Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1022: let's break up

"Gong Mo, what are you doing?" Hu Yinghong screamed and pushed her away. "What are you doing to beat my Fei Fei? My daughter is not your turn to take care of it!"

"Then you can do it yourself!" Gong Mo yelled, pushing them away and walking forward quickly.

Sheng Nanxuan followed, and the rest of the Yu family also turned and left.

Min Ling said to Yu Xinzhuo: "Keep it well, don't let them disturb your sister again."


In the ward.

Gong Bai knelt by the bed, holding Yu Xinran's hand and resting his face on the back of her hand.

Yu Xinran was hitting a drip with her other hand, and she looked sad as the liquid under the drip bottle was falling drop by drop.

"Gong Bai..." she said weakly.

Gong Bai hurriedly raised his head and looked at her nervously: "What do you want?"

She looked at him: "Let's break up."

Gong Bai trembled, lowered his head and started crying: "I'm sorry..."

He knew that he was not qualified to keep her. All he gave her was hurt, only a little bit of liking and pampering, intentional and powerless. He is not worthy of her, he should let go.

"I'm sorry..." he sobbed.

"It's okay." Yu Xinran withdrew his hand from his hand and stroked his forehead, "You have done a good job, and I have worked hard enough... we have no fate. Let's do it... I don't want people in my family. Worry again."

Gong Bai looked at her muran: "Please allow me...to take care of you during this period. This is my...responsibility."

Yu Xinran trembled his hands, retracted, twisted and said at the beginning: "No need. You can't take care of me."

"Heart Ran——" Gong Bai roared, his heart aching to the extreme.

She knew that she said this on purpose, not sincerely.

However, this is also true.

"sorry Sorry……"

He knelt there and said countless excuses.

He didn't stand up until Yu Qingliu came over to change the drip bottle for Yu Xinran and walked out staggeringly.

Walking out of the room, he burst into tears.

Yu Xinran heard the sound and hurriedly sat up.

"Don't move!" Yu Qingliu pressed her, carefully supported her to lie back.

Gong Bai's cry gradually faded away, and Yu Xinran screamed and started crying.

She burst into tears, her voice trembling through the world.

Yu Qingliu looked at her, did not stop, and slowly wiped her tears.

I don’t know how long they have been crying. Min Ling and Wu Surong brought her dinner. They heard her crying from a distance outside the ward and rushed in panic: "What's the matter?"

"Mom..." Yu Xinran looked at Min Ling, "Mom--"

"Mom is here." Min Ling held her hand. "Mom is here."

Yu Xinran sat up and leaned against her arms, her voice already crying dumbly: "I split him... just like that..."

"It's good, it's good..." Min Ling cried and comforted her.

"I can't bear to..." Yu Xinran cried.

"Then I'll call him back!" Seeing her so sad, Min Ling had forgotten what she had said before. If she wants Gong Bai, then give her Gong Bai, and nothing else!

Yu Xinran shook his head: "No... don't call him back... if you leave me, he will be..."

"Don't be stupid..." Min Ling wiped her tears, "You are not sorry for him. Don't be stupid..."

"Don't cry." Wu Surong wiped her tears beside her, "Don't cry... come to eat."

Min Ling let go of Yu Xinran, turned around and wiped away her tears, her eyes were red and she lifted the soup, and wanted to feed her.

Yu Xinran took a sip, but did not want to drink the second one: "I have no appetite..." (to be continued~^~)

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