Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1042: I just want to use strong

Tian Cheng was too lazy to care about her and walked into the living room. My sister-in-law was reading a novel with her mobile phone on the sofa.

Tian Cheng walked over to turn over the sofa.

My sister-in-law asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"Gong Fei said she lost our wallet!" Tian Cheng held the phone in one hand and rummaged in the other.

Gong Fei heard her and didn't say a word.

Wu Spring hugged her and kept kissing her face.

She pushed people away irritably, waiting for Tian Cheng's response. When she went to Tian Cheng's house last time, she deliberately left her purse there, just to prepare for today.

My sister-in-law helped Tian Cheng find a red wallet behind the sofa and asked, "Is that this?"

Tian Cheng saw that it was not his own, so it must be Gong Fei's.

She opened it and found Gong Fei's photo and ID card, as well as several bank cards. The cash is really not much, only more than two hundred yuan.

She said to Gong Fei, "I found it, come and get it yourself!"

Gong Fei said lazily: "How can I get it? It's so cold and I'm still pregnant. If I fall somewhere, can you afford it?"

Tian Cheng suffocated, and said angrily: "You wait!"

After hanging up the phone, she said to my sister-in-law: "I'll be there."

The sister-in-law said anxiously: "Otherwise, shall I go?"

"It's okay, I happened to be tired from writing, and I went out to catch my breath."


Tian Cheng walked to the door of Gong Fei's house and found that the door was not closed.

She opened the door suspiciously and looked inside. There was no one in the living room.

She shouted: "Aunt?"

"Are you here?" Gong Feiyu walked out of the room with slippers, and went in again after a face-to-face call. "Come in."

Tian Cheng was taken aback, walked into the living room and put the wallet on the table: "I will leave here for you."

Gong Fei was anxious and exclaimed, "You won't send me in? Did you take my money?"

"Who takes your money?!"

Tian Cheng grabbed her wallet and walked in, and threw it on her body: "If you didn't touch you, don't want to rely on me!"

Gong Fei got up from the bed and opened his wallet suspiciously.

Tian Cheng felt that the air in her room was not good, there was a smell of smoke and a fishy smell...

"I'm leaving now." Tian Cheng felt something was wrong and turned to leave.

Wu Spring hid behind the door, listening to her saying this, fearing that she would really run away, suddenly rushed towards her.

Gong Fei hurriedly avoided.

Tian Cheng was so frightened: "Who?!"

Not Gong Fei! There is one more person in the room!

Why did Gong Fei trick her into doing this? !

"Honey~" Wu Feng pinched her waist and turned her over.

Tian Cheng's eyes widened, as if she understood his purpose. She looked at Gong Fei, who quickly walked out of the room with his wallet in his hand and closed the door.

"Gong Fei--" Tian Cheng shouted.

Wu Spring pressed her, pulling on her clothes while pulling his belt: "You have no conscience! I have been chasing you for so long, but I want to use it! You just accept it, my master has good skills, try not to It hurts you!"

"Ah—" Tian Cheng yelled in horror, kicking around with her hands and feet, "Let go of me! Bastard!"

Gong Fei closed the door of the house outside, turned on the TV, and turned the volume up.

The sound of ping-pong-pong came from next door, and she knew Tian Cheng was resisting. But so what? It's only a matter of time before being eaten and wiped!

She put a DV machine in the room, and will truthfully record how she was ruined by Wu Yu. Afterwards, I am not afraid that she will not listen to her mercy!

A button of Tian Cheng's coat was torn off, and the pony tail was torn into a mess.

She grabbed everything she could and smashed it towards Wu Chun: "You dare to come over! You must not die!" (to be continued~^~)

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