Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1028: She miscarried intentionally

After a while, Uncle Gong came back.

Uncle Gong couldn't help showing a pleased smile when he saw Gong Bai: "Gong Bai, why did you come back suddenly? Don't you go to work?"

"Resigned." Gong Bai said lightly.

"Resign?" Uncle Gong was taken aback for a moment, without asking the reason, but nodding with a smile, "That's fine, take a rest."

Hu Yinghong's eyes rolled: "Did the Yu family do it? They caused you to lose your job?"

"Shut up!" Uncle Gong gave a low voice and glared at her harshly. It's true that which pot is not opened, which pot is not opened, Gong Bai has not mentioned the Yu family, she dare to mention it!

Gong Bai clenched his fists and gritted his teeth hard to restrain the anger in his heart.

He looked at Uncle Gong: "I will go to Country M at the end of the year."

Hu Yinghong was taken aback: "What?! What are you doing there again?! The book is finished, you--"

"Go to work." He interrupted her.

Hu Yinghong was taken aback, and hurriedly looked at Uncle Gong.

Uncle Gong asked hurriedly: "You...you can't work in China?"

Gong Bai looked down at the ground: "I want to relax by the way."

"This..." Uncle Gong frowned and lowered his head in thought.

Hu Yinghong cried, "Do you blame your mother? Blame her for letting her heart miscarry!"

When Gong Fei heard this, his body shook slightly, and he shrank on the sofa not daring to move. Because... she is the culprit.

Gong Bai looked at Hu Yinghong with an indifferent expression: "I dare not blame Mom."

"Then...then what are you doing so far away?"

Uncle Gong stopped her: "The child is gone and the marriage cannot be completed. Gong Bai is naturally sad. What's wrong with him going to relax? Don't say it!"

Obviously she tossed in the middle that led to this situation, how could she dare...

"If you don't get it, you won't get it!" Hu Yinghong yelled, pulling Gong Bai and saying, "You are a man, why do you become such a ghost for her?! She is Miss Jin Jin, we can't afford to wait, don't let it go. , You are fine..."

Gong Bai slammed her aside, and said disappointedly: "You... shut up now and don't mention her. We are still mother and child."

"What do you mean?" Hu Yinghong looked at him incredulously, "You really don't want me for her? I'm your mother! You have worked so hard to give birth to you and raise you, but you blame me? Whatever I do It was for you, would I still harm you? Let me tell you! She miscarried deliberately!"

"What did you say?" Gong Bai looked at her in surprise.

Uncle Gong stopped Hu Yinghong: "Don't say it!"

Hu Yinghong shook him off, took a deep breath and said to Gong Bai: "I originally thought that if the child is gone, I won't tell you, lest you be more sad! Because that child is not yours at all, it is the man outside!"

Gong Bai's eyes widened suddenly.

Hu Yinghong thought he believed him, and continued: "Why do you think Fei and I met with her? Because we caught her! She knew that the matter was exposed, so she fell down the stairs and miscarried deliberately. On my head and Fei Fei!"

"Do you have evidence?" Gong Bai asked coldly.

Hu Yinghong shuddered, suddenly feeling wrong. He... doesn't he believe in himself?

She cried, "What more evidence? Isn't a miscarriage proof? If the child is yours, why would she have a miscarriage? Her uncle is a doctor. Can something really happen and she can't keep it? I think she did it on purpose! Otherwise, the child is born. , Once DNA is checked, you will know that the child is not yours! Does she dare?” (to be continued~^~)

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