Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1026: Gong Fei is pregnant

Gong Mo nodded. His household registration is in Nanjiang, and he must go back to do some documents if he wants to go abroad.

"By the way... and say goodbye." Gong Bai pursed his lips, "I will never go back there again in the future."

Gong Mo was not surprised, nor did he persuade him.

"I will go to worship my second uncle."

Gong Mo was taken aback: "Thank you."

"Although I don't have any impression of my second uncle, I have finished reading his books. When I was young, my parents were reluctant to buy me books and asked me to read them at your house. I was embarrassed."

"It's okay." Gong Mo smiled lightly, "Some of those books are not my favorite, I won't touch them. If it weren't for you, they would be lonely."

Gong Bai lowered his head: "I'm wondering if those books hurt me."

Gong Mo was startled and looked at him puzzled.

"Reading makes people wise, and I have learned so many things that I am different from my family and caused today's tragedy. If I were as despicable as them, I wouldn't have to be so close to you and unable to communicate with my heart. , There is no more pain now."

Gong Mo was silent for a moment, then turned around: "Whatever you think. You...don't embarrass yourself too much."

She and Sheng Nanxuan walked out of the room together, and the tiger cried blankly: "Uncle."

Gong Bai raised his head: "Momo!"

Gong Mo stopped and looked back at him.

He smiled vigorously: "We will keep in touch later."

Gong Mo nodded: "If you really want to leave, don't leave without saying goodbye."

"it is good."

Gong Mo bit his lip, stretched out his hand to hold Sheng Nanxuan, completely out of his sight.

He shook his body, walked slowly to the sofa and sat down, leaning on it weakly, raising his hand to cover his vision.

From now on, he is alone.


At ten o'clock in the morning, Hu Yinghong bought vegetables and went home, and found that Gong Fei hadn't gotten up yet, and habitually nagging: "You should get up too! You lie in bed every day and don't know how to find a job! Want me to support you for a lifetime? "

"I only rested for a few days?!" Gong Fei roared in the room, "Why didn't you compliment me when I was giving you money? You know I am not a son, right?"

Hu Yinghong choked and went to the kitchen harp.

After a while, Gong Fei walked over lazily.

Hu Yinghong glanced at her and asked angrily: "What do you want to eat? You are the eldest lady, I want to serve you every day!"

"Whatever!" Gong Fei turned to wash.

"Cook some dumplings for you!" Hu Yinghong said loudly.

After a while, Gong Fei's retching voice came, and Hu Yinghong was stunned and hurriedly walked over.

Gong Fei lay on the washstand, vomiting for a while before standing up. She took a breath, wiped her mouth with the towel, flung the towel on the towel rack, and walked out.

Hu Yinghong grabbed her: "What's the matter with you? Is it there?"

Gong Fei shook her off, and said angrily: "I don't know! Did not check!"

"You--" Hu Yinghong was angry, "You don't check such a big thing? How long hasn't you been here?"

"How did I know? I didn't pay attention!" Gong Fei walked into the living room irritably, "Wait to go to the hospital."

Hu Yinghong said anxiously: "Do you think this is the capital? There are people you know everywhere, are you ashamed?"

"Then what do you want?"

Hu Yinghong thought for a while: "I will accompany you to the hospital farther away later."

"Okay." Gong Fei sat on the sofa and turned on the TV lazily with a pillow in his arms, "When the dumplings are ready, bring them to me." (To be continued~^~)

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