Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1027: Gong Bai goes home

"You—I really owe you! I take care of you every day!" Hu Yinghong went to the kitchen and soon brought a bowl of dumplings over.

Gong Fei took a bite and vomited again.

After vomiting, Hu Yinghong looked at her solemnly: "It looks like there is indeed. Whose child is it?"

"Wu Spring."

"Who is that?"

Although Hu Yinghong stayed in the capital for more than a month, she didn't understand Gong Fei's private life, and she didn't even know who Wu Fang was.

"My former boyfriend, you don't know." Gong Fei took a sip of water and continued to eat dumplings.

"You're afraid it's been two months? Does he know?" Hu Yinghong asked worriedly.

"I just know, how can he know?"

She only discovered something was wrong after she returned to Nanjiang. She was sleepy at first, and became nauseous two days ago. She was a little suspicious in her heart. Yesterday, I secretly bought a pregnancy test. It is indeed two lines. I started to vomit today, what a crime!

"Then you want to tell him?" Hu Yinghong asked.

"of course yes!"

Hu Yinghong breathed a sigh of relief: "If he is willing to be responsible, it will be fine."

"It doesn't matter if you are not responsible, first pry him at 810 million and give birth to the child—"

"What are you doing when you are born?" Hu Yinghong cried, "If he doesn't want you, just get rid of it!"

Gong Fei frowned: "Who is going to fight? When the child grows up, he can still go to him and divide his property!"

Hu Yinghong was taken aback for a moment. So, the other party is a rich man?

She looked at Gong Fei and wondered in her heart: Is the child's father the young master of a wealthy family, a successful married man, or an elderly man?

If it's someone else's daughter, she must guess in the worst direction. But his daughter must be good, Gong Fei must be in love with the rich young master, but the other party looks down on their kind of family!

She didn't dare to ask specific questions, for fear that the answer was not what she had hoped for.

Gong Fei finished eating dumplings, put down the bowl, and continued to lie on the sofa.

Hu Yinghong put away the dishes and went to the kitchen.

Gong Fei watched TV for a while, then squinted lazily. In a trance, it seemed to hear the sound of opening the door.

After a while there was no movement, she opened her eyes suspiciously, and saw Gong Bai standing in front at a glance, which made her scream.

She hurriedly sat up and shrank in the corner with her pillow, looking at him pale.

Yu Xinran's children are gone, and the Yu family has retired. She knows that even if there are other reasons, she is the most important fuse. She was afraid that Gong Bai would really kill herself in a rage.

"What's wrong with you?" Hu Yinghong ran over from the kitchen and saw Gong Bai, overjoyed, "Gong Bai! Are you back?!"

Gong Bai turned his head and looked at her lightly.

Hu Yinghong saw his appearance clearly, and asked worriedly: "What's wrong with you? Why are you so thin? With such a bad face, are you sick?"

She walked over to touch Gong Bai, and Gong Bai stepped back blankly.

She moved stiffly, and said at a loss: "Why don't you say anything when you come back? You...what are you going to eat? Sit down, I'm already cooking, wait a minute! Are you hungry now? If you are hungry, I will first Do something for you!"

"Don't be busy." Gong Bai said.

Hu Yinghong calmed down suddenly, not knowing what to do, looking at him nervously: "Gong Bai..."

Gong Baishui began: "When Dad comes back, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Hu Yinghong asked nervously.

Gong Bai didn't answer, looking out the window with hollow eyes.

"Then... Then I tell your dad to come back quickly." Hu Yinghong murmured and turned around and called Uncle Gong. (To be continued~^~)

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