Lu Wei was a little excited, and when he held Yu Xinran's hand, he accidentally pulled his veil. He awkwardly lifted the veil and put the ring on her.

Yu Xinran is very calm, every movement and step is methodical, without any mistakes.

"The groom can kiss the bride," the priest said.

Lu Wei lifted the veil from Yu Xinran's head and lowered his head to kiss her lips gently.

There was enthusiastic applause from the audience, and Gong Mo also followed the crowd applauded.

Lu Wei walked down holding Yu Xinran, Gong Mo looked at them and took out his mobile phone. There were people around taking pictures with their mobile phones, and her movements were not abrupt. She dialed Gong Bai's phone and put the phone in her ear.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Hello?" Gong Bai's calm voice came.

Gong Mo's throat was blocked, and suddenly he didn't know what to say.

There was a gentle and polite voice from the stewardess: "Sir, the plane is about to take off, please..."

"Okay." Gong Bai replied, and then said to Gong Mo, "I'm leaving."

"...A smooth journey." Gong Mo said lowly.

Gong Bai was silent for a moment, and Gong Mo heard the stewardess urging him again. She said: "I'm dead."

"she was--"

"Very good." Gong Mo looked up at the backs of Lu Wei and Yu Xinran.

"Okay..." Gong Bai whispered and hung up the phone.

Gong Mo felt that he seemed to be crying.

On the plane--

Gong Bai put down the phone and took out the calling card tremblingly. His fingers flexed vigorously, and the small phone card was bent.

"Sir, please fasten your seat belt." The stewardess reminded.

Gong Bai fastened his seat belt, turned his head and looked out the window, his eyes were red.


The wedding banquet was very lively.

Tian Cheng put down his chopsticks and said to Gong Mo, "I'll go to the toilet."

"Do you want to ask me to accompany you?" Gong Mo asked.

"No." Tian Cheng smiled and shook his head, "I'll be back later."

"Then you be careful."

Tian Cheng nodded, stood up and smoothed the skirt and left the hall.

Wu Huang not far away saw it, put down his glass and followed up.

After Tian Cheng came out of the toilet, Wu Huang walked out from the men's toilet on the other side and stopped her with a smile: "Miss Tian~It's such a coincidence that we met again, I'll say we are destined~"

Tian Cheng ignored him and walked outside. He rushed to block her.

Tian Cheng changed directions, and he continued.

Tian Cheng stopped and stared at him dissatisfiedly: "What do you want?"

About two months ago, she accidentally ran into his car on the road and was entangled by this man ever since.

At the beginning, he was worried that she would be injured and he would be responsible for her, and he ran to her school every day to ask questions. Seeing her alive and kicking, the reason was untenable, and she changed to pursuing blatantly. Flowers and chocolates were constantly being delivered to the bedroom!

She was so annoyed that she refused righteously every time, but she couldn't stop this person from sullen face.

He placed flowers on the downstairs of the dormitory at Christmas, and she was so angry that she poured a bucket of footwashing water down, and Wu Dashao suddenly became the laughing stock of their school. Now let alone chasing her, even the other girls in her school dare not chase.

Wu Huang said: "I don't care about Christmas matters with you, who told me to like you~ I know you are trying to get rid of it, so I will play with you slowly~"

When someone came here, Wu Huang had a clever idea and wanted to kiss her.

When someone sees them, they must think they are lovers!

Tian Cheng realized his attempt and kicked it over and kicked it on his calf.

Wu Huang gasped with pain and took two steps back. (To be continued~^~)

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