Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1021: Yu Xinran miscarried

"You know the child?!" Min Ling yelled, "I don't care if your child has anything to do. My child suffers anyway, what can you do?"

Hu Yinghong was dumbfounded, and lowered his head to see Gong Bai lying on the ground, and hurriedly helped him up: "Gong Bai, are you all right? How are you?"

Seeing Gong Bai's whole body bruised, she burst into tears and raised her head and shouted at the Yu family: "How can you hit someone?"

"It was him!" Yu Xinzhuo shouted, "I can't wait to kill him!"

Hu Yinghong was taken aback, and stammered: "You...you bully! Believe it or not, I call the police?"

"Who wants to call the police?!" Ding Dang's voice came.

Everyone looked over and saw her walking over in a police uniform.

Ding Dang gave Hu Yinghong a fierce look, walked to Wu Surong, and asked softly: "Mom, how is she doing?"

Wu Surong didn't speak, her expression worried.

Ding Dang looked up at the others, everyone was in no mood to answer her. She sighed and looked at the lights in the operating room.

"Uuuuu..." Hu Yinghong lowered her head, hugging Gong Bai and cried. It's over, they are going to be bullied to death.

Gong Bai suddenly pushed her away and got up.

He stared straight at the door of the operating room, and after a few seconds, the door opened as if it was induced.

He rushed over, but was blocked by the faster Yu family.

"How's it going? Are you okay?" Everyone asked babblingly.

"Broken leg." Yu Qingliu said.

Everyone was shocked and distressed, and then asked, "Where is the child?"

Yu Qingliu raised his head, glanced at Gong Bai behind, and shook his head: "The child has run away."

Gong Bai's body shook, Gong Mo was startled and rushed up to support him: "Cousin?"

Gong Bai bit his lip, tears filled his eyes. He pulled out his hand, pushed the crowd away, and walked into the operating room.

Yu Xinran was lying on the operating table, eyes closed, tears on her face.

"Xin Ran..." Gong Bai bowed his head, hugging her in pain, "Xin Ran..."

Yu Xinran's eyelashes moved, opened his eyes, and slowly raised his hand, grasping his hand.

As soon as he grasped her hand, he choked up and said, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"I can't feel him..." Yu Xinran whispered, "I don't seem to feel anymore..."

"Heart..." Gong Bai sobbed painfully.

Others stood in front of the operating room, watching them.

Yu Qingliu slowly took off his white coat, "Send to the ward first."

When Yu Xinran was pushed out, he suddenly raised his eyelids and looked at Gong Fei in the crowd with clear eyes.

Gong Fei suffocated his breath and shrank in a corner with fright.

Others glanced at her, temporarily ignored her, followed Yu Xinran to the ward.

Settle Yu Xinran well, and Yu Qingliu asked everyone not to disturb. As long as everyone left the ward, Gong Bai was left alone by the bed.

Walking out of the ward, I saw Gong Fei and Hu Yinghong standing outside.

Min Ling gritted her teeth and rushed over angrily, raising her hand to hit someone.

Gong Fei screamed, hiding behind Hu Yinghong and shouting: "It's not me! It's...Gong Mo!"

She pointed at Gong Mo: "It's her! Mom and I passed by and saw them—"

Gong Mo rushed over, dragged her out, raised his hand and slapped her hard.

"Ah—" Gong Fei shouted.

"You still don't know what's wrong?!" Gong Mo slapped her several times, "Here is not dead! Do you think there is no proof? You dare to blame me? The coffee shop has surveillance video. Would you like to take a look!" To be continued~^~)

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