?" (to be continued~^~)

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